I've been on PATHS for over a year now, and I STILL get surprised by it!!
Hee heeeeeeeeeeeeee....
Okay, I'll try and calm myself down enough to write this without too many whoops and exclaimations lol....
Being a "creative", my organisational skills are SERIOUSLY lacking - my brain just hasn't been wired that way.
My desk (and
the floor around it!) look like a filing cabinet threw up over them!
I had the Organisation Module added to my theatre on Tuesday night and watched it for the first time Wednesday morning.
Yesterday (Thursday) I felt sO Overwhelmed I litterally couldn't do anything!
I knew I had sooo much to do, on sooo many different topics, but didn't know what to do first, or how to get the results I needed. All I wanted to do was watch T.V.
I draaaaggged myself through the day doing sporadic tasks, but feeling anxious. And did watch some T.V. (it's what felt good at the time
WELL - I woke up about 40 minutes ago (now Friday morning here in the UK), came to my desk, and WEIRDLY knew EXACTLY what I need to do today to get the results I need.
I got a piece of paper, divided it into sections for the various topics, made the decision to do at least two steps towards each goal, wrote down what needed to be done today, prioritised them EFFORTLESSLY (usually I aaaagonise over what to prioritise), and then put times to them!
Now I realise this may sound perfectly natural and normal to many people
- but to me it's a miracle. I've struggled in the past, to be organised, to make lists and to prioritise, and just to figure out what the small steps are, towards a goal!
AND.... one of the topics on the list is CLEARING STUFF!!!
I had a dream last night about getting rid of TONS (litterally) of old "stuff" - on a conveyor belt machine thing. I've been wanting to clear the clutter since..... can't remember when! But didn't know where to start!! Now, I have a plan! (no, I haven't bought a conveyor belt machine thing... but I know where to start
Okay... better get on with it then lol....
Love and Light and Clarity xxx

Hee heeeeeeeeeeeeee....

Okay, I'll try and calm myself down enough to write this without too many whoops and exclaimations lol....
Being a "creative", my organisational skills are SERIOUSLY lacking - my brain just hasn't been wired that way.

I had the Organisation Module added to my theatre on Tuesday night and watched it for the first time Wednesday morning.
Yesterday (Thursday) I felt sO Overwhelmed I litterally couldn't do anything!

I draaaaggged myself through the day doing sporadic tasks, but feeling anxious. And did watch some T.V. (it's what felt good at the time

WELL - I woke up about 40 minutes ago (now Friday morning here in the UK), came to my desk, and WEIRDLY knew EXACTLY what I need to do today to get the results I need.
I got a piece of paper, divided it into sections for the various topics, made the decision to do at least two steps towards each goal, wrote down what needed to be done today, prioritised them EFFORTLESSLY (usually I aaaagonise over what to prioritise), and then put times to them!
Now I realise this may sound perfectly natural and normal to many people

AND.... one of the topics on the list is CLEARING STUFF!!!

Okay... better get on with it then lol....
Love and Light and Clarity xxx