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Simply Amazing

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  • Simply Amazing

    If I was anymore excited I would be jumping through your computer screen dancing on your desk!

    If you are using PATHS, then likely you have experienced some phenomenal results in one or more areas.

    You may even have become a little blase about it. I know I have.

    When you first experience heretofore unheard of results (eg. sleeping well for the first time in years, changing diet, gaining self confidence, etc. etc.) it is really a BIG DADGUM DEAL. Then after awhile we sort of take it for granted.

    Earlier this evening I tested my blood sugar (I used to be diabetic) for the first time in many months. It was 67.

    To give you an idea of the import of the previous sentence:

    1. For years I had to test my blood sugar 3-6 times a day (yes, that mean poking a hole in your skin and squeezing blood onto a test strip 3-6 times a day). Today was the first time in months. Pretty Dadgum Amazing!

    2. Diabetes is not something that goes away. Once you have it, it just gets worse until most die prematurely of diabetic complications. VERY DADGUM AMAZING!

    3. For years I had to starve myself just to keep my blood sugar below 110, rarely did it ever drop below 95! Imagine what it is like to be on a PERMANENT VERY RESTRICTED DIET JUST TO KEEP THE DOCTORS FROM HAVING TO AMPUTATE TOES, FEET & LEGS! Then think of what it would be like to be released from that restriction!

    Anyways, I just had a renewed appreciation of how truly fantastic the PATHS technology is at revolutionizing lives for the better!

    Here are a couple of posts with more details:


    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

    ESM Forum Support Link

  • #2
    Oh, Kevin!! I'm SO Excited for you!!!!!


    That really is the most Incredible and Magical and Wonderful result I've heard of! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!!

    Love and Light and Excitement xxx
    Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
    Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
    Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


    • #3
      Hooray! That is amazing! Good for you, Kevin!


      • #4

        Funny you should post about this...yesterday, I was thinking about your previous postings about the Diabetes Module--I wanted to know how often you let yourself cheat on your diet. Also, have your HbgA1c (glycated hemoglobin) results changed any? 67 is an amazing blood glucose reading, a very healthy one!


        • #5
          Yay, Kevin!!!!

          That's fabulous news, Kevin!! I'm so happy for you!!

          I, also, would like to know if you've allowed yourself to eat 'forbidden' foods (and how often) or if you even worry about what you eat anymore.

          Congratulations, Kevin!!

          Paths To Your Success


          • #6


            That is awesome! I'm sure it is very inspiring to those with diabetes.

            PATHS really makes life worth living!!! At the end of Feb. it will be one year for me on PATHS and I am having the time of my life right now.

            I haven't even been able to sample all the PATHS modules in all that time bc there are new ones coming out so often. So I have even more good things to look forward to!

            XO Jessica
            Keep your mind on the aether


            • #7
              I have not bothered counting carbs for about a year now.

              I used to have to eat less than 100 grams of carbs per day to keep my blood sugar in the safe range.

              I challenge you to try and go through a day eating 90 grams of carbs or less....then, think about doing it for years on end!!!!

              Nowdays, my sugar is even lower than it was when I was at 90 grams a day, AND I can eat whatever I want.

              I just counted up what I ate yesterday....390 grams of carbs.

              I know there are many days when I eat as much as 1000 grams...just does not matter.

              What "medical science" says is an impossibility has occurred for me!


              PATHS For Healing
              Energetic Science Ministries
              Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

              ESM Forum Support Link


              • #8
                Originally posted by Kevin View Post

                Nowdays, my sugar is even lower than it was when I was at 90 grams a day, AND I can eat whatever I want.
                That is truly wonderful, Kevin! What a burden has been lifted from you. May the blessings continue to multiply for you!

                Paths To Your Success


                • #9
                  That's really good news, Kevin. I'd love to know if you've had a glycated hemoglobin test since you've been on this module? How did it compare?


                  • #10

                    That is soooooo cool! I would love to get my nephew on that module! Well I think he needs to be on at least four of them! He came home from Iraq with diabetes, and the Marines kept telling him he was not sick! When he finally walked into the hospital his blood sugars were 900... No one could even believe he was walking still! He takes up to 5 insulin shots a day... he really needs to get it balanced out!

                    Well Congratulations! That is sooooo awesome!

                    Sallyjane zartgirl


                    • #11
                      Awesome. I know what is like to live with 'conditions.' That is just so awesome that PATHS was able to help you put all that behind you.

                      Blessings on the journey, Glenn
                      Handmade Ceramic Gifts


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Athena View Post
                        That's really good news, Kevin. I'd love to know if you've had a glycated hemoglobin test since you've been on this module? How did it compare?

                        I have never had a glycated hemoglobin test. This is a test primarily for those with poorly controlled diabetes.


                        "Underlying principle

                        In the normal 120-day life span of the red blood cell, glucose molecules join hemoglobin, forming glycated hemoglobin. In individuals with poorly controlled diabetes, increases in the quantities of these glycated hemoglobins are noted."

                        Glycosylated hemoglobin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        I will do a glycated hemoglobin test for grins and giggles at my next doctor checkup and report back. However, there will be no "before" to compare the forthcoming "after" with.

                        If you read back thru some of my posts I believe I shared how I found out I initially had diabetes via a TRV session that I did regarding my physical health.

                        The day I found out I had it the doctors wanted me to start taking insulin. NOT!!! I said there has to be another way. They said well you could try and control it with diet and exercise, but you prolly won't be able to.

                        That very day I radically changed my diet and began a consistent exercise routine. It was VERY difficult, and VERY restrictive, but I rarely went over 110 in my blood sugar, and thus should have never had a build up of glycated hemoglobin.


                        PATHS For Healing
                        Energetic Science Ministries
                        Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                        ESM Forum Support Link


                        • #13
                          Diabetes Super Module

                          If anyone wants to benefit from this module, visit
                          Diabetes Super Module

                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #14
                            Kevin--I'm not trying to start a debate, really. I don't feel that the glycated hemoglobin test (HbgA1c) is reserved for testing poorly controlled is a standard test among the doctors that treat the diabetic family & friends that I personally know. Newly diagnosed diabetics don't have the finger stick readings for the previous 3 months, so glycated Hb values can be converted to show the average blood sugar levels for this time frame. By that same token, doctors can compare the test's values against a patient's finger stick results, especially if the person hasn't been testing his blood in a while....(pointing finger to husband).

                            I'm really surprised that your doctor hasn't requested this test before. Besides measuring average blood sugars, the test reveals the rate of glycation in tissues. I'm sure you're taking vitamin C!

                            You should be congratulated, Kevin, for taking charge of your diet and fitness. My husband was devastated when he was diagnosed 2 years ago, he sat down with his head in his hands and cried. He knew he would have to modify his diet and didn't want to do it. It's very hard for him because he's a roofing contractor, spending most of the time on the road, so finding healthy menus is tough. I know he hasn't been sticking to his diet. That's why I pestering you with questions because I'm thinking of my husband here. (he's not on PATHS, he's a skeptic)


                            • #15

                              wow that is great Kevin.
                              makles me wonder why people with diabeties don't go on the module...
                              however, some seem to want to stay sick, a payoff, they have gained an identity from being ill... don't get me wrong, i have also done this too... Labels were great way to have something to talk about and also get attention with... I no longer buy into the arthritis they told me i had or the fibermyalgia... and I rarely experience pain, and am not on perscription drugs anymore...( i used to be crippled by the pain and used crutches and a cane at the age of 22-26) the lables seem retarded to me today...
                              I know this lady who i have mentioned paths to and the Diabetes module, and she hummed and hawed (chose not to )... yet ever since she has gotten diabeties, she is ALWAYS talking about it, her blood sugar level, this and that, takes out her blood tester thing in public and tests her blood... it just seems to be a fad or something/ritualistic... not that she hasn't had to make changes... but you know... I simply roll my eyes...inside of course and don't pay any attention to anything she says about it.
                              not trying to be inconsiderate or insensitive, cuz we all have our journey, just an interesting observation... If there was something that could help wouldn't you just do it...if it don't work... well it was interesting trying it, if it does OMG... and it sounds like a mountain has been moved Kevin... I know it took much faith for me to start using paths... a complete leap of faith... and i am SOOOOOOOOOOO glad i did and still am..

                              cheers... Adrienne
                              Last edited by Adrienne; 01-15-2008, 05:52 PM.
                              Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me



