Today I've become intensely aware that EVERY issue I am "working through" (ie the modules I've chosen) have all been set in early childhood. Which means, my whole life my "default" is almost rigid from those early years! For instance, I know I'm doing well. My life up until I discovered the law of attraction etc was a constant daily struggle. Seriously. Now I do get the good stuff, but this is what confused me for a while. When I help others, they do even better than me. In other words, I can help others sky rocket - not so easy for myself. (I am not complaining btw
) But today I was chatting with a bunch of girls I admire, who have the things on my wish list. As we chatted the subject of childhood arose, and these friends as children had the things they have now. They have merely continued an old habit so to speak. I then realised that my very different childhood, is exactly how I'm living now! Little has changed, I too am merely continuing with an old habit
I've looked at my modules, and they're mostly reflections of this. So does this mean that paths is working on fixing these things from childhood? And if so, is this why it's such a struggle sometimes to really master the modules? It's almost as if the "childhood" setting is set in stone!
Which I know it is not. I know these things can, and people do, change them. But this is what I'm thinking about today. For instance I know a multi-millionaire who had a tragic childhood, he tells me that even though he's 80years old, he still feels like that poor deprived child (although he does awknowledge his wealth) The people I've been chatting to lately, who seem to "have it all" I realise are not doing anything special at all. They're just working from an instinctive energetic pattern with little or no knowledge of it. Obviously I was aware of this to a degree, but it has come as a huge suprise that ALL of the things I've done to overcome and improve my "childhood setting" has not really worked. I'm still the same as that kid!! And I've done a LOT of things. I wonder what people's thoughts are on this please? I'm wondering if there could be a Great Childhood Module? The last two years I went back and rewrote my past. I literally wrote me a new story and feel a lot better. Recently when I had a fabulous reading done (thank you Moria!) I heard much of my problems stem from my childhood. (an abandoned issue) It probably sounds silly to ask for a Great Childhood Module lol..but, what I'm seeing with a lot of people now is that no matter what they are trying when I ask them about their childhoods, their adult hood is a continuation.
Is there any module that could sort this out please? I feel as though tackling the adult is like tackling the "outer shell" and that the childhood is where it's at today.
Any thoughts? I'm just musing really!! It has come as a suprise to realise this is still ongoing.

Is there any module that could sort this out please? I feel as though tackling the adult is like tackling the "outer shell" and that the childhood is where it's at today.
Any thoughts? I'm just musing really!! It has come as a suprise to realise this is still ongoing.