There are only 3 days left to take advantage of the PATHS New Years Specials!
Here's a refresher:
New Years Blast-Off Special!
For NEW Customers (for those getting their first PATHS Theater):
Get 4 Modules for the price of 2!
From now until January 31st, any NEW Customer ordering 4 Modules, at the same time, only pays the price of 2!
That is a savings of over $90!
Be sure to tell your friends and family about this great opportunity!
Enter this code at checkout for instant savings: 2333
Customer Appreciation Special
This Special is for EXISTING Customers ONLY.
To show our appreciation, we are offering any 4-Module Theater at half price!
That is less than the cost of a One-Module Theater!
This will be the Hands Down Best Special of 2008, so don't miss this awesome offer!
This offer is good from now until January 31st.
Just enter this code upon checkout for instant savings: 2777