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  • Asperger's


    Does anyone know any module, or anything else, that could help a child with Asperger's? He has difficulties with his social life, so when things are out of his control, so to speak, he can get aggressive. He also have difficulties handling any kind of change around him, both at home and in school. Due to all this he doesn't have any friends really, and for a 12 year old boy, that must feel devastating, seeing everyone else with their friends and no one wants to play with him.

    Any kind of info would be much appreciated!


    Moria x
    Intuitive Readings
    Web design by Hannah King

  • #2
    Self Esteem

    Off hand I'd recommend the self esteem module.

    I'm on it and it is really great

    Of course you should be in contact with the so they can make any modifications appropriate for a child
    Keep your mind on the aether


    • #3
      Hi Moria,

      Having had a child with learning disabilities, which I know is not the same, my heart goes out to you. I cannot tell you how many tears I have shed and battles I have fought on his behalf. If you are interested in an offline chat or just need a sounding board, I'm here. Just let me know.

      I think, perhaps, you should see what the PATHS team recommends. My first thought when I read your post was a stress reducing module and/or a module that deals with depression. There are so many "degrees" of disabilities that I also think it would be most important to let them know how severe the the case is and give them as much of a history as you possibly can.

      Unfortunately, you may have to educate the educators regarding your child's disability. If you haven't already found out, most on them don't know a lot about disabilities. I had one teacher tell me that, unless special education was thier field, they had very little training on disabilities. Personally, I really appreciated her honesty. It made me that much more aware of what I could teach others about learning disabilites. What most people just don't get is that there are different degrees. Not every case is the same.

      Godspeed to you and your son,



      • #4
        Hi Future Pather,

        I was thinking that as well, but got a feeling that it might enhance his anger when something goes wrong, and instead make him feel right about doing himself 'justice', if that makes sense...

        Moria x
        Intuitive Readings
        Web design by Hannah King


        • #5
          Hi Breezy,

          Thank you so much for your heartfelt reply!

          However, it's not my son, it's my best friend's son. She is a single mother with two children, her son has Asperger's and Touretts (sp) syndrome, and his little sister is over active (ADHD?), so she's going through some real difficulties, trying to be there for them both, dealing with their different problems.

          Thank You both for your replies!

          Moria x
          Intuitive Readings
          Web design by Hannah King


          • #6
            aspergers and adhd

            Hi Moria,

            My first thought was also self-esteem module, but also family communications module might be good and just relax and possibly pos attitude and vitality.

            For ADHD, with or without PATHS, they almost definitely need a good magnesium or calcium/magnesium supplement and also fatty acids like fish oils or flax seed oil.

            It is amazing how many children have ADD and ADHD totally reversed and get off meds by just getting a good supply of magnesium and essential fatty acids. Not just omega 3's but 3's 6's and 9's.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #7
              Hi Aaron,

              Yes, that makes sense, to combine the Self Esteem with the other ones! Didn't think that far!

              I'll pass it on to my friend.


              Moria x
              Intuitive Readings
              Web design by Hannah King


              • #8
                Hi Moria,

                Hi Moria,

                I believe Positive Attitude would be perfect for your friends son. I also know that taking the Spirulina and the Essential fatty acids (organic flax seed oil) 3,6,9 as Aaron recommends would be ideal!

                The same supplements would be ideal for your friends Daughter as well.



                • #9
                  supper mom

                  All I’ve got to say is that moms are God’s gift to the world. And if every one would have the mind outlook of a mother this world would be a VERY caring, loving place. I was born with severe dyslexia and ADHD and I know how hard this world comes down on those that are "different". I also know that I put my mom through a lot but if I didn't have her in my life I would never have become the person I am now. No matter what technology or medicine comes out a MOM is the best thing that anyone will ever have and I LOVE YOU MOM!!!!
                  "Its not fun unless its muddy"


                  • #10
                    Look what I just read!

                    Here is an email I just read...I cannot vouch for its' reliability, however, it may be worth a try.

                    "It is well worth it in my opionion. We purchased our
                    device (QXCI/SCIO) for pain management/stress reduction for
                    ourselves and it went up from there.

                    I have a 19 yr old son with Aspergers Autism.
                    Everytime I have put him on the device we see a
                    significant change in how he deals with stressors and
                    life in general.

                    Last month I used Levi Baxa's DNA protocol and the
                    autism protocol from Nirvana. The difference is almost
                    night and day. This child we though would never start
                    being responsible for himself. Always leaving us with
                    having to clean up behind him, make his appointments
                    for him etc. We were told 2 years ago he would
                    probably never be able to be self reliant and leave
                    home. Which of course was a goal we have for all 9 of
                    our leave Anyway...after the
                    session with the above protocols, we have seen a
                    dramatic change in Steven. He is gettting up and going
                    to school(On his own), he went and got set up through
                    rehabilitation, for both drivers education and fork
                    lift certification. He is now passing his high school
                    classes and at his IEP on Friday the teachers also
                    told me he was more responsible and more aware than he
                    has been all year, especially this last month.

                    This has been a goal to get him to where he could
                    actually start living independently. He is now open to
                    resources that will help him accomplish this amongst
                    other goals. He is more cooperative and less
                    explosive. Which is common with Aspergers Autism.

                    All I can say is yes it works and is well worth the

                    Jenny Kernan"

                    Since the machines cost about $18000.00, and the hourly rates to have a SCIO Practitioner work on someone runs $50-$135 an hour, it might be better to try the PATHS modules suggested above....but this could be a good supplement/alternative also.


                    PATHS For Healing
                    Energetic Science Ministries
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