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Stem Cell Module experiences

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  • Stem Cell Module experiences


    Thought I would share some limited experience I have with this relatively new module.

    1. I tried it and it disrupted my sleep. (I also have a customer that experienced disrupted sleep when they went on it). As soon as we discontinued use of it our sleep returned to normal.

    2. Since that time, PATHS has come out with a modified version for those that seem sensitive to it. You can see the full description of the module at your PATHS website. Here is a small copy and paste from the full description:

    Important Notices:

    A very small percentage of people with implants, bone replacements, or screws/plates in the body experience adverse effects as the stem cells enter the area of the foreign object. If you experience any discomfort as a result of the before mentioned objects, please notify us and we will switch your Module for you.

    Also, a small percentage of people experience disrupted sleep while on this Module. If this occurs with you, contact us and we will switch you to our modified version which is easier on sleep.

    3. My daughter has cats and gets scratched on a fairly regular basis. These scratches are healing/disappearing in a fraction of the time they used to-before she was on the stem cell module.

    4. I have noticed that a long term shoulder injury is becoming less and less bothersome.

    5. I know that Aaron has a blind customer using a modified version of it with some very interesting results...maybe he will share them with us.

    6. Here is a link to the PATHS newsletter that has an article on the Stem Cell module Stem Cell article

    7. It is my belief (although I have no objective proof) that this module contributes to an overall stronger physical vitality.

    8. Here is a link I just saw that has some more thoughts about this module:
    Forum PATHS Forum: Anybody use the stem cell module?


    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

    ESM Forum Support Link

  • #2
    Stemcells partiall reverses blindness

    My friend is a chiropractor and has retinitis pigmentosa...has has this since he was a little kid. He can only see a slight bit of light in the peripherial. After about 4 weeks on the custom stem cell program, he now sees more light in the peripherial. The nerves are intact but the retinal cells are degenerated and that is what the custom instructions were targeting. He does have cataracts so that is blocking a lot of the light so it will be difficult to determine the real effectiveness until if/when he gets the cataracts removed.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #3
      Has anybody else had anyone use this module with any type of implant? I have a friend who had a whole knee replacement done a few weeks ago. His knee now is all metal with plates & screws attached to the bones. He is supposed to get his other knee done in August as they were both in chronic condition.

      I have just heard today that the leg that has had the operation is now swelling up & there is some problem with his veins. I haven't got really accurate info yet but it definitely isn't sounding good.

      I feel that the stem cell module might be really helpful but I am a bit reluctant to suggest it because he now has the implant.

      Any further info / experiences would be appreciated.

      Love & Blessings,

      Theta Healing
      Paths 2 Potential

      "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


      • #4

        I am on the stem cell module and have three screws in my feet. At first I was thinking I may have been feeling something there, but now I'm sure it was just because I was paying extra attention to it.

        At that point I kind of prayed or did a spiritual check-in about it and have not had any problems.

        I don't know how helpful that is. . .the ultimate body could also be one to consider since it helps with muscle strength(?)

        Keep your mind on the aether


        • #5
          Hi Sharyn,

          I have several customers with various implants. One of them had some irritation and stopped using the module, the rest of them have been using it with great benefits.

          I personally would NOT suggest anyone start using a module when they are in a triage type situation. Chronic yes, triage no.

          Once they identify and stabalize the issue with complications from the surgery, then is the time to give it a go.

          Here is a link to my recent VERY GOOD experience with my knee and the stem cell mod.

          Have fun!

          PATHS For Healing
          Energetic Science Ministries
          Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

          ESM Forum Support Link


          • #6
            Thankyou !

            Kevin & Jessica for your experiences. I will hopefully catch up with him over the next day or so & find out the full details & what stage he is at.

            I noticed on the updated descriptions of the stem cell module that there doesn't appear to be the wording about the implants & possible effects so I wasn't sure how big an issue it was.

            Love & Blessings,

            Theta Healing
            Paths 2 Potential

            "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


            • #7
              That reminds me, I've been meaning to ask: I have a teeny tiny little titanium clip in (what used to be) my gall bladder. It's so tiny that there's no way it would even show up on a metal detector. Is there any chance that it would interfere with my results on the Stem Cell module? And how come the "important notice" about the implant thing was removed from the PATHS site description?


              • #8
                My personal opinion is that if you expect it to be an issue it might. So try not to expect it to be a problem. . .

                That may be why they took that out of the description. It may also be an effort to be as FDA friendly as possible.

                The FDA does not have jurestiction over the PATHS company as it is in Panama, but since many customers are in the US it is better to try to be in compliance.

                And by that, medical advice is not dispensed by non mds.

                Keep your mind on the aether

