Last night, there was an experience with a friend and I was amazed at how peaceful I am in comparison. I've been on Paths since about April, and have most of the modules to do with relaxing and peacefulness and whoa it was only when I saw the reaction of my friend I realised just how relaxed I am these days! Basically we were driving along in the dusk when we saw a massive white globe in the sky about 20 foot from us. I thought it might be a plane coming in to land, as we were next to the airstrip. But I also knew it was not, as it was big, bright, round and "hovering". My friend went into a state of panic, worried etc I just said, Don't worry the Universe won't let us get hurt. We will be just fine you'll see!. And then I said come on, let's go investigate! I could tell from my gut feeling that all was just fine. I had one eyebrow raised that was it lol! My friend did NOT want to go, so I took her home and returned and after some nifty driving along some weird lanes I came to a temporary football pitch with one enormous light!
The next day I told my friend and she was aghast
She hadn't got a wink of sleep worrying about it. I remember being like that, so all I can think of is that I've been granted the gift of enormous internal peace and Paths amongst other things has a had a big hand in this!! Thanks so much
