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PATHS and Cystic Fibrosis

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  • PATHS and Cystic Fibrosis

    Cystic Fibrosis affects about 30,000 people in the United States alone or about 70,000 people worldwide.

    It is caused by a certain protein inside of cells that line the lungs and pancreas that malfunctions and does not allow the proper secretion of chloride from the cells. Sodium can pump in just fine but chloride doesn't make it out as easy. Therefore, if the cells hold on to too much water, the oustide of the cells are not hydrated enough and it causes a thick dry mucus.

    This mucus coats the pancreas and prevents the pancreatic enzymes from leaving the pancreas so therefore, food is not broken down and the nutrients are not assimilated very well.

    The lungs will have this thick mucus, which is normally a breeding ground for virus and bacteria, which is a very serious concern for anyone with CF.

    There are about 1200 different genetic mutations that can cause this defective protein in the cells that normally is involved with a biochemical pathway that allows chloride to leave the cells. All these genetic mutations are located in chromosome 7. Every genetic defect can be catorized in about 5 general categories of CF. Some produce a chloride channel halfway and stop becase of stopper genes...some produce an entire chloride channel but is blocked off at the end...some don't produce any channel at all and other permuations. Some people with CF can have one or more combinations of genetic defects that contribute to this problem.

    There are many different therapies for CF that are primarily addressing symptoms such as taking supplemental enzymes as well as various pharmaceuticals that address the respiration. Other than these, there hasn't been much in the way of treatments that address the chloride channel issue other than inhaled formulas that help to draw the chloride out and other methods of treatment.

    The chloride in these cells do wind up making it out of the cells because otherwise, the cells would swell up and bust. The way the chloride gets out is through "alternative pathways" that deal with UTP (uridine triphosphate).

    The primary method is with a CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator) protein. It utilizes ATP (adenosine triphosphate) the body's main energy molecule. When this molecule is utilized, the process pumps chloride and water out of the cell.

    ATP is adenosine triphosphate, which is an adenine amino acid bound to a pentose sugar (5 sided) called Ribose as in ribonucleic acid or deoxyribonucleic acid (a deoxygenated ribose molecule sugar)...both together are adenosine and triphosphate is 3 phosphate molecules. When any muscle moves or other atp functions are happening, one of the phosphate molecules are burned off turning it from triphosphate into adenosine diphosphate (adp)...there is also AMP - monophosphate but I won't go into that here.

    When weight lifters take creatine, they can get more repetitions of a certain weight with creatine than without. Creatine is a phosphate donor to give a surplus of phosphate so that a phosphate molecule can hook back to adp turning it back into atp...recycling chemical energy.

    The UTP process is similar but instead of adenine amino is is uricile amino with ribose making uridine and then triphosphate, which is 3 phosphate molecules.

    When ATP or UTP is converted into the ADP or UDP forms, that process causes chloride to pump in one specific direction carrying water with it, which is desired to keep water balance inside and outside of a cell regular. Otherwise if these are thrown off, the water pressue inside or outside a cell will be off.

    With the alternative pathway...if there is no CFTR pathway, the chloride leaves when UTP is utilized and this draws chloride out of the cells.

    It doesn't matter what form of CF someone has genetically, they all benefit by these alternative pathways pumping out chloride. A goal is to turn these alternative pathways into SUPERPATHWAYS where the UTP process is greatly enhanced.

    With PATHS, there is research being done currently into how PATHS can be used to most effectively enhance this UTP pathway to pump chloride out of the cells.

    If chloride and water are pumped out of the cells more effectively than normal, the mucus will be more thinned out and watery and can be more easily expelled from the lungs so there is a less habitable place for virus and bacteria and of course more easy breathing as long as the lungs aren't too badly damaged from years of strain.

    Also, if the mucus is thinned out to a normal healthy consistancy, the enzymes from the pancreas can actually be secreted out to go where they need to go. If the enzymes are blocked by very thick mucus, then the enzymes can't leave and will eventually break down and this causes scarring in the pancreas.

    Therefore, going to the source of having the cells properly pump out chloride should logically cause all the rest of the symptoms to go away. If there has been long term damage to the lungs or anywhere else from the long term issue of thick mucus, etc... then even if the alternative UTP pathways are turned into superpathways, it won't reverse lung damage.

    With PATHS, the goal is to utilize the subconscious mind in a way so that it can instruct the cells that line lungs and pancreas to boost chloride secretion and to increase the UTP process and anything else directly related to the biochemical pathways in this "alternative pathway".

    The research is in the early stages and we do not know what the effectiveness will be. It will either help or it will do nothing but at least there can be no negative effects.

    Due diligence is very required because there might be the tendency for some to want to immediately increase the enzyme production of the pancreas but if they can't get out, this will cause more damage to the pancreas so this is one example of why we must consult with experts in various areas that we are addressing, do a lot of research and make sure we are getting to the root cause that if taken care of, all other symptoms will clear on their own.

    More information will be posted...
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO

  • #2
    Cystic Fibrosis Treatment Progress

    How can you tell if there is progress with Cystic Fibrosis treatments?

    A diognostic test to tell if someone has CF or not is a skin salinity test measuring sodium levels. The higher the sodium levels, the more likely and in a certain range it is certain.

    If this test can show a significant decrease into probable or even safe range, then this will turn the entire cystic fibrosis world upside down. I was told that even if this test doesn't show a decrease to not be discouraged because there could be other things improving that will not show in this salinity test but if it does, then that is truly a marvelous breakthrough.

    Also, weight gain is an incredible indicator. It is difficult to gain weight when the body cannot deliver enough enzymes to the food to break them down in order to assimilate the nutrients from the food. So, if there is a gain in weight, that indicates an improvement in not only nutrient assimilation but also respiratory function.

    I never knew there was much connection but I recently learned that weight gain also is indicative of healthy respiratory function in relatinship to cystic fibrosis. Possibly otherwise, but it was explained to me by a CF specialist in regards to CF.

    For quantifiable markers or indicators showing there is real progress other than possible subjective indicators such as "feeling better" or "seems to be breathing better" , etc... weight gain and a reduction in the sodium levels of the skin salinity test are the goals of a PATHS module addressing CF.

    One of these indicators would be wonderful and if both happen, then that is a sure sign that we are making incredible progress in the treatment of cystic fibrosis.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #3
      PATHS specific instructions

      Hi all,

      Some people ask "how can PATHs target something so specific" such as enhancing chloride secretion in very specific cells?

      The answer is that any perceivable difference in something big like using the subconscious mind to regulate heart rhythm or respiration and the subconscious mind focusing on a sub atomic particle, molecule, or even a cellular function of a specific cell is purely a product of the imagination.

      Meaning that the subconscious mind does not make a distinction or judgement about the size or scale of the things that it focuses on. To it, there is no difference and any perceived difference like the pain in an arm bone or an alternative chloride pathway enhancement...well, there isn't much difference.

      The subconscious mind has the ability to communicate with one single virtual photon in vacuum space or an entire mountain like Mt. Fuji. What is the difference? We perceive a difference and the difference is rooted in judgement but to the subconcious mind, all things are equal. The effect the subconscious mind may have on something may not be equal as it can influence the property of a virtual photon in vacuum space more easily than it can move a mountain based on potential it is dealing with but is it more difficult? No, it just requires more potential.

      PATHS has the ability to instruct the increased secretion of substance P in the pancreas to deal with diabetic problems as easily as it can calm a hyper person in their mood.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO

