When I am watching the program (which I do 2 times a day now), I find that my thoughts wander, and I start dwelling on my problems.?
Does Paths still sink in if I am listening and watching, but while watching fuzzing out and thinking of negative things? I try not to, but it just happens.
We know that PATHS is working. It has caused cog dis, as you have mentioned. What is happening is that the instructions are "running into" your life-long programming and are not winning the battle yet.
You can help by choosing to try and think positive thoughts. While you may not be able to control your emotions (or even thoughts that pop into your head) you can choose to think positively.
Do NOT ever try NOT to do something. This does NOT work. It is like saying I will not think about the BIG PINK ELEPHANT in my living room. By just saying that, you strengthen the image.
In the same way do not try not to think about negative things. Concentrate on thinking about positive things. This will help the instructions begin to erode existing non-productive thought patterns and replace them with productive thought patterns.
It does not matter if your thoughts wander during the Theater, the instructions are still downloading. Just work on making them wander in a positive direction.
When I am watching the program (which I do 2 times a day now), I find that my thoughts wander, and I start dwelling on my problems.?
Does Paths still sink in if I am listening and watching, but while watching fuzzing out and thinking of negative things? I try not to, but it just happens.
We know that PATHS is working. It has caused cog dis, as you have mentioned. What is happening is that the instructions are "running into" your life-long programming and are not winning the battle yet.
You can help by choosing to try and think positive thoughts. While you may not be able to control your emotions (or even thoughts that pop into your head) you can choose to think positively.
Do NOT ever try NOT to do something. This does NOT work. It is like saying I will not think about the BIG PINK ELEPHANT in my living room. By just saying that, you strengthen the image.
In the same way do not try not to think about negative things. Concentrate on thinking about positive things. This will help the instructions begin to erode existing non-productive thought patterns and replace them with productive thought patterns.
It does not matter if your thoughts wander during the Theater, the instructions are still downloading. Just work on making them wander in a positive direction.
