As of today (2-4-08) there are 18 available for the rest of the month.
You can see the details of the Platinum Special here:
The Platinum Theater is by far the most flexible and powerful of all our Theaters.
You can literally choose to have any areas in your life addressed on a totally individualized basis.
We write custom instructions for each situation you want addressed. These can be changed/updated on a weekly basis.
Below are links to more info on the Platinum Theater:
"Without getting into all the specific affirmations I have had programmed into my Platinum module, I will just tell you that a few days ago, someone I haven't known very long told me that I have "great willpower" and that I am "so good at not caring what other people think." I am becoming the person I have always wanted to be."
A few months ago I started on PATHS. I have consistently maintained a platinum program and so many awesome things have happened. One of the most noticeable things are the synergies that began the very day that I started!
One of the many areas I have seen great changes in is my work. Our company wanted to secure a contract with an enormous company. It would seem to most a long shot as they have thousands of employees worldwide and they did not even know that we existed. But we made the call and their VP called us back almost immediately....We were quite astonished! She said that she had just met with our strongest competition. In fact, that is why she could not take our call because she was in that very meeting. They had flown across the country to meet with her. They were pressing her for a decision.
Once I started to talk with her about what we do and how it would assist their corporate mission though, she got very excited. We then closed one of many agreements with them... and for more money than we asked for!! The first agreement was for nearly $50,000.00. We created it and are now able to market it world-wide. THAT was not expected and has added new revenue stream to our offerings that will be quite lucrative for us! They are now working with us on many levels. I know that PATHS was a major influence in this deal.
Thank you!
-James Teagan
You can see the details of the Platinum Special here:
The Platinum Theater is by far the most flexible and powerful of all our Theaters.
You can literally choose to have any areas in your life addressed on a totally individualized basis.
We write custom instructions for each situation you want addressed. These can be changed/updated on a weekly basis.
Below are links to more info on the Platinum Theater:
"Without getting into all the specific affirmations I have had programmed into my Platinum module, I will just tell you that a few days ago, someone I haven't known very long told me that I have "great willpower" and that I am "so good at not caring what other people think." I am becoming the person I have always wanted to be."
A few months ago I started on PATHS. I have consistently maintained a platinum program and so many awesome things have happened. One of the most noticeable things are the synergies that began the very day that I started!
One of the many areas I have seen great changes in is my work. Our company wanted to secure a contract with an enormous company. It would seem to most a long shot as they have thousands of employees worldwide and they did not even know that we existed. But we made the call and their VP called us back almost immediately....We were quite astonished! She said that she had just met with our strongest competition. In fact, that is why she could not take our call because she was in that very meeting. They had flown across the country to meet with her. They were pressing her for a decision.
Once I started to talk with her about what we do and how it would assist their corporate mission though, she got very excited. We then closed one of many agreements with them... and for more money than we asked for!! The first agreement was for nearly $50,000.00. We created it and are now able to market it world-wide. THAT was not expected and has added new revenue stream to our offerings that will be quite lucrative for us! They are now working with us on many levels. I know that PATHS was a major influence in this deal.
Thank you!
-James Teagan
