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Abraham & Project 1 world!

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  • #16

    Just to further explore these ideas, you wrote :

    I'll go with the Abe-version of smoking that only if we see smoking as negative while doing will be...

    Do you agree we also need to take into account the subconscious thoughts that are going on?

    So we may have a conscious thought that it is ok but our subconscious has also taken in different ideas from the media and other people.

    I think it is hard to know what is in our subconscious. But I also can't deny its power.

    Especailly because I have tried with much, much dilligence to change things by my thoughts alone.

    Before PATHS I wasn't getting very far

    I don't mean to rain on your parade, but I'll just say in my experience conscious thought is only part of the picture.

    XO Jessica
    Keep your mind on the aether


    • #17

      Abraham says that if a thot isn't consious then it isn't strong enough to affect the creation of your reality and therefore there is no need to reprogram or change the subconsious in any way.

      That's a point I'm not certain about and that's why I've decided to give PATHS a go

      Cause I've had somewhat the same experience as you and I've been working on this quite alot and I make progress but I feel there could be something outside my concious mind affecting my the subconcious IS a factor here and maybe PATHS is real(even though lots of ppl say it doesn't work or is a hoax) and does what the promotors of it says it does or I've just not done what I should be doing regarding my consious thinking...

      Could it be that we have different decibel-levels in our thoughts on the consious plane where I am thinking things I don't pick up on cause there is other thoughts being louder and I just havn't learned how hear those lower-level negatives(except emotionally) so I can work them up the emo-scale? I don't know...

      We'll see...3 days into SLP1 and I feel crappy both physically and mentally, just the same way I felt when I started using anti-depressives some years ago so if I'm not tricking myself into feeling this way PATHS is doing something to my system...or the spirulina is just affecting me like this...I don't know...

      But we'll see what my experience with PATHS will be...hopefully it's the solution to all our problems and we'll live happily ever after...

      Last edited by dannyboybell; 10-01-2007, 08:43 PM.


      • #18

        I'm with you

        What you described happened for me so keep your chin up!

        XO Jessica
        Keep your mind on the aether


        • #19
          Thank you...

 much...I don't feel very strong right now and I truly am grateful for your uplifting words...



          • #20
            Have some of my strength Danny, I just picked it up today it was given to me by others, so here I'm passing it on --->


            • #21
              : )

              Thank you very much

              Some sleep will probably do me good...



              • #22
                Originally posted by dannyboybell View Post
                Hello Kevin!

                Thank you for the answer, I'm happy someone involved in the project replied to my question.

                I like your answer cause as I understand it you look at it(p1w) as something exciting for you and something to make you and other interested ppl grow and not from a "something is wrong, we've got to fix it" point of if I got that right I'm all for it

                A few comments on the p1w-mission statement from me:

                The Mission of Project 1 World is:

                Increase the awareness and understanding of existing options for the challenges that face our Planet.(the word "challenge" here seems to me to be a standpoint of something being wrong and I don't share that viewpoint as whatever happens to our planet is simply the next step in expansion wheter we(human inhabitants of planet earth) see it as positive or not in my humble opinion)


                Hi Danny

                I am liking your posts very much! Lots of thought and sincerity.

                The funny thing about language...the same word can have so many different meanings.

                To me the word challenge brings up emotions of excitement, of anticipation, of new growth potential.

                For example, when I used to lift weights, I would have a challenge to go from 10 reps at 90 lbs to 10 reps at 100 lbs. No problem involved with this challenge, just an excitement to grow muscle mass to the next level.

                Another example, I am almost completed building my barn right now. When I get a few hours here and there to go out and work on it, I set a challenge for myself of getting x number of feet done on a wall before it gets dark. This is fun and good for me. It is not a problem if I do not do it, it is just a challenge to myself to see if I can get it done.

                When we look at challenges that face our planet, I personally think of how I would love to drive an electric truck. I think, excitedly, of how much torque electric motors have. I think about how exciting it would be to be able to have the energy source for this electric truck be radiant or maybe even water! These are exciting fun things to think about and be challenged to accomplish. There is no problem with the truck I have now, I am 100% thankful for it. It is just very exciting to think and work excitedly toward a goal of something that I know would be a blast to have!

                There are many people of like mind in this arena. (yes there are many people that have a negative, "the sky is falling" perspective also...but I do not let their "glass half empty" perspective hold me back from my glass overflowing and wanting it to overflow even more perspective)

                Thanks for the great, thought-provoking conversation.

                Take plenty of spirulina, and Have Fun!


                PATHS For Healing
                Energetic Science Ministries
                Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                ESM Forum Support Link


                • #23
                  Thank you Kevin...

                  ...for making it even more clear and I agree with you totally...I do stir up interesting conversation Just kidding. I agree with you that a challenge looked at from that perspective is something exciting and fun


                  • #24
                    "Some sleep will probably do me good..."

                    "Take plenty of spirulina, and Have Fun!"

                    The other factor is water.

                    One time I kept upping my spirulina but eventually realized water was what I was short on that particular time.

                    Sleep, water and spirulina are the three things I think are important to do self check-ins about when using PATHS.

                    XO Jessica
                    Keep your mind on the aether


                    • #25
                      Thanks again...

                      ...yeh, today I'll probably have 16 spirulina(500mg) pills and drink around 2 litres of pure water(and then tea asf)...and not watch the presentation but wait one or two days.

                      Someone on this forum warned about taking spirulina too late in the evening, cause of sleeping-disturbances I I guess I got it all wrong...I thought this was the order of action:

                      Watch the module and take spirulina.

                      Brain starts working.

                      Not enough nerotransmittic goo so parasitation on other stuff in the brain happens and yucky feelings arise.

                      You take more spirulina to calm everything down like aspirin for a headache so the superstimulated brain has enough cereal before going to work.

                      If you're not supposed to take spirulina late at night it seems to me that the spirulina itself sets the brain-work in motion? Where did I go wrong?

                      A dazed and confused but interested



                      • #26
                        It is the amino acids your brain needs extra of in general, but the body can store so much of those, so you can take the spirulina any time of day that works for you.

                        I agree, for me it amps me up too much to take it towards the end of the day.

                        Aaron talks about popping some the instant before sleep, before it really has a chance to work and get you amped.

                        That way you may get a lot of growth during sleep times.

                        That has worked for me when I have tried it.

                        Keep your mind on the aether


                        • #27
                          Initially I had a lot of fog and problems and didn't think I'd be able to stick with Paths, but it passed really quickly. I upped my Spirulina (can now take a lot less) and took most of it in the morning and two at night just before sleep. Sometimes if I suddenly felt exhausted, I'd take 6 tablets and within 15 mins I'd be running around as though I'd just changed my batteries! It took me a little while to work out the right dosages of water, spirulina, and sleep which all settled down and now I know exactly how much to take etc and it is easier. I remember in the beginning though it was tricky, so don't worry this passes really fast. Again when I added my 2nd theatre, it took me a week or so to get the spirulina right for me the spirulina was the crucial step. I think it is slightly different for everyone, a bit of juggling here and there might be needed. After a while you'll just know what to do and how to take stuff and you'll be feeling great.


                          • #28

                            ...and the gang

