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Mystery Module Discussion

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  • #31
    This makes sense now!

    I didn't pick up on the dreams at first because I dream a lot anyway & I went on the synchronicity module about a month ago which also usually enhances my dreams. I also go interdimensional pretty easily, even when I'm awake, particularly when I am on some websites as I can really pick up on the energy & I have had some pretty interesting experiences, but that's another story.

    I did have one dream about a week ago which can probably be attributed to this module that I can remember. It's a little hard to explain clearly. I became aware that I was dreaming & I knew that I was physically asleep in my bed in my current room (bedroom A) but I also knew that I was consciously present in our previous house where we lived 13 years ago.

    I was aware of myself moving from my bedroom (bedroom B) in that house, going up the stairs into the hallway & into the family room. I did not "see" myself in the house but I was very much aware that that was where I was. I couldn't get over how vividly & clearly I could recall the floorplan & details of that house because I knew I was "there". At the same time I was still also aware that I was back physically in (bedroom A) & I became quite amused as I suddenly realised that I couldn't orient myself in my real bedroom with myself in the bed. I tried to visualise where the door was realtive to my bed & couldn't find it. My current bedroom was less "real" than my previous one.

    I knew that this was because more of my consciousness was over at bedroom B than was left with me in bedroom A. So I decided to try for 3 minutes to focus really hard & find my bearings in my current bedroom (A). I remember repeatedly trying to concentrate & bring my bedroom into focus but I just couldn't do it. Apart from having a sense of my being in the bed I just couldn't spatially connect with any of the walls or the door & get a sense of direction. There was just not enough of "me" left there to be able to do it. All of the time I was aware of this & I knew that I was dreaming & that I was in two places at the same time. I kept being surprised how clearly I was still able to apparently move through my old house yet not be able to recall my current bedroom clearly. I don't remember anything after that but at least I woke up in the right bedroom!

    Love, Light & Blessings
    Theta Healing
    Paths 2 Potential

    "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


    • #32
      Hi Aaron

      Ooh yes, the reading thing - I'm sure I have managed to keep things together to read something, and in the dream I've known what it means, but when I wake up it's not even English lol.

      My elevator dreams are often trying to get to a specific floor, stopping off at others on the way. They're also often very fast - rising or sinking very fast. (the beginings of Astral Projection I read somewhere?) I had one in a mine shaft once lol.

      One of the strongest themes in my dreams lately (over the last couple of years) has been dealing with Overwhelming water. Tidle waves, swimming pools, being on the beach, and the water coming in. The theme is usually me mastering using self control and faith to remain calm and allowing and trusting that all will be well despite the eminant drowning lol. And it usually takes a LOT of power to do that, but I think I manage in almost every dream. Ships ... a lot of recurring dreams involving travelling on a ship, and also underwater through a ship... it's tricky to describe because it doesn't really convert to the waking world, but I can still see it and feel it now. A journey through a ship that, at one point I have to swim under the water with no going back etc. A lot of water slides etc. as well. lol.

      I lOve dreaming, and am very excited about the LD module - I think I might just have to go to bed early tonight lol Nah, I do have to go out and sing tonight, but I shall certainly get to sleep as soon as I can!!

      Love and Light and Fun xxx
      Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
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      • #33
        I don't remember anything after that but at least I woke up in the right bedroom!
        Hee heeeeee

        Sounds like a FABulous experience Sharyn! What fun!!

        Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
        Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
        Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


        • #34
          Hee heeeee - I've just gone from this thread, to my Inbox, and at the top of the list of emails just come in is one with the title:

          "Odille, you're not dreaming - everything's FREE - Extended!"

          Hee heee

          Love and Light and Synchronicity xxx
          Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
          Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
          Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


          • #35
            I have been having longer, more involved and more memorable dreams this week in general.

            Then I slept a lot yesterday and might have to take a second nap today, lol. Yesterday, last night and today I have no idea what I was dreaming.

            I feel like my brain is seriously working on something, connecting my real life to my dream life.

            I also get the strong sense that it is working on problems in my real life through my dream life. I think this may be why the feeling of control is associated with this module.

            Originally posted by Doug View Post
            Somehow, during the last week or so, I've been remembering my own dreams all of a sudden --


            Doug I'm sorry but I can not resist the urge to ask if you used to remember other's peoples dreams

            Keep your mind on the aether


            • #36
              dream answers

              Originally posted by future pather View Post
              I also get the strong sense that it is working on problems in my real life through my dream life. I think this may be why the feeling of control is associated with this module.
              This is what I'm experiencing. The dreams are very relevant to what is going on in life right now with very little room for interpretation. I had a long, long dream before waking up of something very specific I've been working on solving and had some very clear answers.

              After waking up, some of it wasn't very clear and I had plenty of opportunity to write much of this down as I woke up excited a few times but was enjoying it too much to get some paper. I'm going to keep a notebook open with a pen on it next to my bed starting tonight! lol I'm not letting anything else slip by!
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #37
                Mary was also one of the test subjects for this module. She did NOT know what it was about, in fact, she did not even know it had been added to her theater.

                I have been meaning to talk to her about it the last few days...finally just asked her-

                "Have you been experiencing anything different in the last couple of weeks?"

                Her comments-

                "Have you volunteered me again for a PATHS experiment, lol?"

                "I have been having really vivid dreams, and a lot more dreams than normal."

                "I am remembering my dreams more after waking up too."

                I said-

                "Well, you have had a Lucid dream module in your theater for the last 2 weeks."


                "It must be working then, cause I am really dreaming a lot more and it seems like it is real when I am in my dreams."



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                • #38
                  Sorry for late reply

                  I've been very busy and just now got a chance to check the board.

                  I hate to be the odd (wo)man out, but I've been having quite a bit of trouble sleeping over the past couple of weeks. It's been a real downer because I've been used to sleeping really well over the last year since having PATHS tweak my sleep module to the middle level. In fact, I decided today that if my sleep doesn't improve over the next few days that I am going to email PATHS and have them adjust my sleep module again. So its disappointing to hear that not only have I been missing out on sleep and my usual entertaining dreams, I've also been missing out on lucid dreaming.

                  I'm reporting my results even though I've not noticed anything different (other than not sleeping!) in case my experiences might have a bearing on evaluating the module.

                  If anything changes about my dreams, I'll report back.
                  Paths To Your Success


                  • #39
                    I'm not sure if this experience relates to this module or not, but it's so fascinating that I'd love your feedback. About 2-3 weeks ago (right before or just as we started the mystery module) I couldn't sleep. I started a guided meditation that usually knocks me out within minutes. Not this time. 45 minutes later I was deeply relaxed and in an altered state but not yet fully asleep.

                    I decided to try to astral project myself since that would be more fun than lying in bed. I found myself in a forest and encountered an electric blue wall that I was instructed to walk through. I knew that walking through this wall would place me on the "other side." I walked through the wall, but then kinda freaked out and forced myself to open my eyes.

                    By this time it was about 4am and completely dark out. The only light source in my room was my alarm clock, yet the whole room was glowing with an ethereal, sort of phosphorescent white light. I walked into the hallway and could clearly see all the way down into the living room, as though there were lights on. I looked out the window and could see everything outside clear as day. Again, there wasn't any direct light source, just this glow.

                    I decided maybe I wasn't awake and should just go back to bed. So I laid in bed and thought "am I awake?" And yes, after pinching myself I decided I definitely was. Then I thought "well, am I really in my house or does it just look like my house?" LOL. I think was in my house. LOL.

                    It was very bizarre. Not frightening, but weird.


                    • #40


                      It sounds like you had an obe. I've had about 4-5 that I can recall. Most were in the middle of the day.

                      And some of my friends who had those experiences report something similar to what you're describing.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #41
                        We would like to move this entire thread over to the PATHS sub-forum.

                        This is so people who are interested in this module can see this last stage of testing we did and what everyones comments were.

                        If there is anyone that wants their comments NOT included, OR edited, please let us know via a PM here in the forum.

                        Happiness & Health,

                        PATHS, S.A. Staff



                        • #42
                          This thread has been moved from the private Affiliate sub-forum to the public PATHS forum for reference to this thread-


                          It is now locked closed.
                          Happiness & Health,

                          PATHS, S.A. Staff


