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Trauma-Free Module Discussion

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  • #31
    Hi Sunshine.

    Good news. Worry and frustration are higher on the emotional scale than hatred and anger. It looks like you are moveing up.

    Next are feelings like pessimism, bordom, dont care, contentment, courage, and right on up the scale to joy. We tend to want to go from the basement to the penthouse but the steps in between are part of the process.

    If you can jump right into the frustration and swim around in it. Sqeeze all the sensation out of it that you can. This is how we reclaim our power.

    Love Mark.

    PATHS ~ Mind Energetics


    • #32
      Hi Sunshine

      Originally posted by Sunshine View Post

      I am just wondering how long people have been on this module before seeing results? Also, does anyone get stuff brought up from the past with it? And if so, how do you deal with it? For example, if you get feelings of anger and hate how do you process those? And when does it stop? When do you ever finally dig out all the old feelings and patterns? And is there anything you can do to speed it up and get it over with?! I know people bang cushions and write letters and shout and all sorts of things but then they seem to feel better what do you do when you don't feel better but it just goes on?

      Any thoughts appreciated.
      Hi Sunshine,
      for me it was within the second week that started to notice results... for me this looked like awareness about what was coming into my view... and my thought process...
      things i started to notice about myself... and my fears as well an incounter with a man who right off the bat set me off (emotional reaction) he was a friends friend and i had just met him and he triggered some stuff in me, but even though the trigger was huge... i processed it with an awareness that gave me much more hope that makes sense.
      the peice that stood out for me was the less fear aspect... and less trigger events...
      often i would notice less fear because of how my outlook had changed... there was frustration for sure and some cog diss... but the exstent of it was different... easier... even OK..
      kind of difficult to explain..
      when i went on the general version of the trauma mod... i noticed an increased desire to be social very shortly after (within a couple of weeks)
      so simply i became more comfortable.... and it wasn't really like revisiting things...
      althouhg there was that big trigger... i simply got to see it different when i became aware of the feelings... I did have to feel them too of course.. but it wasn't a traumatizing experience...
      hope this helps...
      although how quickly we experience paths is individual... it has always been relatively quick for me... and some more obvious then others...
      I have also been aware of the PTSD symtoms in me for a while.... and now i notice how much more open i am and not so afraid.... this is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo Nice


      i suspect too that in targeting the core "issues" that many other of the modules will have a greater affect and with more ease.. for example the self esteem mod... which i have been on... and noticed some stuff... yet cuz of deep core roots of trauma... had a massive amount of works...
      seems to me now it will probably do some fine tuning and give results in ways one has desperatly seeked...
      and LIGHT
      Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me


      • #33
        Hey Adrienne,

        There are a few new pics for you in this thread.


        PATHS For Healing
        Energetic Science Ministries
        Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

        ESM Forum Support Link


        • #34
          Originally posted by Sunshine View Post

          I am just wondering how long people have been on this module before seeing results? Also, does anyone get stuff brought up from the past with it? And if so, how do you deal with it? For example, if you get feelings of anger and hate how do you process those? And when does it stop? When do you ever finally dig out all the old feelings and patterns? And is there anything you can do to speed it up and get it over with?! I know people bang cushions and write letters and shout and all sorts of things but then they seem to feel better what do you do when you don't feel better but it just goes on?

          Any thoughts appreciated.

          Hi Sunshine,

          I cannot speak to this specific Module. I have not used it. However, I have found that when there have been times when undesirable feelings persist, it is a type of battle that can be won by choosing to be persistent (for however long it takes) in consciously thinking about things that will make me feel good. Sometimes it takes a few minutes, sometimes it has taken weeks, or even in a few cases, months.

          I have found the Emotional Guidance System to be very useful in disciplining my thoughts. Thoughts are things, and they do bear fruit. Sometimes it takes a while for that fruit to ripen, but it always does, eventually.

          I also make sure my diet is good (with vitamin and mineral supplementation), I am exercising, sleep must be good, plenty of spirulina and watch my PATHS Theaters.

          Link to the Emotional Guidance System is


          PATHS For Healing
          Energetic Science Ministries
          Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

          ESM Forum Support Link


          • #35
            Well, it's taken me a while to get to this thread, considering this is currently my Favourite module, but I'm finally here! lol.

            First of all, thank you Very much, Adrienne, for sharing so much detail of your experience with this module.

            I started on this one at the reccomendation of Paths Customer Service, to address (believe it or not) life-long money issues! I'd never have thought of it in connection to finances, but I've noticed the most dramatic changes from this module. Yes, my financial situation is improving (I'm combining, at the suggestion of Paths, Trauma Free, Self Esteem, Mind-set for Money and Business Productivity)..... but beyond that, there is a DEFinite change in me in many other areas. Life is SO much less stressful, and easier. I feel more at peace, and I handle things very differently to the way I did before.

            I believe that the Trauma Free module is a basic necessity to self growth. I believe that we all, to varying degrees, have experienced trauma in our lives - particularly in childhood. Often this trauma may be unnoticed, it may even be a misunderstanding that planted a subconscious belief which affects issues we would never have guessed. Having said that, most of us experience some trauma in our childhood. This is often much more powerful than we might expect.

            It seems the Trauma Free module goes to the very root of that programming, without our even needing to know what it is or how it's connected.

            Love and Light and Magic xxx
            Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
            Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
            Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


            • #36
              Well Kevin, your post certainly produced a strong reaction in me!!! I was FURIOUS!!! (please don't be offended - not at you as a person, but what you said and this is a GOOD thing)It was the "undesirable thoughts" that did it and "battle" and the whole of the emotional guidance system. That really made me see red!!! Whilst no-one has posted on here about feelings of anger coming up or seeming to experience strong "negative" (whoops, there I go too!) feelings and it really isn't nice experiencing what I'm going through, I know that it's what I need. Without going into detail about my past experiences it is very important for me to respect any feelings I have and allow them to be. And not shut them down as undesirable or wrong or needing to be changed. I know that thoughts become things and that what we concentrate on is what we get but I also think there is more to it. No matter how hard I have tried to do these things I just do not get the changes others do. I could almost scream in frustration sometimes when I read someone has done this healing or that or this module or that and these are the wonderful results. Because it just doesn't happen for me. I really believe this is because of a LOT of subconscious stuff that needs healing. Otherwise I'm just putting pretty paint on dirty walls and it's a losing battle. I've known I've had trapped emotions and am hoping they're coming up for release. And for me, it's important to LOVE those feelings. I need to love the hate and anger. Even when I'm screaming with frustration and anger at my computer at the moment because something on here has triggered me off I'm allowing it because I know really I love the people here and that I'm a "nice" person really and there's a reason for these feelings so it's best to just let them out. Believe me, when you've not had feelings for years and years even anger is good. You can only be angry and frustrated if you have great pain and that pain needs to be released.

              Didn't intend to write all this. Just sort of came out and I have decided to let it stand in case anyone else experiences similar on this module. Mostly when I've read about the modules it's that people have had "nice" and "positive" changes. Hope one day soon that will happen for me too. For now, I'm really hoping I can weather this storm and there will be sunshine on the other side. And now to sleep because it's all quite exhausting!

              Transformational Paths
              Experience a Paths theater for free


              • #37
                Otherwise I'm just putting pretty paint on dirty walls
                Great analogy, Sunshine!

                I understand what you're saying, and I also understand what Kevin means. What Kevin is suggesting is, I believe, what needs to happen After you have cleared out the wound.

                I believe you can't put a bandaid on a cyst and expect it to heal. In your case, that cyst has been covered up by so many bandages over the years, it's just festered and festered, and it's tricky to even get to it now to clean it out. The Trauma module is starting to peal away those bandages, which is the only way to get to it to clean it out. And of course, as it peals away the bandages, you're getting to see more of the stuff seaping out, and it's not a pretty sight, but it has to come out.

                And you don't have to consciously do anything except reassure yourself, and give yourself plenty of understanding, love, rest, sustainance, and do things that make you feel good - just as you would a friend who was going through this. If a friend was having a nasty wound cleaned out, and the ugly stuff was coming out, and they were in pain, you would be as kind and reassuring to them as possible. You would make them as comfortable as possible. You would do whatever you could to make them feel better. And if they cried out in pain and frustration, you would understand - and you would reassure them and tell them to "let it out" - it's a release to express the feelings.

                The Trauma Free module is doing the cleaning out, you just need to support yourself emotionally and mentally during the process. And when you see the ugly stuff, recognise it and accept it for what it is (which you are doing of course ) and treat yourself as you would someone else who is going through this.

                Although no-one else has posted about this here yet, I can guarantee there are others who are going through it - whenever there is major damage, and repressed feelings and emotions, and real healing begins to reach the damage, the person will experience this - the wound is exposed in order to clean it out.

                I went through it, although not with this module because it didn't exist yet when I started, but I certainly went through it with the Self Esteem and Successful Living modules - and other tools I've used to try and clear the damage. By the time I added this module, most of the wound had already been cleaned out, and so there was only a little gunk left, which can be wiped up with a tissue, as apposed to the wads of cloths needed to soak up the original stuff.

                You would go through this with any process that's working - whether it's psyco-therapy or self development. With a tool like Paths it does work quicker though, so it's still going to be shorter-lived than if you were trying to make the changes consciously.

                The great thing with Paths is that it does the work automatically on a subconscious level, so you litterally don't have to do anything except ride it out and be as good to yourself as you can.

                Then, once all that stuff has been exposed and cleaned out, Then you are able to put the healing potions on (move up the emotional scale) and the bandages (love). And that's when you'll start to see the results.

                I know that you're not the only one reading this who is going through it, and even though others may not post about it, it's important you know that there are SO many others - including myself - who, if not going through it right now, have already been through it.

                You are doing Incredibly well, Sunshine, and although it's difficult to see when you're in the middle of it, you ARE coming through it! Keep doing what you're doing, keep giving yourself the understanding, love and validation that you should have been given by those who were given the responsibility of nurturing you, and keep giving yourself reassurance. You ARE getting there!

                Love and Light and Magic xxx
                Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
                Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
                Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Sunshine View Post
                  Well Kevin, your post certainly produced a strong reaction in me!!! I was FURIOUS!!! (please don't be offended - not at you as a person, but what you said and this is a GOOD thing)It was the "undesirable thoughts" that did it and "battle" and the whole of the emotional guidance system. That really made me see red!!! Whilst no-one has posted on here about feelings of anger coming up or seeming to experience strong "negative" (whoops, there I go too!) feelings and it really isn't nice experiencing what I'm going through, I know that it's what I need. Without going into detail about my past experiences it is very important for me to respect any feelings I have and allow them to be. And not shut them down as undesirable or wrong or needing to be changed. I know that thoughts become things and that what we concentrate on is what we get but I also think there is more to it. No matter how hard I have tried to do these things I just do not get the changes others do. I could almost scream in frustration sometimes when I read someone has done this healing or that or this module or that and these are the wonderful results. Because it just doesn't happen for me. I really believe this is because of a LOT of subconscious stuff that needs healing. Otherwise I'm just putting pretty paint on dirty walls and it's a losing battle. I've known I've had trapped emotions and am hoping they're coming up for release. And for me, it's important to LOVE those feelings. I need to love the hate and anger. Even when I'm screaming with frustration and anger at my computer at the moment because something on here has triggered me off I'm allowing it because I know really I love the people here and that I'm a "nice" person really and there's a reason for these feelings so it's best to just let them out. Believe me, when you've not had feelings for years and years even anger is good. You can only be angry and frustrated if you have great pain and that pain needs to be released.

                  Didn't intend to write all this. Just sort of came out and I have decided to let it stand in case anyone else experiences similar on this module. Mostly when I've read about the modules it's that people have had "nice" and "positive" changes. Hope one day soon that will happen for me too. For now, I'm really hoping I can weather this storm and there will be sunshine on the other side. And now to sleep because it's all quite exhausting!

                  Hi Sunshine

                  No offense taken, and my hope is that you were only furious, and not offended by me.

                  You are already doing what I suggested, as evidenced by your post.

                  "Believe me, when you've not had feelings for years and years even anger is good. You can only be angry and frustrated if you have great pain and that pain needs to be released."

                  You are being grateful for these feelings, yes they all have to come out...I agree with you and Illusions on that. But you are not wallowing in them, creating a destructive downward spiral. Rather, you are welcoming them, grateful for them, and believe and appreciate that as they come out they are part of the construction of the person you are working toward being!

                  Yes, many/most of us have to walk, crawl, run through valleys to get to the mountain-tops. Then once we are at the mountain-tops (experiencing the positive changes) we tend to forget the valleys, or maybe emphasize the positive end results when we share with others about a module.


                  PATHS For Healing
                  Energetic Science Ministries
                  Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                  ESM Forum Support Link


                  • #39
                    Thanks for the sunshine Kevin

                    And no, I wasn't offended. I was more fascinated that I could feel so furious! I'm not used to it.

                    And I agree with what you say about mountains and valleys!

                    And I'm definitely not wallowing in any of this I wouldn't wish it on anyone, including me! Believe me, if I ever get to the mountain top, I'm having a good long rest!!!!

                    Transformational Paths
                    Experience a Paths theater for free


                    • #40
                      Just wanted to post my little experience with this module. I too believe it's probably something that could benefit almost everyone.

                      One thing that I found is that past events were coming up for me, in a way almost unrelated to what's been happening at the time. An example was that I was talking to a good friend, can't remember about what, but suddenly I felt the need to tell him about the wording that my father used (which was weird and idiosyncratic) to tell us that if we didn't do what he wanted, he was going to hit us. Sometimes he said it angrily, or seriously and sometimes jokingly, but he said it really often. I suddenly in that moment realized that the constant threat of being hit was possibly more traumatic than actually being hit. It meant I was in fear all of the time.

                      In the same conversation I recalled a few events where I felt my parents had been controlling and hurtful to my daughter, and basically frightening/shaming her into not being herself...which is how they were to me growing up, but I feel so much more powerlessness around when they do that to her. Had a big cry about it, and then felt so relaxed for several days afterwords.

                      I'm quite sure that whatever we were talking about was unrelated to these recalls. And this was two or three days after I started the module and had watched it twice. I could definitely tell it was as a result of the module. I definitely felt some distance from the memories, and that helped to just let the emotion around it flow (ie it didn't feel to big or overwhelming to deal with).

                      I paired this module with ho'oponopono and deserving, which I think was good for me, because a lot of the violence in my family goes back historically. I sent an email to a friend who I thought would get benefit from this module -- she keeps getting into car accidents at stressful times in her life and I know this is related to things from her childhood (her brother died in a car accident). I thought it would be perfect especially because they have a version for accidents. I tried tuning into whether it would be beneficial for her and got that it would be pretty transformational if she paired it with insight and intuition and possibly deserving too.

                      Anything where you keep repeating a pattern that doesn't feel like a choice probably signals some trauma in there.



                      • #41
                        Originally posted by terranova View Post
                        Just wanted to post my little experience with this module. I too believe it's probably something that could benefit almost everyone.

                        One thing that I found is that past events were coming up for me, in a way almost unrelated to what's been happening at the time. An example was that I was talking to a good friend, can't remember about what, but suddenly I felt the need to tell him about the wording that my father used (which was weird and idiosyncratic) to tell us that if we didn't do what he wanted, he was going to hit us. Sometimes he said it angrily, or seriously and sometimes jokingly, but he said it really often. I suddenly in that moment realized that the constant threat of being hit was possibly more traumatic than actually being hit. It meant I was in fear all of the time.

                        In the same conversation I recalled a few events where I felt my parents had been controlling and hurtful to my daughter, and basically frightening/shaming her into not being herself...which is how they were to me growing up, but I feel so much more powerlessness around when they do that to her. Had a big cry about it, and then felt so relaxed for several days afterwords.

                        I'm quite sure that whatever we were talking about was unrelated to these recalls. And this was two or three days after I started the module and had watched it twice. I could definitely tell it was as a result of the module. I definitely felt some distance from the memories, and that helped to just let the emotion around it flow (ie it didn't feel to big or overwhelming to deal with).

                        I paired this module with ho'oponopono and deserving, which I think was good for me, because a lot of the violence in my family goes back historically. I sent an email to a friend who I thought would get benefit from this module -- she keeps getting into car accidents at stressful times in her life and I know this is related to things from her childhood (her brother died in a car accident). I thought it would be perfect especially because they have a version for accidents. I tried tuning into whether it would be beneficial for her and got that it would be pretty transformational if she paired it with insight and intuition and possibly deserving too.

                        Anything where you keep repeating a pattern that doesn't feel like a choice probably signals some trauma in there.


                        for your insight!

                        As you can see from your experience, this suite of Modules is quickly becoming some of the more popular ones because of the benefits so many are seeing.


                        Happiness & Health,

                        PATHS, S.A. Staff



                        • #42
                          Thanks from a Veteran!!!

                          Hi guys,

                          It's been a long time since I've posted. I've had so many successes with all of the modules that I couldn't possibly write it all down.

                          BUT, I wanted to tell you that I added Trauma Free only a week and a half ago and I have already had the most profound experience in relieving some of my post-traumatic military stress.

                          I'm a ten year Veteran. I chose to use the default version, not the Military Combat version, altho I suppose I could have chosen that one. I chose the default version because I wanted to include all of the childhood trauma I had from being a miltary brat too. Yep, too much all-encompassing stress and trauma to narrow it down to a military combat issue

                          Two days ago....
                          Earlier in the day I had watched the Trauma Free presentation for only the second time. That evening I was hanging out by myself listening to some music. All of a sudden I felt this need to stand up and salute. How weird - I've been out of the military for twenty years. Well, I had this vision, clear as day, of a sea of veterans all saluting me for my years of service. And then I heard clearly a voice telling me, "Good job soldier, your work is done. You don't have to be a soldier and fight any battles any more." I burst out in tears. (If you knew me, you would know that I never cry - just don't feel the need to) I had the BIGGEST emotional RELEASE!
                          I had no idea that I needed thanks from my peers, my fellow veterans. I also had no idea that what I really needed was to be released from my duty to serve this country and to fight it's battles. Those things never occured to my conscious self. Obviously, my subconscious self, prompted by the PATHS, knew exactly what it needed. AND it got it. I don't think I can describe how truly profound this all was.

                          I know it was prompted by the PATHS Trauma Free module - and not even the military version. WOW!!!

                          One of the biggest messages that I think the Trauma Free mods give is that we don't have to fight any more. Not any battles, of any kind, anywhere, any more. We are helped to release the belief in struggle.

                          I hope all Veterans give this a try. I've done many many other healing modalities for this stress and nothing has touched it the way PATHS has.

                          Thank you PATHS
                          (and another time I'll have to tell you what the Money Mod has done for me and my family....)
                          Last edited by DeAnn; 01-26-2009, 08:48 PM.
                          Love and Blessings,

                          Dr. DeAnn Upton, A.M.P.
                          My PATHS Affiliate Website


                          • #43
                            military related

                            DeAnn, this is AMAZING TO HEAR!!

                            Originally, I was working on the concept of this module with a friend that is involved with the Veterans hospitals. We hope to incorporate it into a full PTSD protocol for treatment.

                            I was a military brat for 20 years of my life (Air Force) and can relate to the dependent side of it. Without going into details, this module has helped me too. There are others close to me that could benefit from this module but some are not open to this kind of treatment. I believe it is a matter of time until this changes.

                            Thank you for sharing this!
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #44
                              Thanks Aaron

                              Hi Aaron
                              Well, maybe if a few more of us share our stories it will be more widely accepted.
                              I tried EFT and numerous other modalities, but I still felt all of the effects of the trauma. It seemed stuck. Until now.
                              I've been having a lot of the recurring military dreams lately. Same old ones-on autoplay. I hope that by releasing some of this stuff the dreams will eventually subside.
                              Yes, the military brat trauma is very real. It's not something that is talked about much. Many of us were in a new school at least once a year. I added mine up and counted over thirteen total schools, mostly Elementary - I had only one Junior High and two High Schools. This creates very specific childhood trauma issues, especially with fear and friendship bonding. I got lost in Japan when I was six years old and had no idea where I was. Finally someone found me and my mom came and picked me up in a taxi cab. She was more angry that I got lost and she had to pay the high cab fare than she was happy that she found me. Can you imagine what that felt like??? Stuff like that....we all had experiences like that.
                              I've been looking for the best way to help Veterans and Military Brats with their specific types of trauma.
                              Women who served have their own specific issues that are different from men who served.
                              I definitely think PATHS is the way to get to these core issues and root them out for good.
                              I'll keep you posted if I have any other breakthrough's with this.

                              Last edited by DeAnn; 01-26-2009, 10:20 PM.
                              Love and Blessings,

                              Dr. DeAnn Upton, A.M.P.
                              My PATHS Affiliate Website


                              • #45
                                Hi DeAnn! I agree! Thanks so much for sharing. I personally have not tried this Module but believe I will as it seems that anyone could benefit from it!
                                The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to sharpen.
                                -Eden Phillpotts



