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Wandering Thoughts during Theater Presentation

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  • Wandering Thoughts during Theater Presentation


    When I am watching the program (which I do 2 times a day now), I find that my thoughts wander, and I start dwelling on my problems.?

    Does Paths still sink in if I am listening and watching, but while watching fuzzing out and thinking of negative things? I try not to, but it just happens.


    We know that PATHS is working. It has caused cog dis, as you have mentioned. What is happening is that the instructions are "running into" your life-long programming and are not winning the battle yet.

    You can help by choosing to try and think positive thoughts. While you may not be able to control your emotions (or even thoughts that pop into your head) you can choose to think positively.

    Do NOT ever try NOT to do something. This does NOT work. It is like saying I will not think about the BIG PINK ELEPHANT in my living room. By just saying that, you strengthen the image.

    In the same way do not try not to think about negative things. Concentrate on thinking about positive things. This will help the instructions begin to erode existing non-productive thought patterns and replace them with productive thought patterns.

    It does not matter if your thoughts wander during the Theater, the instructions are still downloading. Just work on making them wander in a positive direction.

    Happiness & Health,

    PATHS, S.A. Staff


  • #2
    My Letter

    I wrote the above letter to paths.

    Here is basically what I wrote back:

    Thank you, but i have not had any cog dis. I thougth I did for about a week, but that was nerves due to events in my life. After that was resolved, the nerves got better.

    It is almost impossible for me to think positive thoughts while watching paths. I have tried. I sit there and all my problems and worries come to mind, as they do when I am not watching. I cannot even focus on the light in the image. My vision blurrs, and I am thinking about what worries I have, I have worried all my life, and holding onto positive thoughts isn't working, I can't keep them in my mind for the duration.

    Someone here is going to tell me to keep trying. I appreciate that, but as a life long worrier, I don't find I cannot hold onto positive thoughts for 10 minutes straight. Believe me, I try. There is ALWAYS a Pink Elephant in the Room for me.

    I am not convinced Paths works. I thought it sounded too good to be true, and I took a chance........I am SERIOUSLY doubting it works now and getting very discouraged.

    Yes, I have enough aminos.
    Blessings and Peace to All --Val


    • #3

      Just go with whatever feels right. If you are concerned that PATHS isn't for you, don't stress about sticking with it.

      You expected people to try to tell you to stick with it.

      Actually I have heard PATHS Staff express that they don't want anyone on PATHS who doesn't want to be on it.

      So of course stay on it if that feels right, but go off it if that feels right.

      Keep your mind on the aether


      • #4
        Paths was my last hope. I don't understand why it isn't has been six weeks for 2 modules, and about a month for the other 2).........shouldn't I be feeling something by now?

        When you all started with Paths, could you hold positive thoughts for the duration of your theater???? And then it started to work???

        Last edited by VJoy; 09-28-2008, 09:56 PM.
        Blessings and Peace to All --Val


        • #5
          Hi Val,

          To answer your question-

          When you all started with Paths, could you hold positive thoughts for the duration of your theater???? And then it started to work???

          I was able to hold positive thoughts for the duration of my Theater presentation pretty much from the beginning.

          At first my thoughts were things like, "this is crazy, no way can this work" and "how can this possibly work". These were not of a negative tone, but of one of being flabbergasted at the possibility of watching a screen and having millions of beneficial instructions downloaded into my subconscious.

          I was a very slow responder in the first year or so. But I did see little benefits within the first month or so...and as time has gone by I do respond to new modules a bit faster than I used to...but still not as fast as many others do.

          Now I do not even really think about my theater while "watching" it. I have two screens and just play it on one screen, listening to it, while I do work on my other screen.

          Thoughts on other things that may be of assistance-

          Are you sure PATHS has all your correct information? Name, birthdate, etc.?

          Perhaps the hemp that you are taking is not getting enough neurotransmitters? Spirulina works (I know you can't take it, AFA works, Zrii works for many, but maybe the hemp is not sufficient?

          Most importantly...regardless of PATHS working for you or not...I 100% KNOW that emotions are an important indicator. I also 100% know that each of us can affect our emotions by choosing what we think about.

          It can be very difficult to control our thoughts sometimes, however, you state "It is almost impossible for me to think positive thoughts", this means that you recognize that IT IS POSSIBLE. I AGREE WITH YOU!

          For thousands of years it has been common wisdom that how we think is how we end up being. The entire basis of the book Think and Grow Rich is based on this simple truth, as is The Secret, as is almost every other book written about human nature.

          Negative thoughts are poison to our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well being.

          My wish for you is that you do everything you can to immerse yourself in things that will help you hold positive thoughts for a longer and longer period of time. Even if it is just for one minute, keep working on it and then you will see it grow to 2 minutes, and so on, until your thoughts are predominately positive.

          Some tools I would use:

          binaural beat sound tracks
          Positive books/videos (think and grow rich, Proverbs, The Secret)
          Post it notes with positive messages all around your surroundings
          The Emotional guidance system taped up in strategic areas around your surroundings
          A decision to believe that no matter how difficult it is, you will work on increasing the ratio of positive thoughts you think
          A decision to cut out books, tv, radio, people, etc. that feed negative thoughts
          Memorize and meditate on one positive proverb or saying a day.

          Sorta long winded, but I know you can do it. It will be a long path, but it will yield refreshing and worthwhile results.


          PATHS For Healing
          Energetic Science Ministries
          Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

          ESM Forum Support Link


          • #6

            Thank you Kevin......


            Kevin, I cannot take any other form of aminos except Hemp. I am allergic to all others.

            What happens is I try to focus on the module at hand,.like Unconditional as I view it, I repeat to myself, I love my self, Love, love love........but my mind wanders within 30 seconds or less. I try this for each module and the same thing happens.

            I am so beaten down by this IBS thing, (( I HOPE ) I am recovering from it this weekend, just had ANOTHER very painful and excrutiating week........that my fears of this comes 24/7. These worries encrouches on my viewing. I try to bring thoughts back to the topic, but it never stays.

            Have I wasted the past 6 weeks????????????

            No where that I am aware of on the Paths site does it say what to think while viewing, just relax and focus on the light.

            I can check with Paths to see if they have my correct info.

            I have been listening to the Audionoetic soundtrack from the library up to 2 hours a day I had hoped that would help.

            Books just don't do it for me. I read books for years and years, and nothing self-help worked. I tried affirmations, etc.....

            I suppose it is possible that my incredible worry and terror of this IBS thing is overshadowing whatever effect Paths may be having, I don't know if that happens, but right now I feel so depressed.

            I thought of listening to Paths and working on something else......didn't know if that was can listen and still computer surf, for instance?

            This is why I need Paths to work, I am not strong enough to do this on my own.....I have tried for years.

            Thanks Kevin,
            Last edited by VJoy; 09-28-2008, 11:51 PM.
            Blessings and Peace to All --Val


            • #7
              Originally posted by VJoy View Post
              What happens is I try to focus on the module at hand,.like Unconditional as I view it, I repeat to myself, I love my self, Love, love love........but my mind wanders within 30 seconds or less. I try this for each module and the same thing happens. . . . These worries encrouches on my viewing. I try to bring thoughts back to the topic, but it never stays.

              Have I wasted the past 6 weeks????????????

              No where that I am aware of on the Paths site does it say what to think while viewing, just relax and focus on the light.

              I thought of listening to Paths and working on something else......didn't know if that was can listen and still computer surf, for instance?
              If I understand correctly, you seem to be under the impression that you need for your thoughts to be a certain way while you are watching the theater in order for PATHS to be effective.

              That is not at all the case

              Relax and try to focus on the light is the only instructions and it's honestly all you need to worry about.

              As I am watching my mind may go to many different places. I have never been concerned about that. I don't think much has changed about that since I started PATHS but I don't keep mental track of that.

              I'm not sure how accurate of an analogy this is but maybe it's a bit like watching tv. You can think a million different thoughts during a program, related to it and also not. But you can still understand the plot.

              Anyway relaxing and focusing on the light is all you need to worry about

              That being said, it may help you to calm down if you do the ho'oponopono mantra while watching your theater. Promise me you won't stress if you forget to do this but I mean saying to yourself "I love you, I forgive you, please forgive me" repeatedly.

              You should really notice changes in your life that occur when you are not watching your theater as opposed to notice changes while you are watching it. There are some who report a noticeable reaction to watching their theaters but I believe they are a minority or it only happens for some once in a while.

              Keep your mind on the aether


              • #8

                Vjoy, when I started paths I also felt I couldn't help my negative thoughts from clashing with my positive ones. I was very anxious and worried. I too have always been a worrier. Something deep inside me knew the law of attraction has to work I KNOW it works!! I'm doing something wrong for me to feel anxious and worried and hopeless like this. I took a chance with paths and gave all my hope into it.

                The first time I watched my theater I thought to myself, "What am I doing? Does this even work? This is something from a sci-fi movie! This is some alien stuff I'm doing! My friends and family would think I'm crazy! I've lost it!" LOL I just kept arguing with myself, "No this works! Give it chance." I just put all of what hope I had left into it.

                I started reading "The Magic Pill" and "The Magic Pill-The Second Dose" by Odille Rault. You can find it on Energetic Science Ministries™ | Energetics in Resource Library under the Main Menu. I'm not computer savvy sorry!! That has helped me.

                I'm on the Self Confidence, Mindset for Money, Unlimited Creativity and SLP3. In the beginning, I noticed good things after 9 days on it. A year or two ago I was very much in self doubt about my singing and totally blew a studio session with my friend recording me on his track. That kept me in anxiety, sadness and anger. Well my friend called me out of the blue to record again in the studio for another song. This was 9 days since paths. I still had doubts but I visualized the outcome as if I did a great job and felt the feelings that I did great. I still had negative thoughts and doubts and felt a little anxious while recording, but I told myself just do it! I recorded and thought I could've done way better with the harmonies. But my friend loved it. Whereas if I wasn't on paths I probably would've felt scared and said I'm not available because of what happened the first time.

                That was a big change for me and I know its because of paths. Ever since then I've had a few more good things but it seems I'm at a plateau right now. I've been on the same modules for a whole 3 months now and starting the fourth month. But Odille (Illusions) has great ananlogies for paths and she taught me its more foundation work that paths is working on. I'm going to stay longer because I've not seen anymore changes. More foundation work I'm sure.

                Try to find posts by Odille to see her analogies. That has also helped me. Sorry I don't know how to put a link on here for you to click on and find it easier.

                I've just started on the Faith Special because I know I need more faith. So Vjoy don't give up!!!!! I don't know if this will help you but I felt I should just post my experience for you! Sorry I couldn't help you more! But somehow I KNOW you will be triumphant
                With Infinite Love and Gratitude,


                • #9

                  Thank you Christine, I am glad it has worked for you.

                  I hope it can work for me too.

                  Blessings and Peace to All --Val

