Here are some thoughts and info on the Chronic Pain Relief Module.
I do not know all the people that participated in the testing of this module, but here is a list of the ones that I do know of:
That is all I am recalling right now. These test subjects have all been using the module for between 2 and 7 months.
Miscellaneous observations about pain:
There are MANY different kinds of pain.
Pain is generally the bodies way of telling you that something is wrong. Even if you make the pain go away, the problem will still be there.
There is an exception!
Some pain is just a viscious cycle feeding itself. This kind of pain, if it is gotten rid of, it is gone, there is no underlying cause that still needs to be dealt with.
Here is an example-someone turns wrong and pinches a nerve. This causes pain, the pain then causes the person to tense up, which causes more irritation, which causes more pain, which cause them to tense up more, which causes more irritation, which....well, you get the idea.
This person may be in tremendous pain, but the nerve that was pinched, days, weeks, or even months ago is no longer pinched. They are in pain because of previous pain. If the pain is relieved, then the cylcle is broken. It will stay gone, and there is no underlying cause that needs to be addressed.
For those who are in pain because of an underlying cause, that cause should be dealt with, if at all possible. Until it is, then I see the Pain Relief module as something that can help them alleviate the symptoms, but they should not forget about dealing with the cause, just because the pain is gone or reduced.
My .02
P.S. Here are a couple of good links:
Forum PATHS Forum: Chronic Pain Module update
I do not know all the people that participated in the testing of this module, but here is a list of the ones that I do know of:
- Male-arthritus-pain 85% gone
- Female-recovering from foot surgery-virtually no pain, even though the doctors said it would be so bad she would have to force herself "to fight thru the pain involved in rehab".
- Female-shoulder and neck pain so bad that she could not sleep until totally exhausted-pain completely gone.
- Female-chronic headaches-pain is 70% gone-rarely takes advil anymore
- Male-lower back pain-completely gone
That is all I am recalling right now. These test subjects have all been using the module for between 2 and 7 months.
Miscellaneous observations about pain:
There are MANY different kinds of pain.
Pain is generally the bodies way of telling you that something is wrong. Even if you make the pain go away, the problem will still be there.
There is an exception!
Some pain is just a viscious cycle feeding itself. This kind of pain, if it is gotten rid of, it is gone, there is no underlying cause that still needs to be dealt with.
Here is an example-someone turns wrong and pinches a nerve. This causes pain, the pain then causes the person to tense up, which causes more irritation, which causes more pain, which cause them to tense up more, which causes more irritation, which....well, you get the idea.
This person may be in tremendous pain, but the nerve that was pinched, days, weeks, or even months ago is no longer pinched. They are in pain because of previous pain. If the pain is relieved, then the cylcle is broken. It will stay gone, and there is no underlying cause that needs to be addressed.
For those who are in pain because of an underlying cause, that cause should be dealt with, if at all possible. Until it is, then I see the Pain Relief module as something that can help them alleviate the symptoms, but they should not forget about dealing with the cause, just because the pain is gone or reduced.
My .02

P.S. Here are a couple of good links:
Forum PATHS Forum: Chronic Pain Module update