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Question about Module Clarity

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  • Question about Module Clarity

    Hi folks,

    I noticed that one of my two modules, the visual part, seems blurry and not clear like the other one.
    I have Unconditional Love, which is fine and clear and I can see the words that pop up...
    And I have Just Relax--Stress Reduction, and I noticed that everything about the visuals is blurred. The background words are blurred as are the ones in white that pop up. Not clear.

    I wrote to PATHS to ask them to sharpen the image, and here is what they told me....

    Hi Valerie!

    There is no adjusting we can do.

    It is most likely just a difference in picture quality.

    Happiness and Health,

    My question is...I am confused... LOL.....does this affect how it gets absorbed by my brain? if the picture quality isn't as good, doesn't that affect the effectivness of the visual part of the module? Yes, I know that listening is just as good, but I want to listen AND watch......

    Or,,,,,is the picture supposed to be as it is, a bit blurry, has anyone encountered this type of thing on different modules?

    If anyone can help me understand, I greatly appreciate it!!

    Thanks so much in advance!

    Last edited by VJoy; 08-25-2008, 09:44 PM.
    Blessings and Peace to All --Val

  • #2
    Blurry pic...

    Hi Val!

    I haven't noticed any distinguishable blurriness with any of the least nothing that bothered me, but I DO know that a blurry pic won't make ANY difference in the effectiveness of the module. The pic could be BLACK and your subconscious would still absorb ALL the instructions. And those words that pop up now and then are only there to distract your conscious mind and are pretty meaningless. It's what you DON'T see that is blasting into your subconscious. For anything to be TRUELY subliminal, it cannot be seen at all by the conscious mind.

    Hope this info helps, Honey!

    With Much Love and Gratitude,

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    • #3
      Hi Pam!!

      Well, my concern is that if the image is blurry, then what is subconcious might be scewed. I know I am not supposed to atually SEE what is being fed to me, is simply a technical questin, and I was concerned that one module is crystal clear, and the very next is not.

      So.....I guess you are saying that it doesn't matter..? Also......if the picture is blurry, then how do I know that what I am hearing isn't also a bit off......

      Sorry for all the questions, I just really want to make absolutely sure I am getting the full benefit.

      LOL I promise I won't harp on this...

      Thanks for your patience......being so new to this, I have so many questions.......

      Blessings and Peace to All --Val


      • #4
        No Problem!

        Hi Again, Honey!

        Yep...That IS what I'm saying...It Doesn't Matter!!! I PROMISE YOU that you no matter WHAT you are seeing, ALL IS WELL and your very precious subconscious is absorbing ALL the RIGHT instructions exactly the way it should!

        Here's a big HUG for you Sweetie... Now...go and watch your modules with faith in the knowledge that you are not getting some kind of weird instructions that are going to make your hair turn green and grow out of your teeth!!!

        Much Love to You, Darling Val!

        Last edited by Pamela; 08-26-2008, 12:21 AM. Reason: spelling
        My PATHS Website
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        • #5
          Dear Val -
          The visuals are just to entertain your concious mind, while other stuff does its job for the unconcious!!! The words in the image are supposed to be not quite clear!

          I hope you are enjoying your modules!!!

          Life in Balance Ayurveda


          • #6
            This link might "clear up" any confusion.


            The visuals you consciously see and the audio you consciously hear do NOT have anything to do with the truly subliminal nature of the actual instructions.


            PATHS For Healing
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            • #7
              Thank You!

              Thanks, Kevin!!!

              I went searching for that thread last night so Val could have a lookie at it, but it eluded me!!! I really appreciate that you took the time to post it for her and I am sure she will also!!!

              With Much Love and Gratitude,

              My PATHS Website
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              My Paintings As Prints
              My Facebook


              • #8
                Thanks so much Pam, Nancy and Kevin!!

                I am sorry Pam I didn't post back last night, I wasn't feeling well.

                I am okay, just wanted to make sure everything was O.K. with the module. I will check out the link Kevin posted.

                LOL. actually, my hubby has been wanting to see what the experience is like, so he sat here last night and watched my theater. He said the sound was relaxing!!

                Thanks again!!
                Blessings and Peace to All --Val

