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Boosting modules?

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  • Boosting modules?

    If I had someone looking to boost financial abundance, what would be the best modules for this?

    Also, for myself, I was looking at boosting one of modules. I read that it takes away from the other modules but only slightly if you only boost 1 module. Anyone have any experience they can share regarding this?

    Thank you!
    PATHS | Energize Your Mind ~ Transform Your Life

  • #2
    Hi Amy

    There are many different modules that can have an effect on a persons financial just depends on where they are personally. Some people might see a real difference from the Self-Esteem Module...if that is a weak link with them.

    Personally I have seen great benefits financially from the following Modules:

    Successful Living Series
    Increased Business
    Goal Setting
    Good Fortune Module

    I have a customer who does a lot of writing in their work (their own business) and they benefited greatly from the Writing edition of the Unlimited Creativity module.

    I would say so much depends on where the person is emotionally, physical health, and if they are an employee or have their own business.

    Oh, also I have to say that the diabetes module helped me greatly in my business because I ended up with more energy and time to work to make more $.

    Regarding your question about boosting modules...

    If the 4 modules in a theater already have a lot of synergy, for example if the 4 modules were:

    Take if Off
    Ultimate Body
    Increased Energy & Motivation
    Improved Thyroid Function

    because all those modules already are synergistic, then boosting one or more of them would not take away so much from the others.

    But if the 4 modules in a theater were dissimilar, then boosting more than one of them would definitely take away from the ones not boosted.

    Hope this helps.


    PATHS For Healing
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    • #3
      boosting income

      Hi Amy,

      If it is for boosting income by way of doing one's own business, then definitely the business productivity and creativity module is the foundation business success module. If it is personal or team sales related, the 3M module is a great companion to the biz productivity module.

      Other supporting modules are goals, effective communication...I always have the synchronicity and intuitive modules because they are incredible for attracting events and making optimum choices.

      The mindset for money isn't an income boosting module (short term)...but long term having a more healthy mind set for money will prevent subconscious sabotage in regards to dealing with money that may bring about more effective money management skills.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO

