Good Morning All 
Just a quick message as I have to go out, but I'm so impressed, I had to post this before I go...
There have been many results for me from the Paths modules I've used, and many from my Platinum module, but this is one of those that stands out particularly at the moment...
One of the instructions I've had in my Platinum for quite a few months is: I have 5 new Paths customers each week.
Well in fact it's been very very quiet for the last ... long time. (can't remember how long, but I've had maybe one new customer every two months on average).
In February, I sent an email to Paths with new instructions. This time, I worded this particular instruction like this:
* I have at least 5 new paying customers signing up on my Paths Website www . paths-lifeboost. com per week.
The main difference here is this time, I mentioned the name of my Paths website.
Well, I've just realised that from the 17th April to the 22nd of April, I had five paying members sign up; and from the 24th to yesterday I had two sign up.
I must point out that I've not been doing any more promoting.
These sign-ups have come as a complete surprise, as if out of nowhere!
I was going to wait another week before posting this, when another three would make up the five for this week, but I'm too excited to wait! lol
So, those with Platinums, if you find results are a bit slow on some subjects, try getting more specific with names and other details.
Have a FABulous day!
Love and Light and Magic xxx

Just a quick message as I have to go out, but I'm so impressed, I had to post this before I go...
There have been many results for me from the Paths modules I've used, and many from my Platinum module, but this is one of those that stands out particularly at the moment...
One of the instructions I've had in my Platinum for quite a few months is: I have 5 new Paths customers each week.
Well in fact it's been very very quiet for the last ... long time. (can't remember how long, but I've had maybe one new customer every two months on average).
In February, I sent an email to Paths with new instructions. This time, I worded this particular instruction like this:
* I have at least 5 new paying customers signing up on my Paths Website www . paths-lifeboost. com per week.
The main difference here is this time, I mentioned the name of my Paths website.
Well, I've just realised that from the 17th April to the 22nd of April, I had five paying members sign up; and from the 24th to yesterday I had two sign up.
I must point out that I've not been doing any more promoting.

These sign-ups have come as a complete surprise, as if out of nowhere!

I was going to wait another week before posting this, when another three would make up the five for this week, but I'm too excited to wait! lol

So, those with Platinums, if you find results are a bit slow on some subjects, try getting more specific with names and other details.
Have a FABulous day!
Love and Light and Magic xxx