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Mind-Set for Money & Inspired Luck and Good Fortune report

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  • Mind-Set for Money & Inspired Luck and Good Fortune report

    I added these modules to my show today & just for kicks I thought I would give them a spin at a casino as I was going into Reno anyway.

    I am also using the intuition mod & Moria suggest that I practice my intuition more so when I went into the casino I just kind of focused on a winning slot machine & eventually felt a mental "tug" in a direction so I went thataway.
    Eventually I passed a group of machines & I felt the tug move to the position of those machines. So I circle it a bit & finally decide on a particular quarter machine & slip $5.00 into it (20 credits).

    Playing a five way spin (4 spins) I begin winning & in brief, I pulled $50.00 from that machine on the original $5.00.I was up more but it began collecting and I played down to 200 credits.
    Playing the machine to the opposite side I lost $10.00 & then played the adjoining machine to the original & won $87.00. for $122.00 profit on a $5.00 play. I did that some more in a different area & collected another $30.00.

    Those of you who are familiar with slot machines know that you can get way up but eventually the slot begins to collect your winnings so you should have a profitable level where you cash out.

    Anyway, this was pretty unusual so I thought you might like to know
    Last edited by Ingram; 08-01-2008, 05:15 AM.

  • #2

    Wow, that's awesome!

    I'm glad you seem to be tapped into when to chance it.

    Just remember, in general people tend to notice improvement on the modules, then PATHS goes to a deeper level and tackles issues there (if there are such issues) etc. If someone has something deep to tackle, they can even get a time we call "valley of despair" when PATHS is seriously challenging them on the issue. (The cool thing is after this point, things only get better and better.)

    So there could be some ups and downs until the module has reached it's full effect. When that happens depends on the person's mind-set (of course including their subconscious) going into the module on its particular topic, but is largely all worked out within 3 months or less.

    Keep your mind on the aether


    • #3
      Hi Jessica

      I should say that I'm not a huge gambler by nature but it's fun when your winning

      Thanks so much for the explanation! It really makes a lot of sense because if someone didn't have blockages to say... money, then they would have no challenges with not having it.

      After one session I don't know really if this module would work but after reading about it in another thread & what PATHS said about it I thought, what the heck?

      I thought I read that you tried it, have you had further positive results from it?


      • #4
        Are we talking about the Mindset for Money one?
        Keep your mind on the aether


        • #5

          Here are some posts that kind of describe my situation :

          As far as what I can attribute to the mindset for money mod, it definitely has me less uptight about money and less worried about it during these transition times.

          Now that I am out of the rat race I feel I am consuming a lot less. It wouldn't seem so, but it really does. Just not filling up the car with gas, needing to make sure work clothes are clean, stocking up on frozen lunches for dinner. It seems weird but my life is just very simple right now (in a good way).

          When I do interact with society, I seem to feel I am better off financially than most of those I see around me. I mean I am not living a lavish life and what I get from unemployment is less than what I used to make at my job, but I am still riding off a cushion from a large tax return, which occurred after I went on the mindset for money mod.

          Like the other day I went to a little fair at a community center near me. I didn't spend a ton, like under $40 but I got the feeling I had a lot more to spare than others around me. I bought all things that benefited some organization or group of underprivileged people and felt very abundant bc it was not cutting into my budget in any way that was an infringement. Plus I took care of a few gifts for things coming up. It just felt like I was rich even though not that much $ was involved.

          I worked a LOT as an extra in the movie I was writing about in the 2nd post above, and there is another major movie about to start so I hope I get in on that.

          It's just crazy to me how much I love doing that work, every little part of it. Meeting fascinating people, turning my subconscious upside down by seeing theses scenes that would never occur in reality (like moving sidewalks in an airport full of placed people that just start all of a sudden when the scene starts) and the famous people too.

          The days are crazy long, like 13-14 hours and they could be seen as tedious, doing many scenes over again, us extras standing there and many times so tired we are squatting and sitting on the floor bt takes while the big stars have people who stand-in.

          And if we are not in a particular scene we are in a holding area where we literally get paid to do whatever we want, including sleep. We get snacks and a real big buffet meal each day we work.

          The funny thing is several times I have thought I was happier to be an extra than the other roles. The small speaking roles don't get to hang around the set so long. I even thought how glad I was not to be the main star and have to wear the crazy heels they had her in

          Anyway I am having a real blast and getting to really live life as opposed to how I felt in the rat race. Who knows what will happen by the time I have used up my 6 month unemployment period (which gets extended whenever I work full weeks on the movies). I hope I don't have to go back to a 40 hour accounting job, but I also know I would be ok if I did.

          Also I've put a lot of effort into obtaining my maximum health during this time, so maybe by then I will want as big of a challenge as I can get

          Just for kicks and giggles I will post a commercial I was in. I am on the far right and in full costume. (This is an example of loa going wrong ) It was done in January 2007, JUST before I started PATHS. I had been studying the Master-Key System, which I feel got me the commercial and then lead me to PATHS, which I feel brought about the situation where I could pick and choose what work I want and many major movies coming to Pittsburgh . (Apparently some new law passed that makes it less expensive now for movies to be made here.) Now look out 'cause I'm on the Stand Out At Work mod.

          YouTube - Howard Hanna Money Back Guarantee - Doctor's Office

          XO Jessica
          Last edited by future pather; 06-08-2008, 12:25 AM.
          Keep your mind on the aether


          • #6
            OMG, Jessica!! I LOVE your commercial! What a riot
            Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


            • #7

              It was also a riot to work on. They would be like "JESSICA! More uncomfortable! More heartburn!! Action!"

              I consider it a bit of an accomplishment not to be laughing in the take

              Keep your mind on the aether


              • #8
                Hi Jessica,
                Thanks for the feedback on the module, It helps to know what took for. I try to combine the intention of the module with a positive attitude toward the results and then look for those outcomes without attempting to steer the process unduly.

                I loved the scene! You nailed the "how long do I have to sit here having to tinkle" mom in a waiting room! The lady comes out & you look a little hopeful & then despair set in when someone else is called. Excellent work! How did they make all of you look pregnant? Pillows? You've got to let us know when you show up in movies so your fans can come & see you


                • #9
                  Originally posted by future pather View Post

                  Wow, that's awesome!

                  I'm glad you seem to be tapped into when to chance it.

                  Just remember, in general people tend to notice improvement on the modules, then PATHS goes to a deeper level and tackles issues there (if there are such issues) etc. If someone has something deep to tackle, they can even get a time we call "valley of despair" when PATHS is seriously challenging them on the issue. (The cool thing is after this point, things only get better and better.)

                  So there could be some ups and downs until the module has reached it's full effect. When that happens depends on the person's mind-set (of course including their subconscious) going into the module on its particular topic, but is largely all worked out within 3 months or less.

                  Ahhhhh! Jessica, thank you for the reminder! I have been on these two modules for some time, and was just cruising along, but the last few weeks... ARGHHH! It never even dawned on me where it was coming from, but all the old feelings of lack and not having enough have been just bubbling forth! I keep processing them with the BL Process, but now I understand where they are coming from, and it would make perfect sense! The creating having to pay my bills late, all of a sudden (something to me that is just unacceptable, because my X only pays bills that way!), and more and more money going out and all that kind of stuff! I believe I have hit that deeper level in a big way!!! Understanding where it is coming from will help me to get through it and know why it is here... I could not figure out where the fear was coming from! I kind of understood what was happening with the communication at home module bringing things out with me, but this one never even dawned on me!!!!

                  AWESOME synchronicity with this thread at this particular time!

                  Thanks All


                  • #10

                    Do you think I'll get in trouble for telling our costume secrets, lol.

                    It did have to do with pillows and stockings

                    Of course I will give a heads up on anything you can notice me in. I haven't done anything I'm ashamed of. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, lol


                    Who loves ya, baby? (We all do!)

                    Last edited by future pather; 12-31-2008, 01:28 AM.
                    Keep your mind on the aether


                    • #11
                      Are there costume trade secrets Jessica? In that case don't say too much or the dressing room mafia might show up.

                      I haven't done anything I'm ashamed of. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, lol
                      Are you sure?

                      Ve haf vays of trving... I mean making you talk


                      • #12
                        Ok now that I've changed my name and joined the witness relocation program. . .and don't you really have better things to TRV

                        -Tamika Jamison
                        Keep your mind on the aether


                        • #13

                          No worries Jessica..... I mean Tamika, I couldn't even trv an earth shaking event right now
                          Still in S1-S3.

                          Hows life treating you today?


                          • #14
                            money mindset

                            I wasn't aware that I had the Mindset for Money module in my platinum until Ingram posted here and I recalled that I was. I'm ready to change up my whole package pretty soon.

                            Without even thinking it or trying, over the last couple months, I'm more engaged in pro-actively reviewing my finances and constantly fine-tuning my plans. It is wonderful for it to be automatic instead of feeling that it is some kind of chore that I have to do.

                            I keep my finances organized as if it were a business just like I kept books for my health food store but more and more frequently I "just happen to" get the urge to dig into them.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #15
                              So i THINK this movie is coming out in August that I did about 14 hours of extra work on.

                              There's no way I would know if I'm seeable until it comes out.

                              I've got the cool big plastic '80 earings on in bright blue to match a sweet blue and white bold striped shirt. The outfits on this one were very funny. It's set in 1985 or so :

                              YouTube - Dave & Dave: Adventureland

                              Keep your mind on the aether

