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PMS & Change of Life Modules

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  • PMS & Change of Life Modules

    Dear PATHS

    I have a question please, I was wondering if it was OK to be on both the PMS Module & the Change of Life Module at the same time.

    I am on the PMS one, and I have a feeling that I should get into the Change of Life too, coz i seem to be getting hot flashes more frequently,

    so my question comes in two parts

    1. for someone as young as I am (I'm 30) is it OK to be on the Change of Life Module ?

    2. Can those two modules be combined ? that is, can be on both of them at the same time?


    Love & Gratitude.

  • #2

    While I can't answer the question that you asked PATHS, I had a relative that experienced premature menopause at 28! Some women do have hot flashes long before actual menopause. I tried the Change of Life module and it reduced the severity of the hot flashes in 2 weeks. I've been off the module for a few months and I still have some hot flashes, but I'm not drenched in sweat anymore. Maybe I need to use the Change of Life for a month as a "refresher". BTW, I'm 50, had a hysterectomy when 33. The hot flashes started when I was 48-49, so I'm sorry you've already had some.


    • #3
      It is perfectly fine for any adult female to use the Change of Life Module. It promotes health and balance.

      It is also fine for both the PMS and Change of Life to be used simultaneously. There is some overlap, as well as differences in the two Modules.

      We have many Customers using both with great reports!
      Happiness & Health,

      PATHS, S.A. Staff


