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Stimulate Intuition and Insight

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  • Stimulate Intuition and Insight

    Hi All,
    Finally, after reading amazing reviews about P.A.T.H.S, I bought my first module: Stimulate Intuition and Insight. I played my first theater presentation for 3 minutes approx. Any suggestions or tips which can help me further.
    I will appreciate for your help.

  • #2

    That's great

    When I was on that one (wish I still had room for it now) I would make choices, and not even know it at the time, and find out after that there was more to it.

    For example, once I went into a cafe. I would normally avoid getting a muffin bc they can be worse for you than you might imagine. I was checking out my other option but these blueberry muffing just kept calling out to me. I ordered one and then I was told that they were very extremely fresh. I didn't know at first but after being told that I realized why they were calling to me.

    Another time I picked out flowers for a friend who was pregnant. There was a special on a make your own bouquet so I put one together of yellow and purple flowers that just looked nice to me. When I gave them to the momma to be she told me I had picked her favorite color and daddy to be's favorite color and she was so pleased. I had had no idea

    Keep your mind on the aether


    • #3

      Congratulations, Rajan!

      I KNOW you are going to LOVE your experience with PATHS! And, YES...I do have a little tip for you... Go to: Energetic Science Ministries™ | Resource Library and listen to these high-quality binaural beat soundtracks...They will enhance your experience with the PATHS modules... Here's a recent post by Aaron that will clarify this for you...

      "By stimulating more cross brain connection in the corpus collosum in the brain by binaural beat audios, the brain simply becomes a more effective processor and especially for integrating whole brain processes.

      Because of this, the brain is able to more effectively process the benefits of PATHS. I came to this conclusion a long time ago by observing more rapid results more often for those who had used binaurals for any extended time in the past.

      My personal opinion is that the main benefit from binaurals is the frequencies for stimulating hemisphere balancing and not because of any affirmations that are recorded on them.

      All the AudioNoesis audios are awesome! 30 minutes a day for any binaural beat soundtrack is plenty to gain benefits from the binaurals and twice a day is preferable. PATHS works perfectly well without using binaurals but any extra thing we can do to maximize our results is definitely a plus.

      The pink noise tracks are ones I made. Pink noise is another variation of raw noise like white noise. It is a good generic static sound that is used to embed the frequencies into. All the AudioNoesis tracks and my own have zero affirmations..they are just purely frequency tracks.

      There are 2 I did that are on the lower frequency scale for more relaxation. The Schumann Resonance (earth frequency) one I did is at 7.83hz average and I made a deep sleep one that goes down to Delta frequencies. Either of those may be beneficial for relaxation."

      With Gratitude,

      Aaron Murakami
      FREE ENERGY Invitation
      Lucid Dreaming

      Enjoy, Rajan...

      With Much Love and Gratitude,

      My PATHS Website
      My Art Website
      My Paintings As Prints
      My Facebook


      • #4
        Thanks for all great replies. Do you think it is enough to watch theater presentation once a week? Is there any need to take supplement with it? Also, how long it takes to observe any difference? Is there any sign to notice?
        Please let me know.
        If you have any experience with Stimulate Intution and insight Module, Please share with me.


        • #5
          Hi Rajan,

          Please take a look at the FAQ section of the PATHS forum for the answers to your questions.

          I have told some of my experiences with that module, you may find more in the PATHS section of the forum.

          Keep your mind on the aether


          • #6
            It is important to supplement with spirulina or some other source of nutrients so that you will have the neurotransmitters you need to get the most out of your PATHS modules.

            There are many, many posts about spirulina on this site, here is one about another option-


            Regarding experience with the Intuition mod-

            Once a week is sufficient to listen/view your theater, however, more often will probably accelerate the benefits some.

            I have been using this module for quite awhile, and I know MANY others that have also. With some it is a subtle growing of just knowing, with others they become very tuned into to all that is around them.

            Those of us that TRV all have experienced a large boost in the quality of our data after beginning to use this Module.


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            Energetic Science Ministries
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