The Special for New Customers is proving to be very popular. This is a great way to "get on track" to get all those "New Years Resolutions" moving in the right direction.
Here are all the details! http://www.energeticforum.com/paths/...portunity.html
The Customer Appreciation Special is for existing PATHS Customers only. It is PATHS, S.A. way of saying

This special is probably a once in a lifetime opportunity, it is definitely the best special we will be running in 2008!
There are record numbers of individuals taking advantage of this. We have brought on extra staff to handle the load, so if you have not taken advantage of this yet, here are all the details:
A question has come up regarding these SUPER NEW YEARS SPECIALS-
If I am not yet a PATHS Customer, can I sign up for the New Customer Special, and then once I am a Customer can I take advantage of the Customer Appreciation Special?
The answer is YES! By doing that you will save $259.50!

PATHS Website Site Search. This feature is new to the PATHS websites and is located in the upper right hand side of most every page. It is very useful in locating relevant information on the site regarding subjects of interest.
We are continuing to improve this on a daily basis.
Articles on PATHS websites- The first article, by Jeanie Boyle, is now on all PATHS websites. We will continue adding more articles on a regular basis covering a broad range of topics.
You can find the articles by clicking on the "Articles" button on the navigation bar on any PATHS website. Also, within a few days these articles will be search enabled with the Site Search feature.
PATHS Audio Presentation- There is now a button on the top of the right column of all PATHS websites where you can "Hear More About PATHS" by clicking the play button.
We are sure that you will find this short audio clip to be very interesting and useful.
There is a new YouTube video about PATHS on the net. Here are a couple of links to it:
YouTube - Discover PATHS
YouTube - PATHS - Program Authoring the Human Subconscious
New Project 1 World to be unveiled shortly!
Within the next couple of weeks we will be updating the FREE Project 1 Word Theater Presentation.
The Project subject will be Peace, starting with the individual, radiating out to Family, Neighborhood, Community, City, Region (State), Country, Continent, and the Planet. This is very exciting. More details will be available in the next 2 weeks.
