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Animals and PATHS

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  • #16
    LOL! Those pics are WONDERFUL! Thanks for sharing ladies!
    The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to sharpen.
    -Eden Phillpotts


    • #17

      I have a cat who has had personality problems for the last couple of years - she wouldn't come out from under the bed, she'd pee on some of my stuff and she was constantly nervous. Within about 3 months of starting Paths, I started noticing changes with her. She was much friendlier, came up to love on me, purred a lot more, and quit peeing anywhere except in the litter box. It's just been amazing!

      I think part of it is her picking up the Paths instructions and part of it is her resonating with my morphogenic field and with the elimination of my depression and anxiety, she also got to eliminate that from her!


      • #18
        I think these cats are talking about how PATHS could help them :

        Two Cats - Yahoo! Video

        XO Jessica
        Keep your mind on the aether


        • #19
          OMG! That is just too cute Jessica
          Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


          • #20
            I would love to see something for obese pets who eat compulsively. No joke!


            • #21
              Pammie, I know!

              Also I never posted this before, but I was inspired by Pamela S's listening dog photo and tried the PATHS audio on my cat, Boris when I first saw it.

              (Oh and Pamela, there are aminos for pets : E3Live™ for Pets )

              XO Jessica
              Keep your mind on the aether


              • #22
                Another great company

                Here is another really good company and product for those beautiful babies that make us all so happy!!!!! Read the testimonials. Also, if you read the label on the bottle, you will think that you should be taking this vitamin. I kept ours in the frig to keep it fresher once opened.

                NuVet Labs™ Product Information
                Blessings with Aloha Keoi
                <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
                Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


                • #23
                  [QUOTE=future pather;13224]
                  Also I never posted this before, but I was inspired by Pamela S's listening dog photo and tried the PATHS audio on my cat, Boris when I first saw it.

                  Now Jessica, you know you need Boris's birthdate and place of birth in order for him to receive any benefits. And I hope you are giving him enough Spirulina!
                  Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


                  • #24
                    Pets, Oh I have to share!

                    I am a total dog person! I had a very old poodle named tuxedo who everyone was convinced was going to die at any time (He lived three years longer than anyone thought, but died this last year), so a friend of mine who breeds dogs gave me one of her dogs that any normal breeder would have put down probably... The mommy dog was retired after my Bunny was born because of Bunnies problems. Bunny was born blind, and eventually developed siezures around one year of age. I brought her home at 6 months of age, and she was quited a different dog! She sat like a rag doll, and if you touched her to wake her up while she was sleeping she would bite you! I would hold her through her seizures and she did learn to see a little bit peripherally. She attached to me very strongly and would follow me everywhere! As many of you know here my X was abusive! Well Bunny hated him, and tried everything to get him out of the house! She would bite him, growl at him, and just glare at him! Whenever she would bite him she would come running to me and sit and grin cause she had gotten some skin... she would often draw blood on him! She was a character! I think it was her way of protecting me in some way... She knew he was not good!
                    This is Bunny's sit position
                    Here you can see her eyes and how clouded they are.

                    Bunny, went to live with an older woman when I left cause I could not take her with me to the shelter, and I feared for her life, but she is still my Bunny! Oh Bunny is a poodle Snauzer mix, and has NO Bunny in her, but when she runs she looks like a Bunny hopping!

                    When I get a place where I can have another dog, I will get myself a small yorkie... Maybe I should name her after Bunny? Hmmm I don't know... maybe! LOL

                    Blessings Sj zartgirl
                    Last edited by zartgirl; 07-07-2008, 12:14 AM.


                    • #25
                      Lija Gets Stuck...

                      Hi Lovies,

                      I had to pop in here with this as it was just too funny not to share...

                      We were having a rather rainy day today, so Lija missed out on her usual mid-day ball-throw which is one thing, aside from being with people, that fills her with great joy ... Needless to say, because of this she was a bit bored and whenever she gets bored, she usually heads for her dog-toy basket and finds something there to occupy her mouth.

                      So I'm sitting in my studio working on my painting when all of a sudden I hear all this racket coming from the other room... I get up to see what is going on, and I find that Lija had managed to get her head stuck in her dog-toy basket while fishing around inside looking for something to chew on...she was quite disconcerted about this dilemma and looking to me for help to get her unstuck... I started laughing as soon as I saw her in this predicament and I think that made her even more disconcerted! I'm sure it didn't help her mood when I said "Hang on, Lija, I gotta snap a pic of you!" By now she was shaking her head from side to side trying to get unstuck from the basket, but I managed to snap this one pic before she went too bonkers!

                      Of course right after I snapped the pic, I got the basket off her head, but I felt kind of bad for making her wait the 15 seconds longer than necessary to relieve her of her misery... I decided that she needed to experience a little Peace after this fiasco, so I put her in front of the computer and let her watch the Project 1 World module!

                      As you can see from this pic, watching this module quite obviously put her in a nice peaceful state and she forgot all about missing her mid-day ball throw AND the humiliation of getting her head stuck in the basket! It's a good thing she doesn't know that I am sharing her embarassing moment with the world!

                      With Much Love and Gratitude,


                      Last edited by Pamela; 06-05-2008, 12:18 AM.
                      My PATHS Website
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                      My Paintings As Prints
                      My Facebook


                      • #26
                        OMG!!! How cute is that???
                        Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Pamela View Post
                          Hi Lovies,

                          I had to pop in here with this as it was just too funny not to share...

                          We were having a rather rainy day today, so Lija missed out on her usual mid-day ball-throw which is one thing, aside from being with people, that fills her with great joy ... Needless to say, because of this she was a bit bored and whenever she gets bored, she usually heads for her dog-toy basket and finds something there to occupy her mouth.

                          So I'm sitting in my studio working on my painting when all of a sudden I hear all this racket coming from the other room... I get up to see what is going on, and I find that Lija had managed to get her head stuck in her dog-toy basket while fishing around inside looking for something to chew on...she was quite disconcerted about this dilemma and looking to me for help to get her unstuck... I started laughing as soon as I saw her in this predicament and I think that made her even more disconcerted! I'm sure it didn't help her mood when I said "Hang on, Lija, I gotta snap a pic of you!" By now she was shaking her head from side to side trying to get unstuck from the basket, but I managed to snap this one pic before she went too bonkers!

                          Of course right after I snapped the pic, I got the basket off her head, but I felt kind of bad for making her wait the 15 seconds longer than necessary to relieve her of her misery... I decided that she needed to experience a little Peace after this fiasco, so I put her in front of the computer and let her watch the Project 1 World module!

                          As you can see from this pic, watching this module quite obviously put her in a nice peaceful state and she forgot all about missing her mid-day ball throw AND the humiliation of getting her head stuck in the basket! It's a good thing she doesn't know that I am sharing her embarassing moment with the world!

                          With Much Love and Gratitude,


                          That is priceless!!!

                          PATHS For Healing
                          Energetic Science Ministries
                          Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

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