I started using paths 3 days ago. I have 4 modules. Business Productivity, Eat Right, Mind set for money, Increased Synchronicity. Financially things are not going well lately...in fact, the worst they have ever been in my life. I found PATHS while looking for LOA info. I've always been very receptive to hypnosis and NLP so I thought this looked like a good fit for me. Because of my dire financial situation, I've decided to watch the theater several times a week. The first night I watched it I had the strangest dream?? Not sure if I was awake or not but I think I was sleeping. I was surprised to have such energy that I could not go to sleep. I was watching a documentary on children with psychic ability and to be honest, it was a little scary. I must have fallen asleep and within about 45 minutes I swear I saw a little girl walking from my bedroom to my bathroom. I was so scared that I screamed to my husband that someone was in the room. He woke up in a panic. It felt so real and I was so terrified that I had trouble sleeping for 2 nights. I never dream like that. This was so real. The only thing I can contribute it to is watching PATHS. So I was actually scared to do my theater again but got past it and watched again today. Just after watching it, a real estate deal that was going to turn my finances around fell through. And then just after that, I got a phone call about another deal that fell through. I know it takes 2 months or so to start noticing an effect but I was a little surprised by the 2 serious financial blows today. Any thoughts?
No announcement yet.
Weird experiences - any thoughts?
blessing in disguise?
Hi Samcor,
Interesting dream!
Sometimes when some things happen that don't appear to be very wanted are often blessings in disguise. I do not know if this is what has happened to you but I have experienced it multiple times. Maybe a higher offer will present itself or something?
Are there any very specific things you want to accomplish with PATHS that you would share in this forum? You could also private message one of us if you want to keep it private.
You're on some great modules for real estate if that is your primary business. Personally, I do like to use the sales and goals module for business ventures.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
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goals with paths
My goals with paths are as follows:
Yes, I am a Real Estate Broker. My husband is a General Contractor. We just bought a foreclosure property for quite a discount. We've fixed it up and have it on the market. My goal would be to get it sold quickly. And also, for our business to continually increase. We have the education and experience behind us to succeed in real estate investing but we need to have access to more funds in order for us to fulfill our long term goals. This business is so important to me on so many levels. Success would not only bring financial abundance but I would prove to myself that I can be the entreprenuer that I've always wanted to be.
I also added the eat right because I have an additional 30 pounds after the birth of my 2 children (2 & 3 years old). I feel like I am an emotional eater. I've been under a lot of stress with trying to be a stay at home mom as well as working full time from home. I feel like I eat to make myself feel better. It feels like the only thing I can control at this point in my life. I used to exercise 5-6 times a week and eat really healthy. I loved how I felt. I'd like to lose the weight and feel good.
I added the Increased Synchronicity as per a recommendation from customer support because I have had trouble with depression and anxiety for as long as I can remember. After the birth of my children, I developed a fear of driving on the freeway and across bridges. I now avoid them all together. I've tried hypnosis, NLP, etc for this one but nothing seems to work. I've also really been struggling spiritually since the loss of my father in law. I've just felt a need to know if there is something after this life. I just feel like I'm on some sort of quest to gain meaning for my life. I want my children to have a mom who is happy, healthy and who is not afraid of such silly things as driving! I want to enjoy each day to it's fullest. I want to enjoy and cherish the time I spend with my children and my husband.
Well, those are my goals. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
You are on the right track...
Dear Samcor,
You are on the right path with Paths! It is phenomonal technology and will do wonders for you! Remember that one things will change for the better, and sometimes like Aaron said that the deals that fell through often could be because the universe, source, or God could very well have something better for you!
I know when I was fairly new to the forum there was a Job that would have provided so much for me and my kids and completely changed my financial situation and provided for me and my kids a home and a number of other things that I thought we so desparately needed... Well I did not get the job and you know, my life did not fall completely apart! It has been several months and I am still looking for just the right financial tool to get me to where I need to be, and my housing is coming through too, and everything is going to be just fine! Here is the thing in those months since not getting that "perfect job" I have been through so much growth and learning and remembering who I am and discovering just how powerful I am! Now I am ready to accept much greater things into my life that I could not have taken on at that time! My advice to you is to be patient! Always be focussed on Gratitude for all that is in your life now and all that is being created into your life right now as we speak! Never judge any situation as Bad or Good... Everything is always just perfect as it is and these are just situations, events, and it was all created in our lives by extended selves the part of us that is connected to the Source, and it has brought you here perfectly, and it will supply all of your needs and desires in perfect harmony as you learn who you really are and just how powerful you are!
One book that has been sooo powerful for me through all of this... has been "Busting Loose from the Money Game" It is an awesome book, but I must warn you it will challenge you to the core and take you on a journey that you may not have planned on... In it it outlines a process that has greatly helped me get through 4 months of living in a DV shelter, with no job and the process of what seemed like a very BAD divorce (everything is perfect remember that), and it has really helped me get from fear and desparation to gratitude and faith... Now I am starting to manifest awesome stuff into my life and my kids life, and I am starting to be able to create the way others treat me and not allow abuse in my life any more... First though I had to learn how to really dive into those feelings and work through to reclaim power and then onto Gratitude! I had to learn who I was and just how powerful I am! You can do the same thing! Paths is an important part of the whole process and has been so very important to me every week!
Stay on the Paths, and you will notice paridigms changing and yes some weird things can happen from time to time... One day, I got so excited about something and thought I want to share this with my daughter who is 14 and was in school at the time... Well just those thoughts of wanting to share that with here actually sent her a missed call message!I did not even pick up my phone and there was no trace of a call at that time of day on my phone... but it was there on her phone! She is not supposed to even have a cell phone at School!
My thoughts could have gotten her phone taken away from her that day if the phone had not been turned off!
(I have told the school in the past since they refuse to provide a way home for her, she will be carrying a cell phone.) So you can expect some weird experiences! Even more so if you decided to read the book mentioned above!
Blessings Sallyjane zartgirl
Keep posting here, you are doing the right thing!
You wrote, "The first night I watched it I had the strangest dream??" This is probably connected to the synchronicity module. Many (blind) test subjects on this reported increased dream activity.
About, "Just after watching it, a real estate deal that was going to turn my finances around fell through." Generally, one starts seeing improvement with PATHS and then it starts targeting deeper issues so there can be some ups and downs.
Usually this culminates in a "valley of dispair" period (lasting a day or so in my experience) where it hits your deepest issues regarding the pertinent module.
The good news about that is after that, your progress will only go up and up.
Everyone's mind set and where they are regarding an issue will be different when they start a PATHS module, so there is no set time frame for everyone.
In general, by the end of three months you would have reached the point where you are going up and up and up. Depending on the module (some ones, like young again require continued use for benefits) you may be done with it forever (or maybe needing a month of touch-up per year) having internalized all that you need.
There is one module that is one you can graduation from that I personally am staying on beyond 3 months. It is the one about money attitudes. In this case I am theorizing that me and many people may have so many issues in this area that it could possible require more than three months. I'm at about 4 1/2 months on it now. I have noticed improvement for sure, but am making sure I get the maximum benefit from it.
XO JessicaKeep your mind on the aether www.PathsToSucceed.com
fear of driving
I developed a fear of driving on the freeway and across bridges. I now avoid them all together. I've tried hypnosis, NLP, etc for this one but nothing seems to work.
I've been somewhat anxious all my life ("inherited" my parents' fearful attitude), but the panic really became an issue shortly after my hysterectomy. So, we have a little something in common. That, and my husband is a roofing contractor. It wasn't easy financially the first few years and I've done some emotional eating too. I totally understand....
zartgirl, I love reading your posts. Maybe you should be a motivational-type speaker and visit other women's shelters since you know what the women are going through.
thank you
I am watching the theater daily and here's what I have noticed. Remember, it's only been a few days since I started. Yesterday, my deals fell through. But then today, I found out that my credit scores went up almost 100 points because of debt that I had paid off about a month ago. I had been waiting for my score to go up so I could have more access to cash until I can sell my investment property. So this is great news! I'm also on the eat right module. From the very first day I noticed that my cravings had diminished greatly. I just don't feel that urge to gorge myself. I'm sure that will get even better as time goes on. The other thing I noticed is that even though things are tough financially, I am not getting myself as worked up as I usually do. I feel a little calmer. I thought these were interesting considering that I've only watched my theater 3 times so far.
Thanks to all of you for your input. And I know how tough it is to have this crazy fear of driving on the freeway/bridges...good luck to you.
Originally posted by samcor View PostI am not getting myself as worked up as I usually do. I feel a little calmer.
Wow, great news on everything
The Synchronicity module is also known for its calming effect. I guess that is part of being more "in the moment."
XO JessicaKeep your mind on the aether www.PathsToSucceed.com
Hang in there!
Congrats on being in Real Estate. That is an interest of mine with all the house flipping shows on TLC and A&E.To PATHS!! and the forum!
Well a couple of things. I think it's safe to say that the few deals that didn't go through at the beginning of PATHS might already have been in process before starting the modules, right?
I know you mentioned being an emotional eater. Are you taking any E3 or Spirulina supplements?? One thing I noticed is when consuming "superfoods" your body isn't as hungry and doesn't crave the sweet energizing foods (with side effects) as much.
I have a feelingmight as well celebrate now - with your Synchronicity program as Jessica mentioned you're feeling calmer and as the other programs start to mesh, you'll see and feel even more amazing results.
I've been on the Ho' oponopono module and that has been awesome. I recently picked up the ZERO LIMITS book by Joe Vitale, that explains Ho' in detail. The book tells how 4 sayings: "I Love You, Please Forgive Me, I'm Sorry, Thank You" can really change you, which changes your world.
I'm confident you'll come to terms with your fears and find them disappearing as well.
I wish you the best,
and Thank You!
Hi Samcor,
My mom had the same thing happen to her. She actuallt stopped watching for almost 2 weeks. After I explained (much of what is explained to you above) she started watching again and has not had any 'problem's since. I also made sure she was taking enough Spirulina (she was only taking it on the days she was watching her theater).
PATHS does open you mind to the higher consciousness, which you are a part of. Your higher consciousness self will always have your best interests 'in mind' for you, so try not to be scared.
As for the financial thing, hang in there. The time between when someone starts watching PATHS and the time it starts having effects vary from individual to indivdual.
I have been on Ultimate Body for 6 months now. I only started noticing differences 3 months in, and now I can really tell the difference. Other people can tell within 2 days. On the other hand, Business Productivity & Creativity kicked in for me right away and I found myself working jy day job and coming home and working 'til midnight on my home business. The time just flew. about a month of this later, I realized I needed to slow down a bit (was falling asleep at my day job!).
Follow the tenants of LOA (intend, hold the thought/feeling, release to the universe, be grateful for everything in your life, and be certain in your faith and belief that what you are expericing now is merely an echo of some past 'distress' which will soon be a distant memory.
Pay attention to your dreams, and don't be afraid. I know someone who started having frightening dreams, very vivid dreams. After having the same dream 3 times, she decided to take control. She thwarted her nemesis simply by having faith in heself and knowing that it was a dream and that she ultimately controlled her dreams. After a couple of nights her dreams were not only back to normal, whenever something 'dark or scary' entered she would instantly (in her dream) change it to something better. Yu can do that also.
AND, now you have the good intentions of all of us to help!
Best wishes and pleasant dreams!Blessings on the journey, Glenn
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