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Animals and PATHS

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  • Animals and PATHS

    I wanted to share what one of my customers told me about her pet bird. She has a Conure parrot. She is on the Clear Skin module. She is very close to her bird and he sits on her shoulder while she watches her Modules. Below is what she sent me in a e-mail:

    Believe it or not - I think it's been working on my pet bird. He's been a
    feather plucker for the past year or so, and since I moved, he had gotten worse. He's always around me when I watch the presentation, and now he's stopped plucking alltogether, and his feathers are growing back in areas that I thought were permanently damaged!

    Amazing connections I think between animals and the owners
    Blessings with Aloha Keoi
    <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
    Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic

  • #2
    Animals &amp; PATHS

    Thanks for posting that Keoi!

    It is a profound concept and I think goes to show the psychic connection between pets and their owners.

    Their subconscious minds seem to be so linked that the parrot may very well have open access to the instructions in the module. Since they are in a universal type language, it doesn't matter what language someone speaks or even if they speak one at all. Therefore, it goes to reason that it probably works on animals.

    When a good friend of mine was out of town, I would stop by his house and make sure his dog was ok and to check things out. Without fail, every single time Rodger would come home and someone was picking him up at the airport, his dog would start running in circles going hyper until Rodger walked thru the door. He only did this whenever Rodger was actually arriving at the airport and someone went to get him. I saw that many times over the year and there was nothing to give his dog an indication that something was going on other than what I think is a psychic link that the dog is so tuned into Rodger's mind.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #3
      What wonderful stories! Hey, I wonder if PATHS will ever come out with a motivational module for cats. (Only cat owners/slaves will find this funny!)


      • #4
        Synchronicity! I've just been watching a video about animals and their relationships with us on you-tube I liked it so much I added it to my blog and my signature!! I hope you enjoy it

        Eta: I first realised the connection between our pets and I working as a vet nurse, people often came in with pets and themselves suffering the same ailments. Now I know that the animals picked up on the same vibration as the human and got the same problem. Right down to the same broken bone in the same leg for example! Or an owner would have a sore tooth as would it's horse. That kind of thing happens all the time. I don't have a copy of Abraham discussing animals in the wild vs animals as pets, but the story goes along the lines that animals love living in frisky bouncy bodies and choose not to live long lives naturally. They like going from young body to young body etc, and choose to stay until they get old as domestic pets for the sake of the owners. I will try and find that article because it was a good one. I just love chatting about the animals!!
        Last edited by S.J; 09-29-2007, 11:44 AM.


        • #5
          Wow, that is amazing, SJ!

          A couple of years ago, I had gall stones, and around the same time RinKitty developed stones in his urethra. In fact we both ended up having operations within weeks of each other. The vet was not surprised at all!


          • #6
            aha Rin! You and Rinkitty love each other very much to be so in synch Aww

            I remember watching the film "Seabiscuit" based on the real life story of a race horse who was super bonded with his jockey. When the jockey broke his leg so did the horse. Same leg too. Both of them had a strong will, to live and succeed, and both of them recovered (together) and went on to great success

            I love how we can lift ourselves and take others with us Beautiful


            • #7
              Rupert Sheldrake

              Part of a lecture given by Rupert Sheldrake based on his research into animals & their owners & how they communicate with each other.

              YouTube - The Unexplained Powers of Animals

              Love, Light & Blessings,
              Theta Healing
              Paths 2 Potential

              "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


              • #8
                In the Zone!

                Okay, My Lovies...I just couldn't resist!

                Those are GREAT stories, and a wonderful video with Rupert! Thanks SO MUCH for posting them!

                So I tried to get my Lija Baley where she could see my computer screen, but she is just too big to get on the chair, so I slapped my headphones onto her head and let her have a listen to one of my PATHS accounts! Ooooohhhh...Did she ever LOVE IT!!! It put her right in the ZONE and caused her eyes to roll back in her head with utter bliss!!! Here she is listening to Increased Synchronicity....

                I wonder how this will effect her "doggie-dreams"??? Or maybe she is going to have some experiences with her "future self"? Who Knows? It's anyones guess!!!

                But wait...Do you suppose she needs some spirulina?

                With MUCH Love and Gratitude,


                My PATHS Website
                My Art Website
                My Paintings As Prints
                My Facebook


                • #9
                  Pamela your puppy
                  Which modules is she on???
                  I'm going to guess...hmmmm
                  Bark Free
                  Anti garbage can
                  Squirrels are your friends
                  Let your owner think they are in charge

                  Well yes, and I can see she is on sleep
                  Just too cute!!!

                  We use to have a cockatiel, his name was Mugsie, ( His name really fit his personality ). They say that birds don't have memory, but every time the song, "Caribbean Queen", by Lionel Richie came on the radio, he would go bonkers because of the wolf whistle in the song. Part of his vocabulary was to wolf whistle. He would whistle with the song right on cue !
                  I asked the bird people and they said oh that is just recall not memory....
                  I don't see a lot of difference between the two

                  Blessings with Aloha Keoi
                  <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
                  Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


                  • #10
                    Oh my! Pamela!! Thank you SO much for the laughs!

                    She looks TOTALLY blissed out! I shall remember that for my viewing tomorrow morning No concentrating, No working at it, just BLISSING. LOL, thanks!!

                    Eta: Just been sent this, ties in nicely!!
                    See how meetings between a wild polarbear and some domestic dogs resulted in fun and friendships: Here

                    Links in pretty nicely with Abrahams chat below too!
                    Last edited by S.J; 09-29-2007, 09:23 PM.


                    • #11
                      I Love It!!!

                      Oh, Dear Keoi!

                      That is SO FUNNY!!! Actually, Lija is a very good dog and really doesn't need THOSE modules... BUt there is one I should have the PATHS folks develop for her... Let's see how shall I name it? Wait...I know... The Anti Deer Poop Module!!! Yeah...That would be great! Guaranteed to eliminate the desire to seek out and roll in the freshest deer poop around!!!

                      Oh..and Darling S.J.... I LOVE that video of Abraham! Don't you just take great delight when animals roll on their backs with their feet in the air and, as Abe calls it "Let it all in"? What a great lesson for us and here's a pic of Lija (showing her BIGGEST grin ), demonstrating this perfect vibration!

                      Do you not LOVE IT? I sure do!!!

                      With Much Love and Gratitude,


                      My PATHS Website
                      My Art Website
                      My Paintings As Prints
                      My Facebook


                      • #12
                        Blissful Beings

                        Gotta love those blissful moments!! Lija's smile says it all!
                        Thought you might like to see Carney in her element. She loves sleeping on the back of the sofa, playing football and is always laying on her back with legs in the air - trusting and open - too bad I haven't got a picture of that yet. But, Pamela you have given me the idea now, so I will be watching.

                        She has never experienced the headphones, but when I am watching my theatres she is often at my feet zoned out and totally relaxed.
                        Gotta love those messages they give us!!
                        Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

                        My Mystic PATHS Website
                        Word Whisperer
                        My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


                        • #13
                          L-to the-o-to the L

                          Oh Pamela!! I so LOVE Lija showing how it's done so Magnificently!! Can I ask permission to post the photo on my blog please! I added the abe link there too and we could quite do with a visual!

                          Eta: Maggie we crossed posted! LOVE your pics too! Aren't animals grand I love the picture in the back of the trees too.
                          Last edited by S.J; 09-30-2007, 04:02 PM.


                          • #14

                            Oh, YES S.J.!!!

                            Post away all you desire, you Doll-Baby, You!!! Lija will just LOVE being the inspiration for a Powerful Visualization!!!

                            And My Maggie...These pics of Carney are Precious! I know my Lija would be thrilled to play some football with her AND do some Loving Nuzzling just like in the polar bear and dog pics that S.J. posted! Yeah...How could anyone NOT love these darling creatures!!!

                            With Much Love and Gratitude,

                            My PATHS Website
                            My Art Website
                            My Paintings As Prints
                            My Facebook


                            • #15
                              dog chillin out


                              That's quite a pose your dog has there...was that the just relax module!!
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO

