If I was anymore excited I would be jumping through your computer screen dancing on your desk!
If you are using PATHS, then likely you have experienced some phenomenal results in one or more areas.
You may even have become a little blase about it. I know I have.
When you first experience heretofore unheard of results (eg. sleeping well for the first time in years, changing diet, gaining self confidence, etc. etc.) it is really a BIG DADGUM DEAL. Then after awhile we sort of take it for granted.
Earlier this evening I tested my blood sugar (I used to be diabetic) for the first time in many months. It was 67.
To give you an idea of the import of the previous sentence:
1. For years I had to test my blood sugar 3-6 times a day (yes, that mean poking a hole in your skin and squeezing blood onto a test strip 3-6 times a day). Today was the first time in months. Pretty Dadgum Amazing!
2. Diabetes is not something that goes away. Once you have it, it just gets worse until most die prematurely of diabetic complications. VERY DADGUM AMAZING!
3. For years I had to starve myself just to keep my blood sugar below 110, rarely did it ever drop below 95! Imagine what it is like to be on a PERMANENT VERY RESTRICTED DIET JUST TO KEEP THE DOCTORS FROM HAVING TO AMPUTATE TOES, FEET & LEGS! Then think of what it would be like to be released from that restriction!
Anyways, I just had a renewed appreciation of how truly fantastic the PATHS technology is at revolutionizing lives for the better!
Here are a couple of posts with more details:

If you are using PATHS, then likely you have experienced some phenomenal results in one or more areas.
You may even have become a little blase about it. I know I have.
When you first experience heretofore unheard of results (eg. sleeping well for the first time in years, changing diet, gaining self confidence, etc. etc.) it is really a BIG DADGUM DEAL. Then after awhile we sort of take it for granted.
Earlier this evening I tested my blood sugar (I used to be diabetic) for the first time in many months. It was 67.

To give you an idea of the import of the previous sentence:
1. For years I had to test my blood sugar 3-6 times a day (yes, that mean poking a hole in your skin and squeezing blood onto a test strip 3-6 times a day). Today was the first time in months. Pretty Dadgum Amazing!

2. Diabetes is not something that goes away. Once you have it, it just gets worse until most die prematurely of diabetic complications. VERY DADGUM AMAZING!
3. For years I had to starve myself just to keep my blood sugar below 110, rarely did it ever drop below 95! Imagine what it is like to be on a PERMANENT VERY RESTRICTED DIET JUST TO KEEP THE DOCTORS FROM HAVING TO AMPUTATE TOES, FEET & LEGS! Then think of what it would be like to be released from that restriction!

Anyways, I just had a renewed appreciation of how truly fantastic the PATHS technology is at revolutionizing lives for the better!
Here are a couple of posts with more details:
