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Can PATHS Help With PH Balance?

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  • #16
    Please correct me if I am wrong, Aaron.

    You seem to be writing about how it is possible to be too alkaline, that your Ph may be off in the opposite direction.

    I think this is much more rare, but I've also seen that it does happen.

    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    There is a simple test anyone can do. You can get a bottle of hcl tablets or capsules and at the same time every day...take 1 with a meal...keep to the same meal...dinner or whatever. If there is a burning sensation from 1 tab/cap then the problem is NOT lack of acid...the 1 tab/cap caused too much and that is why there is burning.
    So in this case the person is too acidic.

    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    If no burning, the next day at the same meal time, take 2 tab/caps. Keep boosting 1 cap at the same meal every time.

    For example, if it takes 5 caps/tabs until there is a burning sensation, that means there is a serious lack of hcl production in the stomach.
    In this case the person is too alkaline.

    I'm thinking the Ph strips would come in handy here too and would reinforce the test results you suggest.

    I would guess from what the dr. has me do before I give him lab samples, that the best way to test the Ph strips with saliva would be to not eat after midnight and test the next morning before having anything to eat or drink.

    Keep your mind on the aether


    • #17
      ph testing

      Blood testing for ph is the most accurate since the body keeps homeostasis and the blood ph follows a VERY narrow margin.

      Testing urine and saliva ph can change so quickly and often throughout the day I don't think they really give the real picture.

      Overall, most people do better on the non-acidic side but there are some people who function better being slightly more acidic.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #18
        Thanks Aaron,

        It looks like Dr. Young has found a way, although a bit complex, to test using the Ph paper.

        It's one of the articles here : pH Miracle Living: Articles

        (works in Explorer if not in Firefox).

        It looks like he also agrees that all cancer is over acidity and has some good references for that in his articles.

        Keep your mind on the aether


        • #19
          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
          Blood testing for ph is the most accurate since the body keeps homeostasis and the blood ph follows a VERY narrow margin.

          Testing urine and saliva ph can change so quickly and often throughout the day I don't think they really give the real picture.

          Overall, most people do better on the non-acidic side but there are some people who function better being slightly more acidic.
          I am continuing to learn more about pH.

          Blood testing for pH may not give the overall picture since the body will pull from all areas in order to keep that blood in that narrow margin you mention.

          One way I read that is an indicator of overacidity (besides obvious things like heart burn) is if the area around the tail bone is tender. I believe the reason is the calcium being stripped off bones lands there (among other places).

          As far as people functioning better being slightly more acidic, I would take that to mean in a very temporary way.

          For example, if my pH were very balanced and then I had coffee I would probably perform better.

          However, if my pH were over-all acidic in a chronic way (that main stream medicine recognizes most adults with a western diet are), everything I am finding says this is bad for the body and gets worse and worse.

          Here is a clip from an e-mail newsletter I got today regarding a new method for finding cancer :

          They used MRI to see how much of the tagged sodium
          bicarbonate was converted into carbon dioxide within
          the tumor. In more acidic tumors, more bicarbonate
          is converted into carbon dioxide.

          "The body tissues use sodium bicarbonate as a primary
          buffer to maintain the natural alkaline design of the
          tissues and to prevent degeneration of that specific
          tissue," states Dr. Young.

          The researchers measured pH levels using an emerging
          technique called dynamic nuclear polarization that
          boosts MRI sensitivity more than 10,000 times.

          The method developed by GE's GE Healthcare unit
          involves cooling down molecules to near absolute zero
          and then warming them up quickly -- a process that
          keeps them polarized and easier to detect as an

          "MRI can pick up on the abnormal acidic pH levels found
          in cancerous tissues and it is possible that this could
          be used to pinpoint where the disease is present and
          when it is responding to treatment," Brindle said.

          The next step is testing the technique in humans in
          early stage clinical trials expected to start in 2009,
          he added in a telephone interview.

          According Dr. Young, "hyper-alkalization of the body
          tissues with sodium bicarbonate is the safest and most
          effective and natural way of reversing ANY cancerous

          To learn more about hyper-alklization of the body
          tissues and preventing or reversing a cancerous
          condition listen to The pH Miracle for Cancer.

          Audio CDs and Downloads

          (The Italian Dr. that treats cancer with sodium bicarbonate is Dr. Simoncini. You can watch him (translated) here : YouTube - 1- Sodium bicarbonate, a natural way to treat the cancer and/or do a search for him at youtube to find patient testimonials.)

          I have recently tried some alkalizing pills and powder. While they may be great for the long term, I do not find them as a substitute for sodium bicarbonate. (My breathing rate started to go up again after so long off the sodium bicarbonate.)

          I am now using both the alkalizing powder and the sodium bicarbonate tablets on a daily basis.

          Keep your mind on the aether


          • #20
            Somewhere I remember Aaron mentioning that over the counter antacids just treat the stomach and not the over-all condition of overacidity.

            The other day I looked at the ingredients of antacids at the drug store.

            Only one (Alka Seltzer) contained sodium bicarbonate (!) but it also contained aspirin, which has an acidic effect overall.

            I have been able to find pure sodium bicarbonate tablets online (amazon).

            Also the main stream pharmacies stock it, but tell me it is by prescription only (baking soda in tablet form ). However a small, non-chain pharmacy down the street from me was happy to sell it to me, 200 tablets for $6

            Keep your mind on the aether


            • #21
              Heidelberg Machine


              A doctor I used to work with told me about a machine that he used to use way back. Maybe in the 70's. The patient swallowed a capsule...tied to a string or wireless and it sent out PH levels in live time wherever it was.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #22
                Hi Jessica,
                My wife used to suffer from very serious acid reflux.

                We modified our diet to include MUCH more green vegetables in the form of salads for dinner 3 times a week, less processed food plenty of regular and lemon water as well as Evamor (ph 9.0 i think).
                I also make a "green drink" that quite frankly looks like swamp bog with our juicer that we drink as well.

                Her acid reflux only reoccurs when she resumes an acidic diet and is usually rectified by a couple of wheatgrass cubes with water.

                Suffice to say, I'm a ph convert!


                • #23
                  Great minds think alike

                  a newly released study by Agricultural Research
                  Service (ARS)- . . .

                  The study was led by physician and nutrition specialist
                  Bess Dawson-Hughes at the Jean Mayer USDA Human
                  Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University
                  in Boston, Mass.

                  The typical American diet is rich highly acidic in
                  protein, cereal grains and other acid-producing foods.
                  In general, such acidic diets generate dietary amounts
                  of acid each day. With aging, a mild but slowly
                  increasing metabolic "acidosis" develops, according
                  to the researchers.

                  Acidosis appears to trigger a muscle-wasting response.
                  So the researchers looked at links between measures
                  of lean body mass and diets relatively high in
                  alkaline potassium-rich, alkaline-residue producing
                  fruits and vegetables. Such diets could help neutralize
                  acidosis. Foods can be considered alkaline or acidic
                  based on the residues they produce in the body, rather
                  than whether they are alkaline or acidic themselves.
                  For example, acidic grapefruits, lemons and limes are
                  metabolized to alkaline residues because of their high
                  alkaline potassium bicarbonate content.

                  The researchers conducted a cross-sectional analysis on
                  a subset of nearly 400 male and female volunteers aged
                  65 or older who had completed a three-year
                  osteoporosis intervention trial. The volunteers'
                  physical activity, height and weight, and percentage
                  of lean body mass were measured at the start of the
                  study and at three years. Their urinary potassium
                  was measured at the start of the study, and their
                  dietary data was collected at 18 months.

                  Based on regression models, volunteers whose diets
                  were rich in alkaline buffers such as potassium could
                  expect to have 3.6 more pounds of lean tissue mass

                  than volunteers with half the higher potassium intake.
                  That almost offsets the 4.4 pounds of lean tissue that
                  is typically lost in a decade in healthy men and women
                  aged 65 and above, according to authors. The study was
                  published in the March issue of the American Journal
                  of Clinical Nutrition. . .

                  ARS is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's chief
                  scientific research agency.
                  Keep your mind on the aether


                  • #24
                    This is good info on salt.

                    To summarize it is the refining of salt (shocker, lol) that causes problems, not salt itself.

                    It seems sea salt is the way to go (as at least one other forum member has said before).

                    Both sea salt and rock salt were well known
                    to the ancient Greeks who noted that eating
                    salty food affected basic body functions such
                    as digestion and excretion (urine and stools).
                    This led to salt being used medically. The healing
                    methods of Hippocrates (460 BC) especially made
                    frequent use of salt. Salt-based remedies were
                    thought to have expectorant powers. A mixture
                    of water and salt was employed as an emetic.

                    Drinking a mixture of two-thirds cow's milk and
                    one-third salt-water, in the mornings, on an empty
                    stomach was recommended as a cure for diseases
                    of the spleen. A mixture of salt and honey was
                    applied topically to clean bad ulcers and salt-water
                    was used externally against skin diseases and freckles.

                    Hippocrates also mentions inhalation of steam from
                    salt-water. We know today that the antiinflammatory
                    effects of inhaled salt provide relief from respiratory
                    symptoms (c).

                    Thus, 2000 years ago, Greek medicine had already
                    discovered topical use of salt for skin lesions, drinking
                    salty or mineralized waters for digestive troubles and
                    inhaling salt for respiratory diseases!

                    The doctor and alchemist Paracelsus (1493-1541 A.D.)
                    introduced an entirely new medical concept. He believed
                    that external factors create disease and conceived a
                    chemically oriented medical system which contrasted
                    with the prevalent herbal medicine. Only salted food
                    could be digested properly: 'The human being must
                    have salt, he cannot be without salt. Where there is no
                    salt, nothing will remain, but everything will tend to rot.'

                    He recommended salt water for the treatment of wounds
                    and for use against intestinal worms. A hip-bath in salt
                    water was a superb remedy for skin diseases and itching:
                    'This brine - he said - is better than all the health spas
                    arising out of nature.' He described the diuretic effect
                    of salt consumption and prescribed salt preparations of
                    different strengths that were used for instance against

                    'In recent years there has been much publicity about
                    the need to reduce salt consumption in societies where
                    salt is added to many processed foods
                    (Denton 1984, 584-7).

                    It has tended to be forgotten that some salt intake is
                    absolutely necessary; that people need salt, sodium
                    chloride, to survive: The chemical requirements of the
                    human body demand that the salt concentration in the
                    blood be kept constant. If the body does not get enough
                    salt, a hormonal mechanism compensates by reducing
                    the excretion of salt in the urine and sweat. But it
                    cannot reduce this output to zero.

                    On a completely salt-free diet the body steadily loses
                    small amounts of salt via the kidneys and sweat glands.
                    It then attempts to adjust this by accelerating its
                    secretion of water, so that the blood's salt
                    concentration can be maintained at the vital level.
                    The result is a gradual desiccation of the body
                    and finally death.' Roy Moxham

                    An eight-year study of a New York City hypertensive
                    population stratified for sodium intake levels found
                    those on low-salt diets had more than four times as
                    many heart attacks as those on normal-sodium diets -
                    the exact opposite of what the 'salt hypothesis' would
                    have predicted. (1995)

                    Dr. Jeffrey R. Cutler documented no health outcomes
                    benefits of lower-sodium diets. Salt Institute

                    A past president of the American Heart Association,
                    Dr. Suzanne Oparil of the University of Alabama-
                    Birmingham, said her personal view is that the
                    government may have been too quick to
                    recommend that everyone cut back. 'Salt
                    restriction as a solitary recommendation for the
                    population for the prevention or the treatment
                    of hypertension.

                    Where to purchase real, unrefined liquid salt go to:

                    pH Miracle Liquid Salt pHlavor™
                    pH Miracle Products

                    An abundance of the ingredients in unrefined real salt
                    are as synonymous with life today as they were a billion
                    years ago before single cells appeared here. Lack of
                    them is synonymous with birth defects, organ failure,
                    decay, diseases, premature aging and death at a
                    young age.

                    The problem with salt is not the salt itself but the
                    condition of the salt we eat - refined! Major producing
                    companies dry their salt in huge kilns with temperatures
                    reaching 1200 degrees F, changing he salt's chemical
                    structure, which in turn adversely affects the human

                    The facts are that in the heating process of salt,
                    the element sodium chloride goes off into the air
                    as a gas. What remains is sodium hydroxate which
                    is irritating to the system and does not satisfy the
                    body's hunger and need for sodium chloride. Sodium
                    and chloride are two of the 12 daily essential

                    In countries which do not alter their salt supply,
                    heart disease and arthritis are so rare that many
                    doctors have never seen a case. Their salt is dried
                    from the ocean by the sun. Many people believe
                    that salt is harmful to the human body.

                    The truth is we cannot live without sodium or chloride-
                    salt. From salt the body makes sodium bicarbaonate which
                    is one of the essential compounds for alkalizing the
                    food we eat. Also, from salt the body makes iron for
                    producing the hemoglobin of the red blood cell.

                    Cl + O <=> Mn + H <=> Fe or

                    chloride + Oxygen = Manganese + Hydrogen = Iron.

                    There is not enough natural salt in our foods, so we
                    must supplement our diet. When salt is withheld,
                    weakness and sickness follow.

                    Try this experiment: Mix a spoonful of salt in a
                    glass of water and let it stand overnight. If the salt
                    collects on the bottom of the glass, it has been

                    NATURAL SALT DISSOLVES! Salt that will not dissolve
                    in water cannot dissolve in your body. Any foreign
                    substance that collects in the body organs and tissues
                    will eventually result in malfunctioning of essential
                    body processes: heart disease, arthritis, hardening
                    of the body tissues and arteries, calcium deposits
                    in the joints, etc. Natural organic salt (saline) will
                    not cause calcification in your body. Real sea salt can
                    dissolve damaging calcium deposits in the body.

                    Science and medicine have tried to define the precise
                    roles of salt in the healthy and diseased human organism.
                    Blood, sweat, and tears all contain salt, and both the
                    skin and the eyes are protected from metabolic acids
                    from the effects of salt. When salt is added to a liquid,
                    particles with opposite charges are formed: a positively
                    charged sodium ion and a negatively charged chloride ion.

                    This is the basis of osmosis which regulates fluid
                    pressure within living cells and protects the body
                    against excessive water loss (as in diarrhea or on
                    heavy sweating).

                    Sodium and chloride ions, as well as potassium ions,
                    create a measurable difference in potential across cell
                    membranes. This ensures that the fluid inside living cells
                    remains separate from that outside. Thus, although the
                    human body consists mainly of water, our 'inner ocean'
                    does not flow away or evaporate. Sodium ions create a
                    high pressure of liquid in the kidneys and thus regulate
                    their metabolic function.

                    Water is extracted through the renal drainage system.
                    The body thus loses a minimal amount of essential
                    alkaline water. Out of 1500 liters of blood which pass
                    daily through the kidneys, only about 1.5 liters of liquid
                    leave the body as urine.

                    Salt is 'fuel' for nerves. Streams of positively and
                    negatively charged ions send impulses to nerve fibers.
                    A muscle cell will only contract if an impulse reaches it.
                    Nerve impulses are partly propelled by co-ordinated
                    changes in charged particles.

                    Fish from the ocean will die quickly if placed in a
                    solution of refined salt and water. The sodium
                    chloride, in its form as it comes from the refinery,
                    is actually poisonous to them. Bottom line, is that
                    yes it can be harmful to consume too much refined
                    salt, but you cannot consume too much natural
                    unrefined liquid real salt.

                    For more information on the healthful benefits
                    of real mineral sea salt go to:

                    pH Miracle Liquid Salt pHlavor™
                    pH Miracle Products

                    In conclusion the question, "does salt cause
                    high blood pressure?" The answer is absolutely
                    NOT! High blood pressure is caused by dietary
                    and metabolic acids that are not being properly
                    eliminated through urination, defecation,
                    perspiration and respiration. The truth is, you
                    do not get high blood pressure you do high
                    blood pressure with your lifestyle and dietary
                    choices. Sodium chloride is the key to reducing
                    and normalizing blood pressure and maintaining
                    healthy pulse rate below 70 beats a minute.

                    pH Miracle Liquid Salt pHlavor™
                    pH Miracle Products

                    As someone that looks to improve their health we are pleased to offer you this free audio, an excerpt of a powerful two hour interview with Dr Robert O. Young and Anthony Robbins. (it is free to listen!)

                    Click here to listen: pH Miracle :: Free Offer

                    I trust you'll enjoy this...

                    Not part of our healing alkaline community?
                    Visit our website at:

                    pH Miracle Living Alkavorian Health

                    To learn more about the science of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young go to:

                    Articles of Health

                    'Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.' St. Augustine

                    'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' ....Arthur C. Clarke

                    'There are only two ways to live your life. One, is as though there are no miracles. The other is as though everything is a miracle.' Albert Einstein

                    pH Miracle Living Center
                    16390 Dia Del Sol
                    Valley Center, California 92082 US

                    © Copyright 2008 - Dr. Robert O. Young
                    All rights are reserved. Content may be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated,
                    or transferred, for single use, or by nonprofit organizations for educational
                    purposes, if correct attribution is made to Dr. Robert O. Young.

                    Connect with us on Facebook and MySpace:
                    Dr. Robert O. Young:
           - Dr. Robert - 56 - Male - Valley Center, California -
                    Shelley Young:
                    Keep your mind on the aether


                    • #25
                      As If We Needed Any More Evidence. . .

                      that the pH of our water is too acidic for our good health :

                      Acidic Drinking Water and Risk of Childhood-Onset Type 1 Diabetes

                      RESULTS—[ ]Tap water pH 6.2–6.9 was associated with a fourfold higher risk of type 1 diabetes compared with pH >=7.7 [ ](OR 3.73, 95% CI 1.52–9.15). This result was similar after exclusion of individuals with the highly protective HLA-DQB1*0602 allele, but adjustment for maternal education, urban/rural residence, sex, and age tended to strengthen the estimated association. Higher tap water concentration of zinc was associated with lower risk of type 1 diabetes after adjustment for pH and other possible confounders, but the overall association was strictly not significant.

                      You think they'd a done something about this back in 2002 when the study was published. My unfiltered tap water reads 6.5. I filter it and then add a few sprinkles of baking soda to bring it up to 7.5.

                      Full article here : Acidic Drinking Water and Risk of Childhood-Onset Type 1 Diabetes -- Stene et al. 25 (9): 1534 -- Diabetes Care

                      Keep your mind on the aether


                      • #26
                        Another problem (in addition to kidney stones and artery plaque) resulting from being over-acidic and calcium being stripped from bones and deposited elsewhere is bone spurs or osteophytes.

                        Osteophyte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        On that page they don't seem to recognize the body's pH factor as a direct link to calcium absorption but instead say, "Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body but may also be the most deficient. The amount of calcium that we absorb from our food varies widely. Our age is one factor. An adolescent may absorb up to 75% of the calcium obtained from foods, while in adults the maximum absorption rate ranges from 20% to 30%."

                        It's pretty obvious to me at this point that pH is the #1 factor in calcium absorption, even some of the main stream treatments support that:

                        "Alkaline medications such as potassium citrate and sodium bicarbonate correct the acidic condition of the body. Sodium bicarbonate may correct the loss of potassium and calcium."

                        Distal renal tubular acidosis

                        Then bone spurs can lead to arthritis.

                        So I wanted to post this time to say if you are already alkalizing and have any sore joints or places on your body, I recommend getting a couple of those gel filled hot/cold packs (CVS is one brand). Keep one in the freezer and use the other in the microwave.

                        Alternate using the hot and the cold pack on the sore spot(s) just like a dr. would tell you to do for injuries.

                        This speeds up the healing of bone spurs and arthritis when used in combination with alkalizing methods.

                        XO Jessica
                        Keep your mind on the aether


                        • #27
                          Also that wikipedia page says:

                          " . . They found that providing their body with "good" calcium along with other vital minerals stopped the "leaching process" (calcium deficiency) thus allowing the bone spur to shrink down and eventually disappear."

                          To me the "along with other vital minerals" is key.

                          I am still taking sodium bicarbonate and the alkalizing powder every day. Other people I know who have tried the powder since I started using it have had very good effects from it. When I miss it I can feel it.

                          It needs to be blended in a regular blender or with a hand one but it tastes good, especially in apple juice and/or vanilla soy milk. The one I use is by Swanson Vitamins.

                          It meets the guidelines discussed in 'The Acidic Danger' by W. Auer. That's a great, inexpensive, understandable and concise book (iirc about 120 pages) on the topic. Here is a summary of the guidelines for a good alkalizing powder:

                          "Dr. Auer also recommends a daily dosage of an alkaline powder that consists of 660 mg of tricalcium phosphate; 190 mg of magnesium phosphate; 90 mg of magnesium citrate; 280 mg of potassium hydrogencarbonate (bicarbonate); 190 mg of potassium citrate; and 80 mg of calcium citrate."

                          Bone loss & acidity | Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients | Find Articles at BNET
                          Keep your mind on the aether


                          • #28
                            In a week or so I am going to start a cleanse/flush following a protocol from Dr. Hulda Clark. One of the things it does is get your ph way down low.

                            I am supplementing the protocol with instructions in my Platinum Theater to give it some extra umph.

                            I will report on how it goes.


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                            • #29

                              Ya' know it's interesting you brought that up.

                              I've done a few cleansings in the past and I think they are good.

                              But now I see them more as treating a symptom rather than a cause. I mean not that that type of build-up can't cause further problems but. .

                              If our pH is balanced we won't have to worry about parasites and such. So the way I see it, the parasites are a symptom of unbalanced pH.

                              Without getting graphic I will just say that since I've been concentrating on alkalizing, I actually see the same effects as when I was doing cleansings. And even more so, for example, right after I use the hot and cold packs on stiff joints
                              Keep your mind on the aether


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Kevin View Post
                                In a week or so I am going to start a cleanse/flush following a protocol from Dr. Hulda Clark. One of the things it does is get your ph way down low.

                                I am supplementing the protocol with instructions in my Platinum Theater to give it some extra umph.

                                I will report on how it goes.

                                Any news yet? I'm planning on starting mine soon, but was thinking about using a less stringent method. Thanks! Oh, yeah, no need for any graphic images...
                                My reality does not equal your reality, but my reality is neither > nor < your reality.

