This is my question.
I seem to exhibit many of the symptoms associated with low thyroid function. The last time I had blood work, maybe 2-3 years ago, my thyroid results were normal.
I know you are not doctors, but if one were to subscribe to this module and does not have low thyroid function, are there any adverse affects or would it just not work at all? Also, do you think this could be used as a tool in weight loss along with the other modules?
Thank you for all the great and new products you continue to bring to us!
It appears you are not sure that you know if your thyroid function is low, your last blood test was 2-3 years ago. HOWEVER, if your thyroid function is in the normal range you should NOT use the Thyroid Module without letting us know that you are in normal range.
NOTE: Thyroid test results of "normal" are measured in a "range", so one could be "normal" but on the low end, just above hypo.
The Improved Thyroid Function Module is specifically designed for persons with hypothyroidism.
If you feel you are borderline (still in normal range, but on the low end) or if you just want to maintain healthy thyroid function, you can use the Improved Thyroid Function Module IF YOU EMAIL US AND LET US KNOW YOU ARE IN THE NORMAL RANGE. We will make a few adjustments to the module for you, so that it is optimum for you.
Regarding weight loss ~ If you are below normal range (hypo) or on the low end of the normal range, then this Module may be of assistance in losing weight.
I seem to exhibit many of the symptoms associated with low thyroid function. The last time I had blood work, maybe 2-3 years ago, my thyroid results were normal.
I know you are not doctors, but if one were to subscribe to this module and does not have low thyroid function, are there any adverse affects or would it just not work at all? Also, do you think this could be used as a tool in weight loss along with the other modules?
Thank you for all the great and new products you continue to bring to us!
It appears you are not sure that you know if your thyroid function is low, your last blood test was 2-3 years ago. HOWEVER, if your thyroid function is in the normal range you should NOT use the Thyroid Module without letting us know that you are in normal range.
NOTE: Thyroid test results of "normal" are measured in a "range", so one could be "normal" but on the low end, just above hypo.
The Improved Thyroid Function Module is specifically designed for persons with hypothyroidism.
If you feel you are borderline (still in normal range, but on the low end) or if you just want to maintain healthy thyroid function, you can use the Improved Thyroid Function Module IF YOU EMAIL US AND LET US KNOW YOU ARE IN THE NORMAL RANGE. We will make a few adjustments to the module for you, so that it is optimum for you.
Regarding weight loss ~ If you are below normal range (hypo) or on the low end of the normal range, then this Module may be of assistance in losing weight.
