I've been using Paths for about 8 months now. I started using it because I was in a terrible financial position (I am a Real Estate Broker). I started with the Business Productivity. I am currently still using the Business Productivity, Trauma Free, Successful Living II, Good Luck modules. Over the last 8 months, things have gotten progressivly worse in the area of finances. We are currently losing our home, have lost 2 investment properties as well as having to file bankrupcty. My husband has had a terrible time finding work. It seems as if the financial issues are getting much worse. The positive thing that I've noticed with Paths is how I respond to and behave when these negative things are happening. I feel a bit more peace with our situation. I'm not nearly as negative in regards to finances. My husband and I have been having marital problems that have stemmed from our financial situation. I'm wondering if anyone can suggest some good modules for me at this time. I've been on the business one for 8 months now and I think it's time for a change. My goal with Paths at this time is to feel happy and at peace. I've also been very into getting in touch with my own spirituality. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Module suggestions? Help please.
I would swap your SL II to SL III. I think it's a good idea to do each one in the series for about three months each. Some people rotate them 1,2,3 each month but I've been happy with doing each for three months.
I'd probably keep the good luck.
Maybe do the money mindset and the one for effective communication at home.
JessicaKeep your mind on the aether www.PathsToSucceed.com
Hi Samcor. I wholeheartedly agree with Jessica. SLP 3 is largely about gratitude which will help you with your perspective and see all the little blessings that occur in life each and every day that we often overlook. And being appreciative of the little things of course allows a path for larger gifts and blessings to come our way.
Mindset for Money has been a life-changer for me. When I started on it I was always broke. Within a few months, I found that I had a different view of my finances and almost magically I began to have money left over in my account even though my expenses had not changed, nor my wages. It's just gone uphill from there!
Effective Communication at Home really helped me when I had a roommate a year ago that I wasn't getting along with. I know a roommate and spouse are two very different things, but it sured helped in my attitude towards her and how I perceived the things she would say. Very quickly, I didn't get irritated with her and saw what she said very differently.
And of course, the good luck module just rocks!
Hi Samcor,
You are probably going to end up with a variety of opinions here, all of which will be good suggestions, so in the end pick what feels right to you. I think there are several modules that would be beneficial to you for where you are at right now.
I got 7 modules that I felt would be beneficial, including some of the one's Jessica & Jamie suggested. I ranked them in order of what I felt was of most immediate benefit to you. If you only have one theatre then I would suggest doing 1-4.
1. Ho'oponono
2. Unconditional Love
3. Mind Set for Money
4. Breakthrough to Enlightenment
5. Spiritual Enlightenment
6. SLP 1 - I know that you have probably already done this but I got that this one would be the best if you were doing it now. The Successful living modules build upon whatever level you are currently at.
7. Communication in the Home
Love, Light & Blessings,
Hi Samcor
First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about your challenges, and Well Done for the progress you've made so far. The perspective change is the key, so you're right about making that your focus because that is what causes the changes. It's just that there's usually a time delay between the perspective change and Visable results.
As Sharyn said, you need to go with what feeeeels good to you - each of us is different and has different existing "wiring" which can cause the patterns that manifest as issues. I'll share what worked for my money issues (suggested by Paths Customer Service -guys!), and if it feeels right for you, you may want to try some or all of these:
* Trauma Release (Paths C.S. felt there may well be trauma related to money - I would never have thought of that, but I believe it's a big key)
* Self Esteem & Confidence (if you have High Self Esteem, you won't create any kind of lack for yourself- this one would cover the money issues AND the relationship issues - Self Esteem is key to dealing with... well, everything really)
* Mind Set for Money (I'd done this before, but not in conjuction with the Trauma Release one)
* Business Productivity (I know you're planning on swapping this one out, so you could replace it with the Ho'oponopono one, or Synchronicity... or whatever feeeels good.)
Now, here are the other two changes I made when I got this new theatre aimed specifically at my (lifetime) money issues, which I believe have made all the difference:
* I started using it EVERY DAY - I know you only need to watch it once a week, but I found it was unbelievably easy to miss and found when I checked the date, the last time I'd watched was 10, 11 or even 12 days before!!Using Paths every day after breakfast, as a ritual has meant I never miss it.
* Monopoly!! I know this may sound silly, but since I read Kevin's post that he uses his Paths every day, but listens to it while working on the computer (the instructions are in the Audio as well as the Visual), I've been playing Monopoly on my computer, WHILE listening to Paths on my headphones. I can FEEEEL the connection to the money issues. I play Monopoly over and over again, and I notice my feeeelings as various things happen. I've notice the most incredible change in my attitude - to the game AND to real life, since I've been doing this. AND.... although I'm not "rolling in it" yet, I'm not in the terrible situation I was before.
One of my money issues was - it was always delayed. Money I was owed (my income comes from a few different sources) was always late, or I didn't get it at all. Bizaar things happened to delay it. Cheques from work I'd done were months late, even the bank made errors where payments were accidently taken from my account and I had to wait aaaages for them to credit the money back!!
Since starting with the combination of these modules, using them every day, and playing Monopoly (lol, that does sound silly I know lol) - NONE of that happens anymore!! (I believe it's been about three months). Payments have been Bang on time, and some of them have actually been a day or two early!! No bank errors, and as I say, although I'm not rolling in it, I always have enough for what I need (a VERY new concept to me lol - going from counting pennies to get basics, to keeping £40 aside in my purse at all times, as a buffer - it's not a huge amount, but it's a very different experience to know I always have SOME money
Sorry this is sooooo long, but I thought it was worth sharing, just in case some or all of it helps.
While I've been typing this, I've had an idea... I'm going to start a new thread in Personal Development forum, about the "Monopoly Therapy" - it could be just me, but I have a feeling it would work for some others as well - for a lot of reasons I'll detail in that thread.
Keep your chin up Samcor - and most importantly, whatever modules you choose, make sure you are KIND to yourself - the way you treat yourself is manifested in your life situations and the way others treat you. Again, it takes time between the change in your own attitude, and the visable results, but it DOES make a difference.
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Hi Samcor,
All the above is great advice!
I would throw one other module into the mix... Mood Elevation.
On a side note-as I am sure you are aware, sometimes the best things for us are not always the most comfortable.
Mary and I have had some serious challenges in the past, things that would never seem to be optimum on the surface, but in the long run we had to go through them to be where we are today...which is a better place.
I was just talking to a friend a few weeks ago about the last year of his life being VERY difficult. However, if he had not gone through that last year there is no way he would have received his recent job promotion and relocation. Now he and his family are in their dream home and he has received a LARGE pay raise.
Kudo's to you for keeping your perception positive!
Thanks everyone!
Thank you all for your suggestions and encouragement. I switched my modules so we will see what happens. I went with effective communication at home, mind set for money, trauma free, SLP 3. I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks again!