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Ho'oponopono Healing Module Discussion

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  • #16
    Hi Belle,

    I started this module about 3 weeks ago and have had some cog dis from it too. I felt old insecurities and feelings of worthlessness come up but I realized that these were just surfacing so they could be released as I forgive myself. It can be very uncomfortable but hang in there! It doesn't last long, and like you said, I too am already feeling much better as well. And rejoice in the knowledge that this is removing blocks that have previously hindered you from being the loving person you desire.

    Thank you Illusions for the reminder to be kind to ourselves!


    • #17
      I am totally with you all!

      Hey, I am totally with you all on how wonderful this module is!!! Pamela I totally understand what you are saying about freaking out a couple of weeks ago before changing over!

      Yesterday, I was rushing around like crazy trying to get the kids to all the activities that they all wanted to participate in. In the middle of all of this, I ended up somehow talking to my X husband (Well soon to be X husband as things are not final yet, but I like the term X better) In the conversation, I found out that he had failed to pay the car insurance bill, and I have been driving around as an uninsured motorist! This could cause me some big trouble if pulled over or in an accident! When he told me that I was not insured... I simply responded by getting as much information as possible, so I could get the car insured on my own. Today, I went online and bought car insurance, and the challenge is solved! In the past I would have freaked out!

      Actually I was quite proud of myself, as I was never allowed in the past 16 years to handle anything financial or the likes. So all this stuff is all new to me! I have been totally dependent on the X... As a matter of fact today was the first time in my life that I have bought insurance of any kind! I am 43 years old! Wow! I will never let that situation happen again! I am learning so much!

      This module is amazing though, I am sooooo much calmer than I have ever been in my life! I appreciate everything so much more! This is awesome!

      Blessings, Love and Gratitude
      zartgirl sallyjane


      • #18
        Originally posted by Jamie View Post
        Hi Belle,

        I started this module about 3 weeks ago and have had some cog dis from it too. I felt old insecurities and feelings of worthlessness come up but I realized that these were just surfacing so they could be released as I forgive myself. It can be very uncomfortable but hang in there! It doesn't last long, and like you said, I too am already feeling much better as well. And rejoice in the knowledge that this is removing blocks that have previously hindered you from being the loving person you desire.

        Thank you Illusions for the reminder to be kind to ourselves!
        I'm on the other side of the cog diss now, thanks to the re-introduction of Just Relax to my platinum mix, and time and patience.....

        Ho'oponopono is going to be one of those few that I've tried that is only in there for about a week...regardless....I credit this module with raising my understanding of certian things to the point where I could articulate new requests for custom instructions. I've noticed some huge improvement in my understanding from this combination. I may someday revisit this module, but I have gotten what I needed from it for now.


        • #19
          This module is amazing!
          Within one week of starting this module, three people who were a challenge for me, completely "came around".
          I purchased Joe Vitales book just so that I could understand this a little better.
          What a beatiful, simple concept.
          One interesting observation - While viewing most of the Paths modules, I tend to have a tingling sensation in the crown of my head - This one hits me right in the heart.
          Thank you Paths!!


          • #20

            hello, my internet connection is freakin out on me now, so i have 5minutes at the library comp left...

            I want to share that i am experiencing some HUGE forgiveness of self... and i had the weekend to myself this weekend.... and then got to spend time with people i love and enjoy.... the WOOSH.... the stuff hit, and WOOSH by the end of last night, all the things that were said and done kindof fit together like a puzzle piece that is about forgiving me/ sweet little/powerful Adrienne....

            got to go befor i get booted, but really wanted to share, cuz this is so huge for me....
            Love and light... (my given name) Adrienne...hehe
            Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




            • #21
              It gets better, right?

              I went on this module about three weeks ago, and the first couple of weeks were fine, really quite lovely. I didn't experience anything earth-shatteringly wonderful or blissful, but I did feel calm and serene and quite generously disposed towards the rest of the world. I felt mellow, yes, that's the word, mellow.

              But in the last week ... well, can you say "cognitive dissonance?" I don't know what's wrong with me, but I've turned into a peevish, crabby old bat. I can't seem to find any good in anyone, and it seems like every single day is national "Let's Piss Off Rin" day. Here are a few examples of my latest antics:

              1. At work, I stormed into a neighbouring classroom and screamed "SHUT THEM UP!" at a young, inexperienced student teacher who was having trouble controlling her class. How unfortunate that my boss happened to be in the room at the same time. (And how lucky that he's very understanding.)

              2. I got into an argument with a friend, and called her a "hosebeast." Hosebeast? Hosebeast? WTF? I didn't even know that the word existed in my vocabulary.

              3. I have become fully convinced that I am living with/working with/related to the stupidest people in the world, whose main mission in life is to make my life a misery. Because obviously that's all they have to do with their stupid, pathetic, insignificant lives.

              4. I'm replaying over and over again memories of the past in my mind. Sometimes I wake at three in the morning and do it. This is probably the worst thing of all - the feeling that I can't escape from my own thoughts. It's just so horrible.

              5. I hate my parents about fifty gazillion times more than usual, which is really saying something, because I haven't even been on speaking terms with them for years.

              6. Actually, right about now I hate everybody.

              This is so not like me! I'm generally a cheerful and considerate person, liked by everyone, and I pride myself on my rational and down-to-earth persona. But right now I feel that I've tapped into a bottomless well of anger and hatred that was seething inside me all along. It's not a comfortable feeling for me, and it's especially not very nice for the people who have to live and work with me.

              In other words, this module is TOTALLY doing its stuff on me.

              I'll be sure to keep you posted, possibly from a padded cell before too long!


              • #22
                Hi Ilusions,

                Thank you for the suggestions. I needed them

                Take care

                Originally posted by illusions View Post
                Sweet Belle,

                This is the time to be Extra Good to Yourself. You are Perfect, and the perceptions you have about yourself are illusions. I know they're really impressive and realistic, just like really good special effects in a movie - but they are illusions, and you will see through them. The Cog Dis you're experiencing is, of course, as you know, a sign that a lot of restructuring is going on.

                In the meantime, increase your Spriulina AND Water intake - I've found that increasing Spirulina and Water can make a HUGE difference to the feelings of anxiety and other symptoms of Cog Dis. Also, Sleeeeeeeep as much as you can!! Go to bed earlier if you can. Try and get enough sleep so that you wake up naturally in the morning. If you have to be woken up in the morning, you're not getting enough sleep.

                And treat yourself with Kindness. The way you treat Yourself, is the way you will treat others, and it is the way others will treat you. Treat yourself as you would a child who is going through a tough time. Be Gentle, Kind and Loving. Find new ways to make yourself feel Good, and don't do anything you don't want to do unless you really *have* to. Give yourself a break for the duration of this Amazing Transformation. It will be Well Worth it!

                Love and Light and Magic xxx


                • #23
                  new on the Module


                  I signed up for this module after reading Sharyn's other post. It looks like really powerful stuff.

                  I've been on this for a few days now and yesterday some issues did surface with regards to my mother-in-law and her 'ways'.
                  But today I feel a lot more calmer and am in a 'forgiving' state. I am overlooking all the issues that I have with her.

                  Also, my client called me today to ***** about how her current project is going. And I felt totally calm and at peace. I normally would have freaked out.

                  I'll keep posting on developments.


                  • #24
                    reply to Rin

                    Rin!!! LOL!!!! I am sorry for laughing but your post is incredibly funny!! I am sure it does not feel that way to you because you are having these feeling, but WOW I thought I was the only person who felt like that at times!!

                    3. I have become fully convinced that I am living with/working with/related to the stupidest people in the world, whose main mission in life is to make my life a misery. Because obviously that's all they have to do with their stupid, pathetic, insignificant lives.

                    I especially like #3!! because I thought I was living with these people as well!!

                    I truly hope you are past this phase soon, because when you look back on this post I am sure you will be enjoying it as much as I am!! I can't offer any advice(please don't hate me for it---refer to #6) because I am not on this module, but I am sure you will be back to your "true self" before long. Good luck!!



                    • #25
                      This Module was awesome for me!

                      Well I just wanted to chime in again on this module...

                      It did an amazing thing in my life! Well it and the other modules that I have been on in combination I am sure! It is the most amazing thing, but I am for the first time in my life the most calm, but assertive person I have ever been! It is funny, but anyone else in my situation would be still bitter and angry at themselves for marrying and even more for staying married that long (16 years), but I am at peace with my past for the first time in my life. I am also not bitter and angry at my X, who most would say I have every right to be angry with, but I am completely indifferent about him! At total peace and he does not anger me anymore! Even when he still tries to control me... I just laugh at him now!! The best part of that situation is the divorce is final and I am just waiting for my final signed copy from the court.

                      It was soooo funny, cause my daughter teases me cause I can not be mean or fight anymore... IT is just not in me... I am learning more and more to approach everything in peace!

                      This is an amazing module and I am convinced that it is the catalyst for me to have peacefully worked out my divorce with out my hiring an attorney and peacefully! I love the fact that my whole life feels peaceful more and more each day! I would recommend this module to all!

                      Blessings Sallyjane zartgirl


                      • #26
                        healing work done


                        I've been on this module for a month now I think.

                        Over the last few days I've found that I've been able to forgive a lot of people.
                        A lot of bitterness I've held towards certain people has disappeared.
                        I feel so much lighter now.


                        • #27
                          Well Done Kiran!! I'm so happy for you! Well Done for sticking at it

                          Love and Light and Magic xxx
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