I felt that this thread from another Paths forum, which is closing at the end of the month, was worth saving - it's so incredibly inspiring! I've just read through it all again now and it reminded me of things I'd forgotten....
Love and Light and Magic xxx
__________________________________________________ ___________
Posted by Blue Silver 04/13/07 01:23 PM
I think I made £140'000 in two months
I don't know why I have been so quiet, I have had very good results and I have seen a phenomenal change in my sister and last night I thought there was something odd about my nephew who came to stay the night. - More chatty and thrilled to be alive than usual.Later I remembered he had started P.A.T.H.S
I think I have delayed posting partly because it is complicated to explain what has happened and partly because I wanted to wait for the full definite outcome. and maybe i was worried that if I told everyone I was suddenly making over £100'000 you would all want some
So im here to tell you how it happend and that "No" "you cant have any of it" - just kidding - my wish is that it rubs off on and inspires all those trying to improve their financial wellbeing. I will answer any questions about anything but don't want to bore everyone with going into too much detail in this post.
whenever I start feeling a bit casual about P.A.T.H.S and that not much is happening I read this forum and it is so inspiring, so the least I can do is add my feedback so far and thank you SOOO much to the regular posters I realise I have taken for granted being able to pop on and get encouragement.
I started on 27 February 2007. with
confidence and self esteem
increased business productivity
mood elevator
successful Living phase 1
I was really stressed about converting my 8 bed investment house into 5 self-contained flats - first time ive taken on such a thing and no money.
There is a good story to how I got buy houses with no money but it would make this post to long and off the point - i will tell anyone who wants to know in a separate conversation.. (but I will say that it was personal development related for sure.)
So I could NOT see how my mortgage company was going to lend me £160'000 to develop this house when I had little previous experience in the industry and no income to speak of - i mean literally the most I could show was £8000 pa
However I got an offer based on the project itself and me being able to show £30'000 cash myself.
It was a day or two after starting paths and I had started a whip-round for a few thousand here and there. I asked a fellow investor who had £20'000 en route from one account to high interest saving account and she offered to lend it to me for a day so that it would show on my statement!
Thrilled I was
then I was a little concerned because a day or two later before I got to transfer the money and print the statement it was gone in a misunderstanding.
But... simultaneously I also discovered that I was on the wrong mortgage product. - one that would not require me to show £30'000 in my account BUT they would lend me 75 or 80% of the completed value of the whole block of flats - BUT they would only give me £40'000 before the work and instead of stage payments I would only the get the balance of the money £175'000 after I had done all the work :S The work is would between £90'000 and £120'000 and was estimated by many builders to take 6months.
needless to say....
...So I told my builder he had 60days and that the valuer would be back one week before the end of the second month. After he laughed out loud and then slid into shock when he saw i wasn't laughing we argued for hours until we all saw it my way
The reason being that I could buy all the materials on trade accounts which you have to pay at the end of the following month - effectively 60days.
My very kind builder (and friend) also took out £25'000 worth of 0% interest credit cards in his name for me to use! and we can pull cash out of them if necessary for wages.
I managed to do a deal with the electricians and carpentry so that I pay two thirds when I get my money.
At first everyone laughed when I said 60 days to make 5 self-contained flats. We are now at the end of week 5 and everyone is amazed. we should finish easily in two weeks and if we kept hard at it - in one week.
One thing i had in my favour was although i knew precious little about building houses - i knew very well how to manage and inspire bigish groups of interconnecting trades. Having worked on film sites, theatres and run restaurants and I was convinced we could do it with the right organisation and planning and timing.
Now the neighbour wants us to convert his house as well and the shop owner across the road wants us to extend his shop and I somehow find myself in a position where along the way I inadvertently bought three others with another partner and somehow it looks like I am going to be making a lot of money if I keep up this pace and landing these deals.
I wont sell my flats but the money i have borrowed will roll into developing the next ones and so on
It is weird cos its just happening and it just feels normal.
Immediately prior to changes this is what happened:
Got very fed up with still struggling although working hard
not knowing what I want
pleased with the progress I made some years ago on Brain Sync and started it again as well as EFT as recommended by Illusions
The EFT helped with a major childhood shift thing which I had really struggled to let go of. (eternal Thanks - Pat Block and Illusions xxxx) - I could remember being 7/8 years old and every detail of the house much clearer than anything few days ago. I still use EFT for "issues" that come up that i need to get past urgently to get on with my day.
I did some work on "what I want" and the money thing and everything else al seemed a bit boring then i saw a top richest people in the world list - i never looka t things like that on purpose but i looked at this for amusement and saw that Bill Gates has $31billion or something like that - anyway for some reason i decided i would have the same as Bill Gates and then get him to buy me coffee so that i am then richer than him.
Obviously it was just kidding around but then i thought - well its not a bad goal nice and big WOW it would be cool to set up huge projects and "make a difference" on a massive scale. So thats my goal now - i guess i have to achieve it now, if only to save face on this forum
Then Illusions recommended P.A.T.H.S and here I am and it is like all the other stuff i did is still valid but P.A.T.H.S just feels like much quicker more powerful, easier - even though it sometimes doesnt feel like it.
I have to say apart from the Brain Sync - everything that has made a major positive change in my life was suggested by my fabulous sister Illusions.
Reiki, Rich Dad Poor Dad and P.A.T.H.S
All of these things have changed me from a person who woke up most days with unbearable self-loathing and who struggled with occasional bouts of dark thoughts of hopelessness and meaninglessness to someone who hasn't had these for over 5years and has not had the milder ones for 2years and since P.A.T.H.S only the very vaguest hint of shadow of it a few days before that time of the month.
a week or so ago I added four more modules
ultimate body
goal setting
The only thing I have noticed so far - and it surprised me was more toned muscles. The reason it surprised me is because although I reckon I could looses a couple of centimetres here and there - im lucky to have naturally toned muscles - and now they are more toned - cooool
I have no doubt at all that the rest is working beneath the surface too.
But i should also tell you that despite all this - i too have occasional flinches of "mmm not sure this P.A.T.H.S thing is working LOL
Posted by Blue Silver
04/13/07 01:23 PM
Blue Silver
thanks guys
oh and i don't know how i forgot to include the Secret - big jump forward that was as well - also introduced to me by Illusions.
and so many times i might have got dispondant or just driffted away from these things but visiting this forum and rewaching the Secret and interviews on the Secret really helped to keep up the interest and excitment and remind me how it is working.
I think Paths is a like a Ferrari you can drive around the block in it if you like -and thats still better than not driving around the block in it, but you can also decide to have bigger, bolder expectations of it if you want - it can cope with that - what fun
Posted by Blue Silver
04/13/07 06:13 PM
Blue Silver
I got it!
The valuer came on Monday at 3pm expecting to give me a stage-payment.
He had last visited the property on 28 February when we had only just started gutting it and he had remarked that it was a pretty big project.
He said he would visit every two months for around 6months to release stage-payments.
By the look on his face he was NOT expecting to release the lot after the first two months
He said he had never seen anything go that fast.
I explained why I had to do it so quickly and he said he was very impressed with the whole project and would release the money as quickly as he could so that I could pay everyone.
... and by Thursday the money was in my account,
It was very difficult to see the "how" before this project started, in fact I still am not quite sure how it all happened. the odds were spooky to put it mildly.
What was also spooky was that on a deep level i had visualised between £100'000 and £140'000
and I made exactly that ......... £120'000. I calculated £140'000 but thought that to allow for things going wrong i wont set my hopes too high and would be happy with £100'000 then i realised that that is negative and i must trust more so although i said to myself £140'000
.. as hard as i tried to affirm it... the "old pattern" could be heard very faintly in the background "mmm don't set yourself up for disapointment" so i settled on between the two but hadn't actually thought of it as a literal figure - but now i think that is very funny and look how accurate i was.
I think that the main thing I did differently this time was that I did not look at the "how".
if you cannot see "how" the worse thing you can do is look there. cos each time you look, you "can't see" so it sends a message "can't see"
What I did this time was when things got scary or looked impossible I forced myself with every fibre to shut my eyes & look at the end result only - of me standing with my co-project manager and big bottle of champaign excited and amazed and thrilled that everything worked out perfectly.
that way no matter what challenges arose I knew that it was ok cos the end result was pre-determined.
If at any point I struggled to keep away from dwelling on the how or worrying I would even make an excuse on site and go home and visualise and go to sleep for a while anything to avoid affirming worry.
The other main differences were P.A.T.H.S
I really do feel such a lot of shifts happend which were neccessary to help me to allow this to happen.
This Forum had such a big effect as well, i cannot thank all the people who post here enough.
Illusions cheerleading me all the way through and reminding me to smile and enjoy and its easy.
and from all that help and support...
I got my exact champaign moment
After the valuer left on Monday - I dashed over to Steve's house dragged him off to the super market and bought bottle of champaign and snacks and we went up onto his roof and drank the lot
... well it was either that, or pull my underwear up over my head and run down the street yelping with excitement.
Posted by Blue Silver
05/05/07 04:29 AM
Love and Light and Magic xxx
__________________________________________________ ___________
Posted by Blue Silver 04/13/07 01:23 PM
I think I made £140'000 in two months
I don't know why I have been so quiet, I have had very good results and I have seen a phenomenal change in my sister and last night I thought there was something odd about my nephew who came to stay the night. - More chatty and thrilled to be alive than usual.Later I remembered he had started P.A.T.H.S
I think I have delayed posting partly because it is complicated to explain what has happened and partly because I wanted to wait for the full definite outcome. and maybe i was worried that if I told everyone I was suddenly making over £100'000 you would all want some

So im here to tell you how it happend and that "No" "you cant have any of it" - just kidding - my wish is that it rubs off on and inspires all those trying to improve their financial wellbeing. I will answer any questions about anything but don't want to bore everyone with going into too much detail in this post.
whenever I start feeling a bit casual about P.A.T.H.S and that not much is happening I read this forum and it is so inspiring, so the least I can do is add my feedback so far and thank you SOOO much to the regular posters I realise I have taken for granted being able to pop on and get encouragement.
I started on 27 February 2007. with
confidence and self esteem
increased business productivity
mood elevator
successful Living phase 1
I was really stressed about converting my 8 bed investment house into 5 self-contained flats - first time ive taken on such a thing and no money.
There is a good story to how I got buy houses with no money but it would make this post to long and off the point - i will tell anyone who wants to know in a separate conversation.. (but I will say that it was personal development related for sure.)
So I could NOT see how my mortgage company was going to lend me £160'000 to develop this house when I had little previous experience in the industry and no income to speak of - i mean literally the most I could show was £8000 pa
However I got an offer based on the project itself and me being able to show £30'000 cash myself.
It was a day or two after starting paths and I had started a whip-round for a few thousand here and there. I asked a fellow investor who had £20'000 en route from one account to high interest saving account and she offered to lend it to me for a day so that it would show on my statement!
Thrilled I was
then I was a little concerned because a day or two later before I got to transfer the money and print the statement it was gone in a misunderstanding.
But... simultaneously I also discovered that I was on the wrong mortgage product. - one that would not require me to show £30'000 in my account BUT they would lend me 75 or 80% of the completed value of the whole block of flats - BUT they would only give me £40'000 before the work and instead of stage payments I would only the get the balance of the money £175'000 after I had done all the work :S The work is would between £90'000 and £120'000 and was estimated by many builders to take 6months.
needless to say....
...So I told my builder he had 60days and that the valuer would be back one week before the end of the second month. After he laughed out loud and then slid into shock when he saw i wasn't laughing we argued for hours until we all saw it my way

The reason being that I could buy all the materials on trade accounts which you have to pay at the end of the following month - effectively 60days.
My very kind builder (and friend) also took out £25'000 worth of 0% interest credit cards in his name for me to use! and we can pull cash out of them if necessary for wages.
I managed to do a deal with the electricians and carpentry so that I pay two thirds when I get my money.
At first everyone laughed when I said 60 days to make 5 self-contained flats. We are now at the end of week 5 and everyone is amazed. we should finish easily in two weeks and if we kept hard at it - in one week.
One thing i had in my favour was although i knew precious little about building houses - i knew very well how to manage and inspire bigish groups of interconnecting trades. Having worked on film sites, theatres and run restaurants and I was convinced we could do it with the right organisation and planning and timing.
Now the neighbour wants us to convert his house as well and the shop owner across the road wants us to extend his shop and I somehow find myself in a position where along the way I inadvertently bought three others with another partner and somehow it looks like I am going to be making a lot of money if I keep up this pace and landing these deals.
I wont sell my flats but the money i have borrowed will roll into developing the next ones and so on
It is weird cos its just happening and it just feels normal.
Immediately prior to changes this is what happened:
Got very fed up with still struggling although working hard
not knowing what I want
pleased with the progress I made some years ago on Brain Sync and started it again as well as EFT as recommended by Illusions
The EFT helped with a major childhood shift thing which I had really struggled to let go of. (eternal Thanks - Pat Block and Illusions xxxx) - I could remember being 7/8 years old and every detail of the house much clearer than anything few days ago. I still use EFT for "issues" that come up that i need to get past urgently to get on with my day.
I did some work on "what I want" and the money thing and everything else al seemed a bit boring then i saw a top richest people in the world list - i never looka t things like that on purpose but i looked at this for amusement and saw that Bill Gates has $31billion or something like that - anyway for some reason i decided i would have the same as Bill Gates and then get him to buy me coffee so that i am then richer than him.
Obviously it was just kidding around but then i thought - well its not a bad goal nice and big WOW it would be cool to set up huge projects and "make a difference" on a massive scale. So thats my goal now - i guess i have to achieve it now, if only to save face on this forum

Then Illusions recommended P.A.T.H.S and here I am and it is like all the other stuff i did is still valid but P.A.T.H.S just feels like much quicker more powerful, easier - even though it sometimes doesnt feel like it.
I have to say apart from the Brain Sync - everything that has made a major positive change in my life was suggested by my fabulous sister Illusions.
Reiki, Rich Dad Poor Dad and P.A.T.H.S
All of these things have changed me from a person who woke up most days with unbearable self-loathing and who struggled with occasional bouts of dark thoughts of hopelessness and meaninglessness to someone who hasn't had these for over 5years and has not had the milder ones for 2years and since P.A.T.H.S only the very vaguest hint of shadow of it a few days before that time of the month.
a week or so ago I added four more modules
ultimate body
goal setting
The only thing I have noticed so far - and it surprised me was more toned muscles. The reason it surprised me is because although I reckon I could looses a couple of centimetres here and there - im lucky to have naturally toned muscles - and now they are more toned - cooool
I have no doubt at all that the rest is working beneath the surface too.
But i should also tell you that despite all this - i too have occasional flinches of "mmm not sure this P.A.T.H.S thing is working LOL
Posted by Blue Silver
04/13/07 01:23 PM
Blue Silver
thanks guys

oh and i don't know how i forgot to include the Secret - big jump forward that was as well - also introduced to me by Illusions.
and so many times i might have got dispondant or just driffted away from these things but visiting this forum and rewaching the Secret and interviews on the Secret really helped to keep up the interest and excitment and remind me how it is working.
I think Paths is a like a Ferrari you can drive around the block in it if you like -and thats still better than not driving around the block in it, but you can also decide to have bigger, bolder expectations of it if you want - it can cope with that - what fun

Posted by Blue Silver
04/13/07 06:13 PM
Blue Silver
I got it!
The valuer came on Monday at 3pm expecting to give me a stage-payment.
He had last visited the property on 28 February when we had only just started gutting it and he had remarked that it was a pretty big project.
He said he would visit every two months for around 6months to release stage-payments.
By the look on his face he was NOT expecting to release the lot after the first two months

He said he had never seen anything go that fast.
I explained why I had to do it so quickly and he said he was very impressed with the whole project and would release the money as quickly as he could so that I could pay everyone.
... and by Thursday the money was in my account,
It was very difficult to see the "how" before this project started, in fact I still am not quite sure how it all happened. the odds were spooky to put it mildly.
What was also spooky was that on a deep level i had visualised between £100'000 and £140'000
and I made exactly that ......... £120'000. I calculated £140'000 but thought that to allow for things going wrong i wont set my hopes too high and would be happy with £100'000 then i realised that that is negative and i must trust more so although i said to myself £140'000
.. as hard as i tried to affirm it... the "old pattern" could be heard very faintly in the background "mmm don't set yourself up for disapointment" so i settled on between the two but hadn't actually thought of it as a literal figure - but now i think that is very funny and look how accurate i was.
I think that the main thing I did differently this time was that I did not look at the "how".
if you cannot see "how" the worse thing you can do is look there. cos each time you look, you "can't see" so it sends a message "can't see"
What I did this time was when things got scary or looked impossible I forced myself with every fibre to shut my eyes & look at the end result only - of me standing with my co-project manager and big bottle of champaign excited and amazed and thrilled that everything worked out perfectly.
that way no matter what challenges arose I knew that it was ok cos the end result was pre-determined.
If at any point I struggled to keep away from dwelling on the how or worrying I would even make an excuse on site and go home and visualise and go to sleep for a while anything to avoid affirming worry.
The other main differences were P.A.T.H.S
I really do feel such a lot of shifts happend which were neccessary to help me to allow this to happen.
This Forum had such a big effect as well, i cannot thank all the people who post here enough.
Illusions cheerleading me all the way through and reminding me to smile and enjoy and its easy.
and from all that help and support...
I got my exact champaign moment

After the valuer left on Monday - I dashed over to Steve's house dragged him off to the super market and bought bottle of champaign and snacks and we went up onto his roof and drank the lot

... well it was either that, or pull my underwear up over my head and run down the street yelping with excitement.
Posted by Blue Silver
05/05/07 04:29 AM