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PATHS- Module Discussion ~The Ultimate Body

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  • #16
    celebrating rin!!!!!!

    girl -- that sounds like a mega-revelation to me. wow wow wow. good for you!!! and isn't it wonderful how....natural....and....easy....that was. that's what blows me away about PATHS. It may be a slow development, but these lifestyle revelations and the subsequent changes when they easily.

    good stuff.

    love & hugs



    • #17
      Rin, I find that amazing!

      All changes in behavior start with a simple thought. Just the fact that you consciously thought what you did show the modules are working thier magic on you
      Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


      • #18
        More small progress to report! Recently, I've been feeling the urge to take nice loooooong strolls (one to four hours long!). Although, it's not really an urge, so much as a perfectly natural feeling of "wouldn't it be nice to be outdoors right now?" kind of thing, and next thing you know I'm out the door.

        The hamburger craving still remains gone! And my posture is definitely better than ever, both sitting and standing!

        Will keep posting. Thanks for your encouragement!


        • #19
          Oh boy. I'm eating better, and getting far more exercise than ever before - and yet, my mid-section is getting bigger and bigger! My tummy sticks out so much that I have trouble doing my zipper up! How can this be?

          Apart from the getting-fat thing, I feel good. I'm still taking looooong walks every day - even in the rain! - and staying away from junk food. And it's all happening effortlessly, with no muss, no fuss!

          I still can't believe I'm gaining weight, though!


          • #20
            This is good. I feel nice and happy, taking my walks every day. Yesterday it was simply pouring down with rain, in buckets, and yet I still insisted on going outside ("I'm not made of sugar, I won't melt!") for a long walk. It never occurred to me to stay indoors. Now, normally I'm very sensitive to the weather, and a gloomy rainy day is enough to prevent me from even getting out of bed, let alone out of the house. So this is BIG progress for me! And it's all so effortless!

            Eating habits: vastly better than before.

            General energy level: excellent.

            If I keep this up, what will I look like in a year's time?


            • #21
              I just want to say that again, this morning, there was very heavy rain. In fact, there was a storm, with thunder and lightning and everything. And yet! I sprang out of bed at my scheduled time of 6AM, grabbed my umbrella, and took myself out for a nice brisk walk to the seaside and back. There was no resistance, no inner argument, simply a pleasant voice in my head that said, "c'mon Rin, let's get this show on the road!" and so off I went.

              So, this is the UB module kicking in? I can tell you now that it is worth its weight in gold. In all my thirty-nine years I have never voluntarily gone out in a thunderstorm, ever. Wow, or what?


              • #22
                Wow, I've been reading through this thread, and I've just realised that it's been whole month since I started my daily walking habit. I haven't missed a single day!!!

                And did I ever eat hamburgers? Every day? Yuck, what a horrible thought. Eating habits have definitely taken a turn for the better.

                My tummy is still getting fatter, though, as I posted before. Not the rest of me, just my mid-section. Does anybody have any idea why this could be happening? Any idea at all? I now suspect that it could be hormonal, or simply the advent of the dreaded middle-age spread (well, I'll be 40 next year, it's about time). I think I may need to go on the Change of Life module, but that's another thread.

                Anyway, I am very, very happy with this module so far. I feel really good!

                Just wanted to keep you all updated!


                • #23
                  For me the best thing is my muscles recover from excercise much faster. Also spirulina is a good help for that. I m getting good results really fast. I m gaining more muscles as I was when working out in gym. I only do this excercises Surfing News & Contests, Surf Reports, Surfnews & Forecasts. This is a wonderfull module.
                  Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasn´t been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


                  • #24
                    module results

                    I started this module not too long ago, althought, because of puter probs, I haven't viewed it much. My Tai Chi teacher noticed my posture first and said that my basic form was improving, yea!

                    Rin, could it be that you are weighing more because of building more muscle? It's just a thought. I know that muscle weighs more than fat. Keep up everything you are doing and I hope I feel like doing that stuff, too!

                    Also, has anyone noticed a certain jump in, well, how to put this, their libido?? I seem to be.........more interested in that side things, as it were.....



                    • #25
                      3 weeks in

                      and I haven't experienced the urge to jump up and go for walks or start working out again - although when I do something strenuous, it does feel good to use the muscles.

                      Not sure if it's detox from the Spirulina or other mods, or a little bit of cog dis, but I get periods where I feel pretty up and raring to go, and then I crash - especilly after eating a high protein meal. (I wanna take a nap now!) We've been eating pretty healthy for a while now, so that hasn't changed much.

                      Rin, Jure, Kari - I'm glad that you all are getting more energy and other great results from UB. I'm looking forward to getting the energy to jump and throw myself into brisk walks.

                      Rin - can't fathom why your belly would actually be growing, unless... No, seriously, maybe it only looks that way because the rest of you is firming up and that part just hasn't caught up yet? If it is a big concern, you may want to add the Take It Off Module at some point.(?)

                      Kari - as far as libido - hmmm, now that you mention it, I have been a little bit more frisky lately, but it is spring here, after all!
                      Blessings on the journey, Glenn
                      Handmade Ceramic Gifts


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Glenn View Post
                        Rin - can't fathom why your belly would actually be growing, unless...
                        I don't think so .... that would be downright, uh, miraculous, if you get my drift! (Hey, PATHS is good, but not that good!)

                        Glenn, I still get the "crash" thing too about once a week. I think in my case it's a remnant of cog-diss, and that's no surprise - I've had a lot to take in over the past few months, my life is running at warp speed at the moment, sometimes my brain/body screeches at me to stop, take a break already. A brief nap always revives me.

                        Kari, thanks for your comment, I live in hope that underneath this layer of lard there's a six-pack struggling to get out. Just to be on the safe side I'll email PATHS and ask if there is anything they can do to tweak the module. I can't go on with this big tummy anymore. (Seriously, friends are asking me if there's anything I want to tell them!)

                        All that aside, I'm doing great on this module. I can't get over the fact that I'm walking every morning, and loving it! I haven't had this much energy since I was a teenager.

                        Please keep me posted everybody! Thanks.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Rin View Post
                          My tummy is still getting fatter, though, as I posted before. Not the rest of me, just my mid-section. Does anybody have any idea why this could be happening? Any idea at all? I now suspect that it could be hormonal, or simply the advent of the dreaded middle-age spread (well, I'll be 40 next year, it's about time). I think I may need to go on the Change of Life module, but that's another thread.

                          Anyway, I am very, very happy with this module so far. I feel really good!
                          Rin, I so understand what you are saying! Let me tell you a little bit about my experience:

                          I have been on UB for about a month now and I do love it! I have a better posture for sure, I carry myself better, take stonger strides while walking, firmer and tighter overall and a good change in the way of my build.

                          I have not been able to exercise at all because of a nasty neck injury two years ago. My upper body was so weak because I really had gotten to the point where the most I could manage to lift was a gallon of water - and that felt like quite an accomplishment!

                          Only one month into the module, I can honestly say that I feel stronger. I have added muscle in my upper body and legs, which is so amazing because I have not worked-out at all. I do have the urge to walk more, and have taken advantage of a few opportunities lately, but I have not been doing daily walks like you - which I totally admire you for!

                          All of this has been wonderful - and others at work have even noticed

                          Here's where I get what you are saying: I have had all these wonderful changes and yet my lower tummy is getting "fluffier." It's the only way I can describe it!

                          Now, I eat well and have for a few years now (to the extent that others comment on how "picky" I am and always check with me about what I will and won't eat, 'cause I just don't do fast food at all). So it cannot be change of diet for me. I have not gotten lazier, in fact I have more energy in general and have been using it to keep moving alot more than just a month ago.

                          I am 37, stretching into 38 next month (although I don't feel it ) so I am not discounting that the Change of Life Module may be in my near future, but I have to wonder about what you have noticed and the synchronicity here because I was just thinking the other day about how the rest of me is looking quite good, except my tummy is not up to speck --- and most importantly, I have NEVER had this problem before

                          So, I too will be putting in a little love note to the awesome staff at PATHS to see if there is anything to be done about this. Let's see what happens... I am sure that I will be reporting back with great results very soon!

                          Thank you Rin for sharing and letting me know that I am not the only one!

                          (p.s. I especially noted this little phenomenone when Glenn started patting my belly where I never had one before - that WILL NOT continue )

                          Here's to our stubborn tummies as we send em packin!
                          In gratitude and love, Jeanie
                          Ceramic Christmas


                          • #28
                            too much tummy....

                            I'm on the Ultimate Body module and because of an invection I decided to do an internal body cleanse with a product Cleanse Clear (it cleans the liver, kidneys, etc.) and my tummy is looking a whole lot flatter.. I've looked pregnant for a long time....but not any more. Yeh. Also, before I got sick my muscles were very firm due to the Ultimate Body module (pretty good for 63) and due to inactivity during the 2 months of sickness, the muscles were soft and now, after 1-2 weeks of exercise, I'm back to firm muscles.
                            I'm looking forward to the Age Defying and Young Again modules kicking in.
                            It would be so lovely and so much fun to try an explain why my drivers licence picture looks older than my reality.. I've been on them going on 6 months. I'm like the advertisement they use to have for a store where the woman was saying "Open, open, open." I'm saying "Hurry, hurry, hurry."


                            • #29
                              Right On Rhozzi

                              You are right on the mark here. Doing cleansing (including parasite cleansing) is very important! I have done several cleanses over the past six years, and boy they can make a difference I have ongoing liver cleansing, just to keep in top shape.

                              My body loves it, after the initial detox I always get more energy and just feel better. So, in addition to eating well, I whole-heartily endorse and recommend cleansing for anyone who wants to feel better and get a flatter tummy as you suggest!

                              Generally, if you have lots of gas, or rumbling going on, it is probably time to take a look at giving your digestive tract a good cleaning. It is also suggested that our subconscious actually resides in our "gut" so, for me, extra points that I keep this area in top shape! I can attest that good health starts in the digestive tract and if you ignore it, it will make itself known...

                              I am very happy to hear about your great results on UB and that your health is better now. It will be fun to hear stories about your un-likeness to your license picture - what a whoot!
                              In gratitude and love, Jeanie
                              Ceramic Christmas


                              • #30
                                I am not on the Ultimate Body module yet, but I have been reading this thread to find out about the results that others are getting. Thank you everyone for what you have written here. I am definitely going to include it when I next change/add modules.

                                Rin, I don't believe that your tummy has anything to do with middle age spread... you are way too young! We can expect to live way past 100 now, especially as we have found such a wonderful product to help us along the way.

                                I agree with rhozzi and Genie. I personally have done all types of cleansing for the past 13 years and the one that I do religiously is a digestive track cleanse every year. It will definitely flatten your tummy... AND it will remove all those toxins that have been hanging out in there for years.

                                I will be interested to hear if tweaking the module changes things for you.

                                Wishing you a joyous journey


