I know I am jumping the gun with this post. But am so excited about it that I will just do this post now, and then a follow up next week.
Here goes.
My birth certificate says I will be 50 in a few months. (That is so insane, I still feel 18!
Anyway, I have not had a check up in almost 10 years, and thought it would be good to take advantage of my insurance companies $35 co-payment for a complete physical.
First thing I did was call a bunch of the doctor offices in the "network".
I wanted to find a doctor that had not had all their common sense "educated" out of them.
I also wanted to find one that respected my time and if I made an appointment then I would not end up waiting for an hour or more for them to finally get around to me.
I had to hang up on a few that put me on hold the minute they answered the phone....that is not a good way to start if they want my business. lol
I talked to a few nurses that simply did not understand what I meant when I asked if the doctor listened to their patients, and if they used their brain in addition to their education. (yes, I really was that straight forward
I did not want to waste my time with some educated robot. If I was going to take the time to go in and get poked, probed, pee in a cup, give em some of my blood, I wanted them to actually be listening to me, and to be combining common sense with their education and what I was telling them about this vessel that I reside in.
On my 7th or 8th call I found a nurse that was friendly, laughed, and said she knew what I was talking about. That the doc did listen and he did practice medicine with a combination of what he had learned and with common sense thinking.
Sooo, in I go at 2:30 this last Monday. Within 10 minutes of filling out the paperwork a nurse took me into the back and started a series of tests. At no point did I wait over 5 minutes. Wow, that is a record for a doctor office visit for me.
When we had finished the questionnaire, the urine test, blood test, EKG, chest xrays, the doc came in and he ALREADY had the xrays, ekg and urine results. (Blood test results will not be ready until this Friday).
Oh, on the wall in patient room #3 (where I was located) was a great saying. I do not remember the whole thing, next time I am there I will copy it down, but it was along these lines"
An inferior doctor....
A mediocre doctor...
A superior doctor works to prevent disease.
Wow, that was a real surprise to see in an allopathic office.
Anyway...the doc comes in and we talk about a bunch of stuff, he goes over the test results, says everything looks real good, but that at 50 I should start having a stress test every year now. So we set that up for this Friday (the same day my blood results will be back).
Now here is the kicker. As he is leaving the office, he looks at my chest xrays again and asks, you are sure you are a smoker? ROFL, I tell him yes. He just shakes his head (he had already double checked earlier to make sure he had MY chest xrays when he read in my file that I smoke).
I am sure that the Increase Lung Function Module, along with the stem cell health modules have had a positive affect.
I am going to try and dig up my chest xrays from 10 years ago, and get copies of these from the other day. If I get that done I will post them both here. I know that the more recent ones are probably better, even though my lungs have had another 10 years of 1.5-2 packs a day.
I'll post more after Friday!
Here goes.
My birth certificate says I will be 50 in a few months. (That is so insane, I still feel 18!

Anyway, I have not had a check up in almost 10 years, and thought it would be good to take advantage of my insurance companies $35 co-payment for a complete physical.
First thing I did was call a bunch of the doctor offices in the "network".
I wanted to find a doctor that had not had all their common sense "educated" out of them.
I also wanted to find one that respected my time and if I made an appointment then I would not end up waiting for an hour or more for them to finally get around to me.
I had to hang up on a few that put me on hold the minute they answered the phone....that is not a good way to start if they want my business. lol
I talked to a few nurses that simply did not understand what I meant when I asked if the doctor listened to their patients, and if they used their brain in addition to their education. (yes, I really was that straight forward

I did not want to waste my time with some educated robot. If I was going to take the time to go in and get poked, probed, pee in a cup, give em some of my blood, I wanted them to actually be listening to me, and to be combining common sense with their education and what I was telling them about this vessel that I reside in.
On my 7th or 8th call I found a nurse that was friendly, laughed, and said she knew what I was talking about. That the doc did listen and he did practice medicine with a combination of what he had learned and with common sense thinking.
Sooo, in I go at 2:30 this last Monday. Within 10 minutes of filling out the paperwork a nurse took me into the back and started a series of tests. At no point did I wait over 5 minutes. Wow, that is a record for a doctor office visit for me.
When we had finished the questionnaire, the urine test, blood test, EKG, chest xrays, the doc came in and he ALREADY had the xrays, ekg and urine results. (Blood test results will not be ready until this Friday).
Oh, on the wall in patient room #3 (where I was located) was a great saying. I do not remember the whole thing, next time I am there I will copy it down, but it was along these lines"
An inferior doctor....
A mediocre doctor...
A superior doctor works to prevent disease.
Wow, that was a real surprise to see in an allopathic office.
Anyway...the doc comes in and we talk about a bunch of stuff, he goes over the test results, says everything looks real good, but that at 50 I should start having a stress test every year now. So we set that up for this Friday (the same day my blood results will be back).
Now here is the kicker. As he is leaving the office, he looks at my chest xrays again and asks, you are sure you are a smoker? ROFL, I tell him yes. He just shakes his head (he had already double checked earlier to make sure he had MY chest xrays when he read in my file that I smoke).
I am sure that the Increase Lung Function Module, along with the stem cell health modules have had a positive affect.

I am going to try and dig up my chest xrays from 10 years ago, and get copies of these from the other day. If I get that done I will post them both here. I know that the more recent ones are probably better, even though my lungs have had another 10 years of 1.5-2 packs a day.

I'll post more after Friday!
