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Zrii, a tasty alternative to spirulina

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  • Zrii, a tasty alternative to spirulina

    Mary and I have been taking spirulina tablets for a couple of years now. They work great, BUT they are BIG.

    For about the last month we have been drinking the Zrii INSTEAD of taking the spirulina.

    It tastes great and works fine in giving us enough neurotransmitters to get the most from our PATHS Modules!

    Zrii - Home


    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
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  • #2
    Hi Kevin,
    I took Zrii for about 5 months, starting in October when they did the pre-launch, and never really noticed any benefits. My husband took it also, with no noticeable changes. As a matter of fact, I put my autoship on hold just a couple of weeks ago (even though I have 34 people enrolled under me) for that very reason - I haven't cancelled out, just put it on hold. Are there really enough amino acids in there to replace spirulina? I'd love to know what your take on it is.
    April's Readings

    Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing
    Izza B


    • #3
      Zrii Amino's

      Hi April,
      This is Kevin's little brother, Byron. How lucky for you to have gotten in right at the beginning. I started drinking Zrii in December and started sharing it with others in Feb. I also did not recognize an obvious change for me until a couple weeks ago my wife pointed out that I have not had my usual neck pain and kinks that I would get every other week. I knew I felt better but hadn't put my finger on any one thing. My wife on the other hand finished a run with CANCER last summer. She was worn out and dragged out of bed every morning. Inside of 2 weeks starting on Zrii she was waking up and in a good mood with no cobwebs. I remember the first morning that it happened. I heard her wake up and to my surprise she got right up and went down stairs and started vacuuming and cleaning the house. I pretended to be asleep. She came up to hours later exclaiming how good she felt and full of energy.

      I also have over 30 people involved and the response of new customers “feeling something”is different based on what condition they are in. My take on it is if it is doing wonderful things to those that need it and they feel a difference than it must be a really good preventative medicine for me. Even if I don't feel it.

      I also do PATHS and have not taken spirolina in a long long time.
      The cost of the Zrii, for me, is way offset by the people I refer to drink it every month. I drink 4 bottles a month myself and so does Kathy my wife. I refer 3 to 5 people a month and get paid an extra 1,000 dollars a month for helping others.

      I wish you luck and good fortune!
      Byron Pirolo
      ESM-Zrii Support
      click here for esm-zrii website


      • #4
        my Zrii experience

        I'm taking Zrii and it replaced about half my spirulina. I tend to keep myself locked into overdrive on just about everything on a daily basis, so I need more anyway.

        What I noticed right away after a few days was that it definitely increased my stamina and endurance right off the bat.

        If there is enough protein or not to replace spirulina raises an interesting point. Many "functional beverages", which is what Zrii and other drink supplements are usually have less than 1 gram of protein per serving. In many supplements, the aminos are already assembled into protein, like eating a piece of beef for example. Then the body breaks them down if it needs individual aminos from it.

        There are a handful of herbs/fruits/etc... that are actually "full proteins." Cordyceps mushroom has all essential aminos, Polyrhachis Vicina Roger (a black weaver ant used as medicine in China - yes a 6 legged insect in tablet or capsule form) - I have taken this a long time as natural steroid but it also has all the essential aminos as well as aminos that are not quite understood by science yet - BUT it is very, very, very YANG/Firey so needs something to balance it out like schizandra, goji berry has all essential aminos and others. The same goes for some of the ingredients in zrii.

        As long as the aminos are there and such an absorbable is easy for the body to uptake them and make use of them for the purposes of creating neurotransmitters and other brain functions.

        The only way to know if it works as a replacement is to stop taking spirulina or E3Live (afa) and just take Zrii or any other choice protein/amino source and if after several days to a week or even more, there is no restlessness, etc.. or other symptoms, then it probably is doing a great job at replacing the algae.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #5

          This is what I am taking:

          Real products that activate dormant spiritual abilities


          • #6
            Hi Aaron,
            Thanks for the straight forward response to my post. I really respect your answer and agree with you that the only way someone could really know is to test it themselves. I'm really glad to hear that you feel an energy boost from the product. I'm all for finding something that gives more energy!
            My interest was raised by this thread simply because I've been using Zrii myself for quite a while, and after the first post I was curious about the quantity of aminos - because to my knowledge Zrii does not claim that the product has any effect on neurotransmitters, nor does it contain a significant amount of aminos.
            Byron's post was a standard Zrii sales pitch, not a direct answer to the question asked. Don't get me wrong, Byron, I am all for people earning alot of money - and Zrii is a great opportunity to do that if you have a large network to sell to, or have a continuous stream of new contacts. I know that many people are doing very well with it and I love to hear those success stories - they are inspiring. I'm also really glad to hear that your wife is feeling better, that must be a very difficult experience for your family - best wishes there.
            I also have to say here that I'm not trying to knock Zrii in any way at all, I think it's great for a lot of people and I have a great amount of respect for the people that created it. My only point is that on a forum such as this it could be misleading to make claims about the product without facts.
            All that being said, I would love to drink Zrii instead of taking spirulina - it sure tastes a lot better! So, I've emailed the company to find out the amount of aminos in there (they don't list any nutritional values on the bottles, or on the website) so when I get a response I'll post it.
            I wish everyone here the greatest happiness, health and wealth!
            April's Readings

            Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing
            Izza B


            • #7
              no sales pitch

              OK, sales pitch aside.
              When I presented this to Kevin his first question was "how much Amino Acid?"
              I checked with the company and went all the way up the line to the formulators and am in touch with Dan Rhoda if you know who that is.
              The answer is they have not tested the final product for aminos yet. However the ingrediants in Zrii are full of Aminos, especially Amalaki. They are currently running different clinical tests on the product, remember they are in prelaunch for 4 more days
              So Kevin and team elected to do their own test. A number of them switched to Zrii and liked the results and therefore you see it being presented here.
              Sorry for the "salespitch" sound to my typing. The results we see are factual and I was sharing an idea where it would not be a cost factor. I have been looking at other functional beverages and am still very happy with the content of Zrii and the price compared to the others.
              Byron Pirolo
              ESM-Zrii Support
              click here for esm-zrii website


              • #8
                Originally posted by April View Post
                Hi Kevin,
                I took Zrii for about 5 months, starting in October when they did the pre-launch, and never really noticed any benefits. My husband took it also, with no noticeable changes. As a matter of fact, I put my autoship on hold just a couple of weeks ago (even though I have 34 people enrolled under me) for that very reason - I haven't cancelled out, just put it on hold. Are there really enough amino acids in there to replace spirulina? I'd love to know what your take on it is.
                Hi April,

                Sorry for such a delay in responding. I know others have already responded, but I thought I would drop in my 2 pennies.

                From the traditional research I did, there is not much in the way of amino acids in Zrii.

                HOWEVER, with PATHS, the core need is NOT amino acids....the core need is to have sufficient neurotransmitters to process all the PATHS instructions.

                There is something in Zrii (for many people) that boosts the available neurotransmitters so that all the PATHS instructions are able to be processed, resulting in maximum benefits for each PATHS Module.

                I see that you are associated with the Academy of Remote Viewing. This would certainly be a fun target for you to work...I would think there would be several points of Remote Viewing research that would be interesting-

                1. Why Zrii drink did not provide any measurable benefits to you
                2. How does Zrii drink boost neurotransmitter availability
                3. What is the best supplement you could take to get the most benefit from your PATHS Modules (might be run of the mill spirulina, E3Live, Goji juice, MAP, or some other yet undocumented supplement)

                There is probably a lot more, these are just some thoughts.

                My (and several others) Remote Viewing Research showed that Zrii is a good supplement for PATHS neurotransmitter needs for SOME people, BUT NOT all.


                PATHS For Healing
                Energetic Science Ministries
                Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                ESM Forum Support Link

