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My experience on PATHS

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  • My experience on PATHS


    I have kept my eye on this site since PATHs appeared 18+ months ago to watch the feedback and see if it was worth trying. Then at the beginning of the year I gave 4 modules a try.

    It has worked brilliantly for me. I chose Ho’oponopono, Unconditional Love, Spiritual Enlightenment, Building Self Esteem.

    The first couple of viewings gave me a feeling of busyness (rather than tension) inside my forehead.
    I had one moment within two weeks of starting the viewings where I went to an event that would normally have been very difficult for me due to the Ex, his family and close friends being there. After an event like that I would be quiet, contemplative, reflective, tired and a bit down. Well on the long drive back home I realized that I was singing and tapping to the music! Amazing!! I realized that nothing had changed and that it must be the programs I’d chosen.

    The other biggie was an interaction with my mother. We have a difficult relationship (which is why I chose Ho’opono’) and I wanted to get over the past and rise above any difficulties. So after a difficult conversation, I came away not that bothered. Again another ‘aha’ moment where I realized that nothing had changed in our patterns but how I felt and reacted had! Very nice.

    The effects, I have found, are subtle. It is in a moment by moment way. Being aware of self & the now is very important. All the other moments have been incremental. It has not been hard, no huge challenges involving conscious shifting, it is sub conscious. I have over the last 6 years done a lot of work on my sub conscious beliefs – which is why I think there were no big challenges/cog dis.

    I can say now that my relationship with my mother has and is still changing in a positive way. All the busy running around that used to have hick ups involved, I don’t have them any more. Everything just flows. I am still busy but it is an easy busy. So many synchronicities!! It has been a beautiful experience though, again, subtle & gentle.

    I had a bumpy time when my spirulina bottle ran out and I didn’t get another one for a couple of weeks. I would say that the spirulina creates a build up so when I stopped taking them it took a while to realize what was going on. I was EXHAUSTED. So exhausted that I thought I was really sick, like cancer or something – I can laugh now but was really concerned at the time. Then the thought entered my head reminding me of the spirulina – so I got another bottle and after a few days I was back to my normal self. So that proved again to me that this works. That alone made it obvious that the modules are doing ‘something’.

    Just thought there may be others out there looking and wondering as I did why if it is sooo good are others not posting their results, just the usual posters saying how fab it is. So I do recommend trying it – though only if you are aware of the moments each day and your reactions to them. That is my experience and beliefs anyway. I’m sure there are others out there who fit outside my description of who would/could find it good too.

    Take Care :O)

  • #2
    Hi Cass,

    for taking the time to post your feedback. It is great to hear how well you've done & to hear from some one new
    about their experiences.

    I agree with you that often the changes can be subtle & creep up on you at times & that it is all about how aware a person is & their ability to notice changes in themselves. Some people seem to be more highly observant about themselves than others.

    For that reason I often suggest to my customers that they print off the description of the modules that they select & then try & place themselves on a scale from 1-10 of where they feel they are at for each bullet point (if it is applicable) prior to commencing each module & record it. Eg, if 0 is the least or weakest they feel then 10 would be the most or strongest. This then makes it easier to compare the progress made after a few weeks & be able to notice the changes that have occurred.

    Love, Light & Blessings
    Theta Healing
    Paths 2 Potential

    "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


    • #3
      Hi Cass

      Welcome to the forum, and I'd like to add my to Sharyn's, for taking the time to post your experience, and in such detail. It's always so lovely to hear from "new" people, how they're doing

      Excellent points you've made on observation moment-by-moment as well!

      Sharyn, that's a Great idea!! Thanks for the suggestion! I'll reccomend that as well.

      Love and Light and Magic xxx
      Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
      Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
      Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


      • #4
        Thanks Cass!

        Hi Cass,

        Most correspondence with people that use PATHS are directly with the company or the affiliate on the contact us page of the PATHS website they are using and we don't get to see all of that here.

        Out of everyone that uses the internet, it is still only a small percentage of people that post in the forums such as this one. However, quite a few do watch the posts but don't reply themselves. They like to read what is happening.

        On the PATHS website, there are quite a few testimonials and those are usually received by the office from users with permission to post them. That is where most of the success stories are posted. Personally, I would hope everyone would register here and post their results since it is more interactive and gives people a chance to ask questions to others about the experience.

        Thank you for posting about your experience!
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #5
          Hi Cass,

          Thanks for posting your results. Yes, the effects are subtle. Many people want instant gratification and sometimes don't even recognize that they have improvement in some areas because the effects are subtle - in some cases. Other times they hit you on the head! - and then everyone can recognize the positive results.

          Glad you are able to accomplish what you want with PATHS. Keep us posted on further progress!
          Blessings on the journey, Glenn
          Handmade Ceramic Gifts


          • #6

            Hello, Cass!

            And Welcome to the forum! I would also like to for your eloquent and intelligent post! It is clear that you understand the importance of keenly observing the subtle transformations you are experiencing and how they have enhanced your life... It is such a delight (but not a surprise )to hear that your experience with PATHS has been a beautiful one! I am sure I am not alone in stating that your feedback is deeply appreciated by those of us who represent this most remarkable company! Thanks again, Dear Cass!

            With Much Love and Gratitude,

            Last edited by Pamela; 09-08-2008, 09:30 PM.
            My PATHS Website
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            • #7
              Life is made up of thousands of "little things".

              Most "big things" are really just a lot of "little things" that are "seen" as one "big thing".


              PATHS For Healing
              Energetic Science Ministries
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              ESM Forum Support Link


              • #8
                Great post Cass. I have done similar things with Spirulina and you are right about the build up. You figure it out pretty quick though when it wears off!

                Great post also Kevin about little things. I think it is very productive to think in that manner. Get the little things done and overtime those little things become big.

