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Synchronicity event?

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  • Synchronicity event?

    I've noticed that I'm noticing 12:00 o' clock noon on the clock. Not every day but maybe 3 or 4 times a week I will glance at the clock or my cell phone and it will be exactly 12:00.

    Do you think it could be the synchronicity module? Something else? I try to stop and take note of my thoughts at that time but nothing in particular seems to be going on. So I wondered if it's a kind of a test, a dry run on getting myself familiar with the notion of sending myself information.

    I'd appreciate any thoughts from the forum.



  • #2

    This has happened to me with different times also. Just a week or so ago I was talking with a friend that had seen 2:22 5 or 6 times in less than one week.

    In fact, in the same week I received 3 communications from him that were all time stamped by the computer at exactly 2:22. This happened without him being aware of it until after the fact.

    One theory I have is that the synchronicity module makes us more aware. Maybe the first 2 times it happens it is a coincidence. But after that our subconscious (which is aware of all that is in the collective, including what time it is) starts percolating up to our conscious mind when that time is rolling around again and, poof, we look at the clock at exactly that time. Sort of like a little game or exercise.

    Just a thought.

    PATHS For Healing
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    • #3
      Originally posted by Kevin View Post
      Sort of like a little game or exercise.

      Just a thought.
      Yes, that's what it feels like. And I'd forgotten about the 1:11's and 11:11's that we're happening earlier. I'll try helping things along by being more attentive/aware. Thank you!



      • #4

        What a coincidence!

        I have not talked with this guy about the 2:22 thing in over a week. When I read your post I remembered about it and did that post about it last nite.

        Today, after I had finished a instant messaging conversation with him I noticed that the time of our final messages were all at 2:22!

        [2:22:02 PM] hey
        [2:22:10 PM] taking a break in my office
        [2:22:19 PM] will be back out with my dad in a few minutes


        PATHS For Healing
        Energetic Science Ministries
        Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

        ESM Forum Support Link


        • #5
          Isnt it fun to follow sinhronicity? I just love that. Met so many people with a specific message for me .
          Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasnīt been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


          • #6


            Wow! Big time two's! Too fun.

            Jure - yes, sinchronicity and de ja vu's always make me feel, "ah, yes...I'm right we're I ought to be."

            Love it!


