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Interesting links for PSTD, "happy childhood" module ideas

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  • #16

    One of the thing that I think really tricks our minds about violence is that once we experience something traumatic, we realize on some level there is more to think about than before that event.

    In a protective mode, we want to understand how to avoid violence and so part of our minds get selected to monitor something we may never have monitored before - staying physically safe.

    Depending on the situations, our minds will "learn" accordingly. This is how I think a phobia starts. The mind reacts to a traumatic experience by super focusing on aspects that might prevent it in the future.

    The tricky part is that we create our realities. So we may think we are protecting ourselves by monitoring for danger when in reality we are setting up expectations for the worst possible scenario, thereby giving more weight to it actually occurring.

    So our own protecting becomes our own doom, cycling worse and worse as it manifests more of the same worst cases brought to life.

    There is no way to logically understand it until you understand Lipton, etc that we create our own realities.

    Even that knowledge alone is not enough to overcome all the neuro connections and biochemical "knee jerk" reactions.

    (Btw I think the synch mod is great for this issue bc you focus more on the now.)

    XO Jessica
    Keep your mind on the aether


    • #17
      To add another example, it's like the classic military vet archetype who is all jumpy and can get "triggered" into thinking he's in a battle scene.

      He has developed a hyper-awareness, chemically and literally unable to relax as much as an average person ALL the time, without relief. That's bc the sc is putting survival above all else, including physical and emotional comfort.
      Keep your mind on the aether


      • #18
        And to clarify the difference between hypervigilance and being "in the now" :

        hypervigilance = being super aware of the now - viewed through the veil of trauma in the past, noticing movement in peripheral views (actually all views) and associating it with potential for violence.

        being in the now = being only in the present moment without the veil, no longer monitoring for danger and assuming safety.
        Keep your mind on the aether


        • #19
          That's a very important distinction. The hypervigilant person is not really aware of the safety available to them. It is a more selective view, because that person goes into every situation expecting (and simultaneously creating) some sort of threat to their existence. That person is in the past, not in the now.


          • #20
            Here are some of my personal experiences and insights I have attained through having a particularly traumatic past relationship, whom I will call "" addressed in my platinum module:

            This quote is from Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting and is highly relevant:

            "What you vibrate is what you get....relationships....never have a vibrational tie that never, never stops. So if you let any one of those ties remain negative...well, you know the rest. That vibration will be forever radiating out from you, looking for its match."

            With whatever the programmers came up with, I try to think about "" and I just can't remember the old feelings. I love it. I am starting to finally find freedom! I want that same freedom from the others whose hurts feel almost as strong today as when it happened.

            And, wouldn't it be wonderful if all the negative patterns were simply "edited out" of my current interactions with others, by virtue of "editing them out" of my emotional history. There would no longer be anything for those negative vibes to match in anyone, because I would no longer be sending them out!


            • #21
              It's only energy, stupid

              I am starting to see PTSD as "proof" that the law of attraction works, and how our biology can create our reality and so on and so forth.
              "That vibration will be forever radiating out from you, looking for its match."
              The person with PTSD is biochemically, emotionally, and mentally continuing to re-create the old trauma in the present day. Thus, life becomes a product of "don't wants."

              Attracting the same negative situations with a long string of people has little to do with the other people. It has everything to do with the energetic tuning fork within the PTSD sufferer resonating with that "same old song" in everyone the PTSD sufferer meets.

              And, wouldn't it be wonderful if all the negative patterns were simply "edited out" of my current interactions with others, by virtue of "editing them out" of my emotional history. There would no longer be anything for those negative vibes to match in anyone, because I would no longer be sending them out!
              And at that point, it will matter very little who is left, because the nature of the interactions will be free of trauma, abandonment, and other issues. Thus, I've asked the programmers to add a pretty long list of others and a few

              Because the negative vibrations attached to these people are those energetic tendrils radiating out and "looking for its match" in every human interaction today. I will paraphrase Lynn Grabhorn (author of Excuse Me) and say, "that vibration is presently radiating out from you and finding its match" because well, it is law--like attracts like.

              I am so excited to feel what it will be like to live without any of those vibrations. To have new relationships characterized by excitement, joy, and certainty, and have new life in all my existing relationships!


              • #22
                Well, I am continuing to feel better. Here's a metaphor: in the past, my efforts to consciously author positive feelings and thoughts was like trying to shout across a crowded place trying to get someone on the other side to hear me. The "background noise" that was winning out was all the years of conscious and unconscious negative beliefs and memories amplifying more of the same negativity into the universe.

                I am making connections between the themes of physical illness (adrenal fatigue) and spiritual issues (the memories drowning out one's true life force).

                Here's something else interesting. With chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, environmental poisoning, sick building, etc. there is often hypersensitivity of sight, sound, touch, smell, etc. The environment literally overwhelms the sensory system and often the immune system of such a person. These are all different words for a similar illness, being physically unable to handle small amounts of toxicity in the environment. The whole system is overreactive and on alert just the way the PTSD makes the person emotionally on alert.

                Both of these functions concern the limbic brain. Read more about the limbic brain here: The Limbic System


                • #23

                  I am enjoying your insights quite a bit.

                  I am nodding my head about the sensory overload aspect.

                  It's like an over-reaction to stimulation, for example an over-exaggerated startle reflex.

                  This can take place when a car a block away turns a courner and for an instant heads in the direction of the person with PTSD. That person may startle as if a ball was just thrown at them. Completely inappropriate (and hard to deal with) for normal life, but a "learned skill" when exposed to violence/trauma, especially random (unpredictable) violence/trauma.

                  XO Jessica
                  Keep your mind on the aether


                  • #24
                    I can't really add anything to what has already been is all very interesting and I admit a little over my head. One thing that did stick out was -Belle you mentioned that in your platinum program you had any feelings for erased, so that you couldn't bring up those bad feeling again....I find this interesting because I have had an auric clearing, and karmic clearing sessions, and what you are describing is what I also feel about any past "hurt" feelings. I can't seem to even bring up anything to associate myself with what has happened in the past. It is as if it never happened, I am just vaguely aware of it... Very me just reinforces what a great job Paths is doing to help us.


                    • #25

                      I wonder what your take is on whether or not you feel this makes you vulnerable at all, since you don't have the negative associations now.

                      Here is something interesting that is related about mutant mice who don't fear cats Yahoo!

                      XO Jessica
                      Keep your mind on the aether


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by nadine View Post
                        I can't really add anything to what has already been is all very interesting and I admit a little over my head. One thing that did stick out was -Belle you mentioned that in your platinum program you had any feelings for erased, so that you couldn't bring up those bad feeling again....I find this interesting because I have had an auric clearing, and karmic clearing sessions, and what you are describing is what I also feel about any past "hurt" feelings. I can't seem to even bring up anything to associate myself with what has happened in the past. It is as if it never happened, I am just vaguely aware of it... Very me just reinforces what a great job Paths is doing to help us.

                        It isn't that the feelings are totally erased. I can still picture and remember all the events just the same. I simply do not re-live the feelings.

                        It is very similar to a standard NLP technique where you visualize yourself watching a bad memory up on a movie screen, from the safe vantage point of the projection booth, then you visualize it backwards, with silly music, etc. until the negative feeling charge is gone. PATHS just takes that same thing and does it for you much more easily and powerfully. There are also NLP timeline visualizations where you picture yourself moments before XYZ event and then go back up into present time with all the useful learnings, but without the negative charge. Again, PATHS does this better than the old "manual" NLP ways.

                        I think this is far better than the concept in the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, because who can argue with the value of having all your memories, even the worst ones, as valuable teachers? One's ability to have compassion and empathy for another is not diminished by removing the painful re-triggering of the feelings from each memory. Getting lost in someone else's pain never helps them anyway, because then there's two people down in a hole.

                        I wonder what your take is on whether or not you feel this makes you vulnerable at all, since you don't have the negative associations now.

                        Here is something interesting that is related about mutant mice who don't fear cats Yahoo!
                        Jessica, I read some of the studies about those mice; seeing them is pretty interesting.

                        Same comment re: vulnerability. There's a gradual, but swift, decrease in creating threats where there are none, and, because the wisdom from each experience is retained, there's no need to re-learn any of those lessons. Fools don't rush in!


                        • #27
                          Thank you for this thread

                          Belle, I will be very interested to hear of your progress with your Platinum. I have PTSD and am taking the Somatic Experiencing training: a 3 year program based on Peter Levine's work and book: Waking the Tiger. ( This is therapy based on how the body/nervous system reacts to trauma.

                          Paths suggested going on the Sychronicity module to come more in the present moment. What I am noticing is there is less reactivity and hypervigilence in everyday life but the body memories (what I call body memories is the body recreating the motions that happened in the trauma like feet running or hands and arms pushing something away) seem to be more available when I have a somatic therapy session. This means that I can work through them faster, but also they come up when I don't want them too as well ie. in a massage treatment. Do you have any ideas how to address this type of thing in a platinum? Or do you think by changing your beliefs and emotions about the trauma will release the body memories as well?

                          I am so amazed at how there can be so much unconscious or subconscious memories that I am not aware of and all I can do is watch my experience in the outer world because it reflects my subconscious world. Since as you say "like attracts like".
                          for gratitude, Inika



                          • #28
                            Hi Belle,

                            I worded it wrong....I can still imagine what happened clearly, but there are no feelings associated with it, I think this is what I meant by "it is as if it didn't happen", it would be like watching a movie about someone else, because you can't connect to how they are feeling at that moment.



                            • #29

                              Nice comment about the vulnerability issue!


                              I did some work with a professional using the "Waking The Tiger" techniques.

                              They didn't seem to do much for me.

                              Today, years later, I realize that is because part of my issues were physical from a couple bicycle accidents.

                              PTSD is confusing enough, so sorting everything out has taken a while for me.

                              I'm just wondering if you may have some physical stuff going on too. I mean I know it's all connected but I have made a lot of improvement by seeing a chiropractor and starting the internal cleansing process here : Inner Body Cleansing: Liver cleanse gallbladder cleanse bowel cleanse intestinal

                              I agree with PATHS about the synch mod. For years I've had an over-active scanner type thing that I could not consciously control. Let's just say if there was any potential for danger in the area I would be the first one to pick up on it. A couple times I have completely dissapeared on somebody because of something going on in the general area, only to resurface when I felt safe, lol. Also I would sense conflict very far in advance in order to avoid it as much as possible. This sixth sense wasn't really helping me. As Belle said, it was just increasing the chance of threats. When you anticipate them, you make their occurance more probable.

                              I was a tester on the synch mod, having no idea what the module was when first on it.

                              When first using it not knowing what it was I did have a deja vu, but didn't associate it with the mod because that happens every once in a while. The thing I most noticed on the mod before knowing what it was about was that the hyper active radar stopped one day a couple weeks in. I noticed it the second it happened like a light switching off. This put me more in touch with the real "now" rather than the "now" I was creating with my past filters.

                              XO Jessica
                              Keep your mind on the aether


                              • #30
                                Thanks for everybody's input!!

                                I was drawn to the Waking the Tiger book years ago, but just couldn't get into it for some reason. I was kind of drawn to it again lately and then you brought it up. There must be some insight in it for me.

                                Re: physical, most of it manifested as chronic fatigue, etc. before I was even aware that my emotional responses were abnormally startled, scared, etc. I did every detox, nutritional program, supplement, etc. in the world....and finally found the few key things that fill in some nutritional holes for me...

                                Re: wording in the platinum. That's interesting that you choose synchronicity. My module probably resembles a custom mood module more than anything (admin can correct me if I'm wrong!) because there is so much focus on different emotional peptides and what they're doing and not doing when I have certain memories or think of certain topics or people. It is also very specific, i.e. "address hypothalamus" rather than just "reduce stress" or "elevate mood."

                                Hope that helps

