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Spirulina Reactions?

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  • Spirulina Reactions?

    Has anyone here had adverse reactions to Spirulina?

    I was taking it in conjunction with my PATHS theater at 8 caps a day & increased my dosage to 12 caps a day & seemed to have a somewhat adverse reaction in the form of gastrointestinal irritation.
    To be fair, I purchased it at the local health food store and they could not guarantee it's quality (heavy metals??) so I just got enough to get me by until I could order a couple of pounds of certified organic product.

    Having discontinued taking it yesterday and today I am pretty much good and will probably resume with the new batch the day after tomorrow and gauge the effects.

    In the event it doesn't work out for me, is there another product I can take in lieu of Spirulina?

  • #2
    HI Ingram

    spirilina can/will cause detoxing in the body, and to me it sounds like cuz of your increased dose.. that, that could be what is happening
    as well as more amounts of green food... fiber... that type of thing.
    cuz when i first started on spirulina... i experienced some gastro intestinal activity... as my body was adjusting and was detoxing..

    soooo, hope that helps...
    but it doesn't test to be something to be to worried about.
    12 is a large
    i think a few days and your body will adjust and perhaps also be flushed.
    are they 1000g

    anyhow.. this testing is intuitive, so... for sure go with what feels right for you.
    i think this can be normal considering the doses we take being on paths.
    i think the bottle says no more than five a
    well, you know...
    good luck with the new stuff coming in

    have a fabulouse day/night
    PS... Zrii is another option as well
    check the home page of this forum or the signature of you favorite person.. perhaps the affiliate you signed up under.
    Last edited by Adrienne; 06-18-2008, 05:09 AM.
    Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me


    • #3
      spirulina alternatives

      Hi Ingram,

      Zrii, E3Live (AFA aphanizomenon flos-aquae - blue green algae), chlorella (Sun Chlorella is probably the best) are a few.

      You might be able to take your spirulina with food or more food if you've been taking it on an empty stomach. At minimum, I believe 4g/daily is good up to double to triple that at max...from my personal experience.

      My personal intake is:
      Morning before breakfast - 2 grams of spiruina (getting rid of some supply I have) and 2 grams of AFA from E3Live company
      Before Lunch, same as before breakfast.
      So total is about 4g/spirulina and 4g/AFA daily for right now.

      Almost done with spirulina supply so will only be taking AFA again (my normal routine) and will be about 2-3g/breakfast and 2-3g/lunch...both times about 30 minutes before food with full glass of water.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #4
        Hi Adrienne & Aaron

        Thanks for the feedback!

        Adrienne, I am operating on a 500 mg per cap premise, therefore I have to take at least 8 to achieve 4 grams and the 12 caps was to boost "the signal" if you will for the PATHS theater and trv as I'm not seeing strong results. Of course I have only been on PATHS for a couple of weeks so I may be pushing it a bit

        Aaron, I usually try to take it with light food as it is kind of like a food group itself. I've found that other things I've taken in gel caps will upset your stomach, but Spirulina seems to be pretty inoffensive that way. Meaning I can take it on an empty stomach and it doesn't have the volitale reaction to the digestive process that say...cayenne pepper would.
        Yours seems like a reasonable dose and when I resume tomorrow I will probably administer 1 gram four times a day and see how it goes.

        Thanks for the suggestions on the alternatives!


        • #5
          spirulina and PATHS and TRV

          Hi Ingram,

          With PATHS, boosting up the dose is usually only necessary if you start to feel tired in the head. If I'm not taking enough, I feel irritable and jumpy.

          The body is perfectly capable of cannibalizing protein from different areas in order to feed the brain as a normal method of survival to protect the brain first. With the increase in brain activity from using PATHS, the mental sluggishness is experienced usually after a few days of either no spirulina or not enough.

          If you don't experience this tiredness, I'd stick with the lower dose.

          PATHS does take time to work like many things even though it does tend to be much, much quicker for most people most of the time. For enhancing TRV, it seems you're progressing very well and fast too. You were doing more of the s1-s3 training targets a day and are already on s4. It took me longer because I did stick with 2 training targets a day and that was a couple years before I ever started PATHS.

          One thing to keep in mind is that it takes about 30 minutes into a session until you are locked onto the signal line in the matrix very strong and start pulling in very, very refined data. This is after not only doing s1-4, but doing 3-4 movements and each of those have their own stage 2-4...then about at that time, you're about 30 minutes into a session. After internalizing the s4 pretty good, you'll then start the movement exercises...virtually identical to s1 with the ideograms except you don't use a different trn, you use "from the top of the target site, something should be perceivable (ssbp)" then you do an ideogram and so on.

          There are a few different categories of instructions in the PATHS modules.

          Biological - the subconscious mind gets the body to respond quite fast. If this is the Ultimate Body module, over 60% of people using this experience muscle soreness from it within hours to a few days of using it. For take it off (weight loss), there are biological and also mindset instructions...almost always, people experience very quickly subtle changes in their eating habits and the weight loss part has very wide ranging results between people.

          Mindset instructions - simply developing more productive habit patterns, etc...

          Matrix/Collective instructions - gets your subconscious mind to crank up the transmission of info into the collective in order to create your own stronger signal strength for the purpose of attracting things to you, etc... with the TRV add on instructions, it is to more accurately draw on the info in the collective instead of sending to the collective.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #6
            Manly hug!

            Aaron I love your articulate and very thoughtful explanations!


