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Paths-advice please!

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  • Paths-advice please!

    Hi everyone!

    Just wanted some advice on PATHS...

    This friday I've been on SLP1 for 4 weeks, and Deserving, Grow your gratitude & Synchronicities for I think 3 or 2 weeks(memoryloss)...

    I take 8g spirulina every morning and drink lots of water...

    My experience so far:


    I got heavy cognitive dissonance the first week and moodswings and sideeffects really similar to when I started doing anti-depressives in the past(probably cause of the serotonin-stimulation)...

    I was happy while in distress cause I thought I was a person PATHS really would work for cause of the effect it had on me...

    After that it cooled down and I haven't noticed any effect at all really...


    No cognitive dissonance and no noticed effect...

    Grow your gratitude:

    No cognitive dissonance but this is the first fall I've ever noticed the lovely colors of the trees and the beauty of the nature(cause of childhood trauma) but I don't know if it's attributable to PATHS or just my newfound LOA-attitude...

    Other than that no noticeable effect...


    I usually have quite some synchros and have had great success with Abes 17-second game but some of these days it's been almost scary the synchros I've's been great...hopefully it's because of PATHS and that it'll get even crazier down the road...very exciting...

    So my questions are:

    Should I stay with SLP1 for a month more and hopefully it'll kick in fully before I move on to SLP2 or should I go for SLP2 and hope for some effect?

    Should I keep the deserving one even tho no noticeable effect has yet occured? Is it a slow starter?

    Do you think the Sycnhro-mod will kick in even stronger if I stay with it?

    The next one I'm sure I wanna try is Ho' oponopono...I'm not sure what the dirt in my subconscious is so I'm fumbling a little in trying to find the right mods to clean it out...

    Any help appreciated


  • #2

    Personally I would stay on the SL1 until three months is up UNLESS it is causeing you any problems.

    Modules that interact with the collective tend to get you to a better place at first, then kind of do a full sweep of deep issues where you can get that cog dis, THEN after that it takes you up and up and up.

    Sounds like you are just about to start that.

    Many people like to rotate sl1, 2 and 3 each month.

    Imo the thuroughness of 3 months straight is the better way to go.

    My cog dis stage with sl1 bothered me to the point where I swapped to sl2 after about 1 1/2 months. What I was experiencing was an uneasy feeling, like anticipating something bad might happen (fear of the unknown).

    That despite things going better in my outer world, and despite feeling great for about the first month and having many great synchronicities.

    Once I watched the sl2 theater, I instantly got rid of the uneasiness.

    Then I did sl2 for a month then sl3 for a month.

    Now I am back on sl1 and just finishing up 3 months. No uneasiness this time.

    I have not yet done the deserving but it is on my to-do list.

    I am nearly finished with the grattitude module, which may be similar.

    This one was a bit of a slow started for me but I am glad I did it and have some good experiences from it.

    It seems things that I was greateful for before going on the mod. really kicked in manifesting more of those things on the mod., but it was not like something I noticed every day.

    Just a few OMG experiences where I KNEW it had to be PATHS.

    The synchronicity module may be best when you do the meditations with it.

    It seems to me that one does what you ask of it.

    One morning early in it I asked myself if I could receive a written message from myself in the future.

    I forgot about that until lunch time when I was paying bills online.

    As I was writing one of the confirmation codes in my check register it hit me hard that I was getting a written confirmation "yes."

    That was because one of the confirmation codes contained my initials, in their proper order, twice (!!)

    I think people highly in touch with their physcic abilities have an easier time putting this module to use.

    Since I don't feel I really know what I am doing with it, I have not done much more experimenting.

    But I do very much feel it is helping me in general.

    I even had a heavy dream about it recently. I was dressed in black in a large chair, looking at myself from outside myself.

    I kept seeing like my spirit or something entering my body again and again and in my dream I determined that I was sending my future self to the present more than anything on the module right now.

    XO Jessica
    Keep your mind on the aether


    • #3
      My Thoughts...

      Hey there, Dear Danny,

      I want you to know that I have been reading all of your posts since you started on PATHS about a month ago, and I would like to pop in here and give you my thoughts and advice on what I think you should do now to make your experiences with your modules as powerful as possible...

      But first, I would like to commend you for paying such close attention to the changes that you are experiencing. Not everyone does this and sometimes the changes can be so subtle that they go unnoticed, often only being obvious to others around them. It appears that you know how very important it is to observe your emotions, and the act of observing goes a long way in making the changes that you desire. Well Done, Danny!

      If I were you, I would stick with SL1 for another 2 months. The instructions embedded in SL1 are powerful and important and you really want them to stick... This is a module that will greatly help you in stopping that incessant, negative mind chatter and increase your ability to banish doubts. I was blown away by this module when I first began with PATHS and I took Aaron's wise advice about sticking with it for that long before I graduated to SL2 and after that SL3. I also rotate these 3 modules monthly now as Aaron has suggested. Also...I advise you to make use of the companion worksheets for these modules to make them even more powerful... If you have not looked to them already, you can find them here:

      It seems to me from what you wrote about enjoying the Fall season that the Grow Your Gratitude module is doing its thing for you and I would say that this observed appreciation is indeed because of PATHS as well as your newfound LOA attitude! That is so precious, as feeling GRATITUDE is exquisitely important in manifesting all that you desire. If you are able to be Present and feel appreciation for all that you have in your physical world NOW, then the Universe opens up to you in the most delightful ways! And that thought leads me to the Synchronicity module....

      I LOVE this module... It is SO much fun! And it does a wonderful job of helping you stay Present! I noticed this effect immediately with this module...Kind of like being a kid again and seeing everything with a sense of wonder for the first time! So coupled with the Gratitude module, which helps you APPRECIATE the NOW, it is a Beautiful Experience!!! And those synchronicities are so wonderful! I also have very vivid dreams with this module and deep, delicious sleep! But Jessica is right...this is a wonderful module to do meditations with... And I find that this one makes my meditations even deeper!!! But wait... I am wondering one thing...Have you chosen the basic module of three months back and three months into the future, or have you opted for one of the others? I am doing the 3 months back and one year into the future and I LOVE IT!!!

      Okay...that brings us to Deserving... Honey...this is a GREAT module, but from reading your posts, I don't think you need it! I think you intrinsically KNOW that you deserve all you desire!!! So...why not switch out of that one and get the BIG KAHUNA that will Rock Your World? Yeah...You know what I am talking about, Danny... Ho'oponopono!!!! I cannot say ENOUGH about this Blessing of a module and I would advise it for EVERYONE!!! The feelings of peace and acceptance that comes from these instructions are a dream come true for me and I noticed the effects right away! And everyone I know who is experiencing this module feels the same!!!

      So...Those are my thoughts on your questions, Danny... I hope they help you in making your decisions and I wish you continued success as you experience this FABULOUS technology!

      With Much Love and Gratitude,


      Last edited by Pamela; 10-23-2007, 07:35 PM.
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      • #4

        ...thank you so very much both Jessica & Pamela for your words of advice

        After reading your posts I've decided to stick with SLP1 for 2 months more and to change my Deserving(yeh, I probably know my deserving all to the point of frustration when it doesn't show ) into the ho'oponopono right away...

        My thought when I started Deserving was that maybe deep inside I didn't think I deserved anything cause of my past as a not always very nice alcoholic(beat the addiction without help and have been sober for 2 years in december ) but I also think the forgiveness part of Ho'op could work wonders for me in that department...hope so anyway...

        Thanx again...and the adventure continues...with an email to PATHS...



        • #5
          Hey Danny

          Well you have probably already made the change, but I have to say that as I was reading your post the thought that kept going through my head was that you needed Ho' Oponopono! It was a total intuition thing, so I just had to confirm that you are making a good choice here by changing it out.

          I have been on it for two weeks now, I think? Love it! It is really helping me with dealing with my divorce in the right way! Especially as I am approaching mediation with my X. You know divorce can put the best of us to the test, and let me tell you, it has definitely put me to the test! My X has pulled some dirty stunts during this time... Then certain things that I suspected were going on in my marriage, I have been getting confirmation of in the last few weeks. Most women, if they got confirmation would one feel hurt and two feel angry beyond imagine... but I have been calm and peaceful, and the hurt is not there...

          So I can not recommend this module to you enough, as I think everyone should be on it! The other thing about it is forgiveness is not just about forgiving others... It is even more important to forgive yourself! I bring this up to you because you mentioned years of drinking and "meaness" I believe the word was... First of all Congratulations on being sober!!! That is a big accomplishment! Second of all it is time to forgive yourself for all those years you let the drink control you, as I have been forgiving myself for giving control of my life over to another person. Realize that we create everything in our lives and nothing is a waste! For me it has brought me to a place where I am rediscovering who I really am! Be greatful for all those experiences in your life that you created even if they seem BAD... I have discovered here not to judge those things as BAD, as we put a judgement on them they get more power and can grow bigger! Gratitude will take you miles instead of feet!

          Love and Gratitude
          zartgirl Sj


          • #6
            Hey Zartgirl...

            ...thank you...

            Well, I just woke up and I'm about to watch the Ho'oponopono Mod for the first time...exciting...

            And yeh, the forgiving of myself is probably the biggest part it can do for me but even though I'm not aware of it I probably put some guilt on someone else also so...if it does what it should for me it'd be great I think...



            • #7
              Been on...

              ...Ho'oponopono for 3 days now and what's happened so far is cognitive disco from day 2 and nightmares last night...that might be due to watching 3 unhappy movies in a row including one David Lynch(who's work I love) film

              I've also noticed how my system doesn't take up all the spirulina I consume but yet I have headaches and so on...

              Just a short report...



              • #8
                Hi Danny

                I've also noticed how my system doesn't take up all the spirulina I consume
                This isn't necessarily because you're taking more than enough - from the sounds of things, it's more likely to be that your body isn't absorbing it well.

                Have you tried taking your Spirulina on an empty stomach? I see you take it in the morning, the best is to take it first thing, at least half an hour before having breakfast. If you take some again later, try and take it on an empty stomach again.

                When you say you're drinking lots of water, how much are you drinking? "Lots" means different things to different people lol

                Also, 8 grams is really not a lot. From experience, I would increase the amount until the headaches go.

                While you're going through this "Cognative disco" (love the term by the way ), make sure you're being as Wonderful to yourself as possible. Don't do anything you don't *have* to do, unless it feels good; rest as much as possible. Treat yourself as you would a loved one who was going through a transformation and needed tender loving care

                Sleep as much as you can. The nightmares are just an indication of the processing that's going on, and the fears of the changes that are being made. But the most work can be done during your sleep, so the more you sleep, and rest, the quicker you'll get through it.

                Hope this helps.
                Love and Light and Magic xxx
                Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
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                • #9
                  Hi Danny,

                  I believe that you need to increase your spirulina to 10g per day right now for you. Also, I am "getting" that it is SL1 module that is causing you some more cog diss at the moment not the Ho'Oponopono module.

                  Love, Light & Blessings to You

                  Theta Healing
                  Paths 2 Potential

                  "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                  • #10

                    ...for the input y'all

                    I take the spirulina every morning first thing and no food for at least 30 minutes and so far I've only noticed my body not taking it all was once...yesterday...

                    When I feel cog-dis I usually take 4 more pills so that'd amount to 10 g...sleep a lot... 7-8 hours a night and a 2 hour siesta every day...

                    Drink about 2 or 3 litres of water every day apart from all the other beverages like tea and such...

                    Interesting about the SLP1 idea...I had the most massive cog-dis the first week and then it dissapeared...but you think now after 4 weeks it comes back?

                    Thanks again...your help is certainly appreciated...



                    • #11
                      Can someone explain to me what Cognitive Dissonance actually feels like when you experience it. Can you also remind me what it is.




                      • #12
                        ".I had the most massive cog-dis the first week and then it dissapeared...but you think now after 4 weeks it comes back?"

                        Yes! Depending on how many modules you are on and when they started you are going to see different patterns overall.

                        But in general at first there will be progression in a module, then there will be a sweep of deeper stuff, after the lowest point it goes up and up and up and up.

                        I started a few modules somewhat at the same time and am seeing the patterns play out. Seems by the end of 3 months each one is skyrocketing for me.


                        Cog dis is when you have conflicting thoughts such as, "I'm bad at everything" and "I love myself."

                        The physical feeling for me can depend on the modules - different vibrations result. Only once was it to the point where I changed out of a module because it bothered me enough after a month and a half. It was sl1 which had started out great for me. After that I did sl2 and 3 and am back on 1 with no problems whatsoever.

                        XO Jessica
                        Keep your mind on the aether


                        • #13
                          Thanx Jessica...

                          ...I'm certainly looking forward to some skyrocketing

                          Sweep me up, before you go go...


                          • #14
                            Thanks for your reply Jessica. Sounds like I've had cognitive Dissonance all my life lol.



                            • #15
                              Assessment 2 Months On PATHS

                              Boredom ahoy!

                              Now I've been on SLP1 for 2 months, Grow your gratitude & Synchronicities for 6 weeks and Ho'oponopono for 1 month...


                              Nothing new to report and no successful living in sight, apart from what I had before PATHS materially. Emotionally it's worse than before and I feel unhappy, impatient and bored...

                              Grow your gratitude:

                              As I wrote in the earlier post I really got into enjoying the colorful leaves on the trees this fall but now the leaves are gone and I don't appreciate my day to day scenery and nothing else to report...


                              Have not noticed this module doing anything at all...but as I think I mentioned before I've had lots of synchronicities before PATHS so who knows which ones are attributable to PATHS?...


                              After one month on this I haven't noticed this doing anything at all for me...

                              I've decided to stay on SLP1 for three months(one more month) hoping to have something happen.

                              Do you guys know if it's possible to ask PATHS-staff to crank my modules up a bit to get some effect or do you think I'm just a hopeless case?

                              As always, thanks for any serious advice and pardon my discouragement


