New Life May Special!
New Vision ~ Optimum Eye Functioning Module FREE
Personal Peace Booster* ~ FREE
You will receive the above two products FREE when ordering a Three Module Theater.
Here is how to take advantage of this Special:
-Go to the Products page
-Choose any three Modules*
-Proceed through the normal shopping cart checkout
-Within 24 hours we will add these TWO FREE products to your Theater Presentation.
*Do not select the New Vision ~ Optimum Eye Functioning Module as this will be automatically added to your Theater.
There is no code to enter for this Special.
This opportunity is available only during the month of May, 2008.
*The Personal Peace Booster was developed to work in conjunction with the FREE Project One World Theater. It can assist you to excel in the following areas:
* Look Within ~ Learn Wisdom
* Build Trust ~ Lead with Integrity
* Serve Others ~ Lead with Love
* Create the Future ~ Lead by Example
This Powerful Peace Booster is only available with this Special. (it cannot be purchased separately)