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PATHS- Module Discussion ~ Sleep

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  • PATHS- Module Discussion ~ Sleep

    To help shed some light on the different PATHS Modules, and what they do, we will be posting the different Module descriptions in here so that you can share your experiences and ask any questions you may have about the Module. We look forward to your responses!

    Relaxing Sleep Module
    The Sleep Module is at the foundation of the PATHS program. Every package automatically has the Sleep Module built into it. This module is Free with every order!!!

    There are hundreds of studies that have been done on sleep in relationship to mental, physical and emotional health. Thousands upon thousands of pages are readily available on this subject on the internet. (included below are just a few excerpts)

    A few important issues to know are:

    - As we grow older we sleep less, and the sleep we get is not as restful.

    - Growth Hormone, that is naturally secreted throughout our lives,and needed to stay alive, is primarily secreted during deep sleep…with less deep sleep there is less growth hormone, and we see the effects of "age".

    - During deep sleep is when our immune system does most of its work….less deep sleep = weaker immune system.

    - During restful sleep melatonin is produced (yes you can take a melatonin supplement, but it is not nearly as effective as your own bodies melatonin). Melatonin is essential for healthy skin.

    - During restful sleep all the cleaning organs are operating at optimum. One of the reasons for feeling sluggish and a lack of energy during the day is from them not being able to do their job at night because of a lack of deep restful sleep.

    The Extra Strength Sleep Booster is specifically designed for those who have trouble falling asleep and/or staying asleep all night long. There is no extra charge for this and it should be used by anyone that has even a little trouble sleeping.

    While the Sleep Module does not guarantee that every single night you will fall asleep and stay asleep, it will encourage the body to naturally cycle through the normal stages of sleep, providing the foundation for a healthy, vibrant life.


    "I have been sleeping better than I have in a few years. Since using PATHS I go to sleep very easily and do not budge until morning."
    Health and Happiness!

    Jane Lilly

  • #2
    any suggestions?

    Hello everyone,

    I am on the following modules:
    Succesful Living 1
    Intuition Insight
    Weight Loss
    Muscle mass

    6 weeks on PATHS now and have been watching the modules daily, w/o fail. Also taking 4-5 g of spirulina of which 3g is at night. My sleep times is 11:30p and wake-up time is 6 am Eastern. However this has not kicked in yet, in fact I don't sleep or wake up anywhere close to these times. I am surprised that it is taking this long.

    I never have trouble sleeping through the night and my sleep pattern has not really changed since starting PATHS. Of course, I've not really seen a major changes due to the other 4 modules either, I especially have high hopes from the weight loss and muscle gain modules.

    Do you have any recommendations?


    • #3
      doin the preferred sleep thing

      Hey Sandus,

      My name is Roz and I have a coupla suggestions to make.... thinx your nightime spirulina is jazzing you up..along the lines of a heavy meal right before bed. I'd suggest you shift it back to midday or early arvo...

      Nextly.. I'm wondering how your new sleep time differs from the old .

      I know for myself that if the part of me that sees 1130 as best sleep time (and therefore set PATHS for that) is superseeded by some other activity..then sleep just naturally goes by the wayside.

      I also notice that the greater the emotional intensity of the task I'm choosing to participate in instead and therefore the greater my focus..the less likely I am to notice the clock..or care about the fact that I'm not going to bed when I decided I need to.

      Likewise..when I am paying attention to my intent..I'll notice my body slowing down and feeling fatigued..sometimes I'll notice the clock..sometimes I'll just feel tired and then notice it's real close to my set sleep time.

      As I best understand essential growth curve here is in learning to recognise your new thoughts (your focus) and your feelings (tirednes etc)around the subject area (sleep and your other modules too for that matter) telling you how you can better create the results you desire

      Are you actually feeling sleep deprived Sandus?

      For..if you shift your spirulina timeslot ..and still not getting the results you want Aaron and co recommend melatonin..a natural hormal replacement available in most health food stores.

      hope this helps some


      Last edited by Roz; 04-30-2007, 01:33 PM.


      • #4

        Hi Sandus,

        Please log in and click on the control panel button in the menu column. Make sure that is all correct. Take enough spirulina at least 4 grams a day and email the office to double check they do in fact have all your correct info.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #5
          Heya Sandus!

          PATHS does not make one a robot. The nice thing about the sleep module is that if you go to bed it will help you fall asleep faster...BUT, it will NOT make you go to bed. You have to do that.

          It sounds like you already sleep the only difference is that your sleep is going to be more productive, immune system working better, better production of growth hormone, etc.

          IF you are having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, then this is a good link.

          Roz, is right on. I find I get the best results from ALL my modules by taking ALL my spirulina as early in the day as possible.

          Here is a thread on that:

          Oh, and here is a good link on the weight loss:

          Have fun!


          PATHS For Healing
          Energetic Science Ministries
          Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

          ESM Forum Support Link


          • #6
            Hi Sandus,

            I opted for the sleep module as well. However, I have never had a problem with sleeping in the first place, so can't really say it has made that much of a difference. What I have noticed though, is that I feel more alert when I wake up , instead of feeling like I haven't had enough sleep.

            Usually I feel very tired in the morning, but now I feel very awake, even if I wake up at 5.30 - 6.00 AM. For me, that is a BIG plus!

            When it comes to the other modules, (5 weeks) the changes I have had has not been as miraculous as others, BUT, they have been completely unexpected, and very much appreciated. A VERY clear indication that PATHS is doing it!

            Moria x
            Intuitive Readings
            Web design by Hannah King


            • #7
              Thank you everyone. I'll implement your suggestions and keep you posted


              • #8

                The sleep and wake times do not seem to really affect me much at all. I feel a slight slowing down at my sleep time, but often continue with no ill effects at all.

                However my sleep has been much better. I used to wake often during the night and usually had trouble getting back to sleep straight away. I have been sleeping through the night and waking feeling refreshed and ready for the day.



                • #9
                  It's been two months on the Sleep Module, and it took a while to kick in, but I can honestly say that I'm finally getting a good night's sleep every night! I speak as someone who has been plagued with sleep problems from childhood (and even infancy according to my poor mother). In the past few nights I find that I have no trouble whatsoever in getting off to sleep, and if I do need to wake in the night to use the bathroom or whatever, I have no trouble getting back to sleep at all. I have been waking in the morning feeling happy and refreshed, and ready to face the working day. This is such a huge difference from my regular troubled sleep patterns. If I feel this good after only a few nights of deep sleep, then I can hardly wait to see what a few more weeks or months of it does!


                  • #10
                    This is great info on sleep!
                    Happiness & Health,

                    PATHS, S.A. Staff


