To help shed some light on the different PATHS Modules, and what they do, we will be posting the different Module descriptions in here so that you can share your experiences and ask any questions you may have about the Module. We look forward to your responses!
Sports Module ~ Mind-Body Connection
Increased eye-hand coordination, flexibility, focus & energy,
The Paths to Sports module increases skill and mastery in sport related activities by producing results in several areas.
It will support a mindset of confidence, willingness to prepare to win, and improving concentration and focus. By enhancing Mind-Body coordination, successful competition is more easily achieved.
In addition, experience increased physical strength, flexibility, plus greater endurance and sustained energy.
This module uses empowering thought-forms as well as important biological instructions that support maximum and immediate results.
Issues addressed in this module:
- Increased muscle strength
- Increased flexibility
- Increased coordination
- Increased lung function
- Increased eye-hand coordination
- Greater Energy
- Greater Confidence
- Desire to win
- Desire to prepare
- Fast muscle recovery
- Optimal blood oxygen level
- Fast twitch muscles
Recommended Program Supplements:
- Spirulina
- Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Supplement
- Exercise
Recommended Duration of Use:
Because of the number of biological cues utilized in this Module, if a person is highly active in sports, it will benefit them to remain on the Module.
After a person stops using the Module, they will still experience all the benefits of the new habits, but without the added support of the direct biological cues.
Sports Module ~ Mind-Body Connection
Increased eye-hand coordination, flexibility, focus & energy,
The Paths to Sports module increases skill and mastery in sport related activities by producing results in several areas.
It will support a mindset of confidence, willingness to prepare to win, and improving concentration and focus. By enhancing Mind-Body coordination, successful competition is more easily achieved.
In addition, experience increased physical strength, flexibility, plus greater endurance and sustained energy.
This module uses empowering thought-forms as well as important biological instructions that support maximum and immediate results.
Issues addressed in this module:
- Increased muscle strength
- Increased flexibility
- Increased coordination
- Increased lung function
- Increased eye-hand coordination
- Greater Energy
- Greater Confidence
- Desire to win
- Desire to prepare
- Fast muscle recovery
- Optimal blood oxygen level
- Fast twitch muscles
Recommended Program Supplements:
- Spirulina
- Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Supplement
- Exercise
Recommended Duration of Use:
Because of the number of biological cues utilized in this Module, if a person is highly active in sports, it will benefit them to remain on the Module.
After a person stops using the Module, they will still experience all the benefits of the new habits, but without the added support of the direct biological cues.