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PATHS- Module Discussion ~Effective Goal Setting & Achievement

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  • PATHS- Module Discussion ~Effective Goal Setting & Achievement

    To help shed some light on the different PATHS Modules, and what they do, we will be posting the different Module descriptions in here so that you can share your experiences and ask any questions you may have about the Module. We look forward to your responses!

    Effective Goal Setting & Achievement
    Increased Ability to Set, Plan & Reach Goals

    This module is designed to increase willingness and effectiveness in getting things done in both business and personal affairs.

    Expand the possibilities of your life. Enjoy clean, sustained energy and motivation to accomplish your goals each day as well as the focus and confidence helping you in being at the top of your game.


    - Increased chi

    - Expanded overall perception

    - Increased efficient organizational skills

    - Quick sharp mental clarity

    - Increasing confidence

    - Increased motivation to finish tasks

    - Creative problem solving

    - Greater wisdom

    - Increased productive creativity

    Recommended Supplement:

    - Spirulina for necessary Amino Acids

    Duration of Use:

    Effective Goal Setting and Achievement helps form new habits and behaviors that can often be internalized after only 60-90 days, providing long-lasting benefits and lifestyle changes.
    Health and Happiness!

    Jane Lilly

  • #2
    Fast and Terrific Results with this one

    I started on this one in mid-March. It kicked in really fast. I reported to the PI PATHS forum on March 19 that I had left work early b/c I wasn't feeling well, and had come home to a messy house (I'd been traveling for work and hadn't yet dug out from that chaos) -- and instead of going to bed, which I'd expected to do, I found myself just tidying up here and there, sorting this and that, clutter-clearing, re-arranging, doing dishes, vacuuming, yada yada and at the same time noticing long-standing household disaster areas (the laundry table in the basement, my "filing system" which is really just a big plastic tub with a lid that I chuck paperwork into...I know I know....and the hallway closet -- don't even ASK!) and thinking (utterly uncharacteristically) oh! ooooo! fun project! can't wait to get that squared away!


    Since then many many similar events....One big one being the night I landed at home after a business trip -- sleep-deprived and jetlagged -- and instead of leaving my fully-packed suitcase on my bedroom floor and tripping over it for the next two weeks while wondering where the stuff that was still inside it might be...I UNPACKED! Not only did I UNPACK, but I PUT EVERYTHING AWAY and DID THE LAUNDRY. And then, miracle of miracles, I PUT THE SUITCASE AWAY.

    UNbelievable. But TRUE.

    In any case, in general with this module? I just get it done quicker, more pleasurably, with better matter what it is, work or home or personal....

    I don't find myself setting goals exactly. I have lots of goals already in place that I've already set. But I find myself doing what has to be done without hesitation and with a great deal of pleasure -- even for the mundane stuff. And I've also found that at work I easily come up with creative solutions -- which is not unusual for me, since I am creative -- but these are unusually creative solutions and they happen effortlessly.

    I also think that this module is contributing to my dedication to my workout/fitness program.

    In short....I LOVE THIS MODULE!!!!!!!



    • #3
      Oh, this sounds great! I love your responses, Chansonette, you have such a witty way with words!

      Incidentally, from where I sit right now I can seen not one but two suitcases sitting forlornly in my room.

      The last time I went on vacation was in February ....

      And I think I even bought that second suitcase because I couldn't face unpacking the first one.

      Oh, I need help!


      • #4
        Suitcase Feng Shui

        Hey Rin,

        Thanks, honeypie

        Hmmm....maybe what is required is some SuitCase could ask yourself

        What is the sound of one suitcase opening?

        Can't help ya there, sweet one....but I can say, based on my earlier Suitcase Feng Shui...

        When the suitcase is ready to be unloaded and emptied and the items therein are ready to find their rightful places in the laundry basket, bathroom closet, and medicine chest, you will find yourself inspired to

        Put S... Away

        And may the Effective Goals & Achievement Module be with you! In the meantime, trust your feelings, Luke!!! ummmm I mean.. Rin!!!!

        love & hugs



        • #5
          bring on the uncluttered transformation

 two are GORGEOUS!

          cheers for the tips Chans...

          makes me realize I've bin geetin my nickers in a twist for not organisng myself in the usual formal highly structured fact I've accomplised far more by following my creative juices...ahhhh...sweet relief.

          I too have my goal structure in place...I just wanted more help to fill in the blanks ..

          Aint awareness beautiful

          Thank ya girls for sharing
          warm thoughts Roz

 Program Authoring The Human Subconscious


          • #6
            One Woman's Mess Is Another Woman's Organization

            Roz darlin....I'm heading off to sleepybyeland (thank you PATHS Sleep Module!!!!!! ) but just want to someone who has marched (not really) to the beat (sorta?) of an entirely different drum from the Get Organized Gurus of the creative types have our own structure...and it doesn't look like Structure (with a capital-S) to The Organised Structure Types of the world....but it has its own internal logic.... so good for you for recognizing that for yourself, for what works for you. I get my knickers in a twist too... how can we help it...the rest of the world is holding a model up to us that we don't fit and saying THIS IS THE RIGHT WAY TO DO THINGS!!!


            It's only the right way to do things if it works for you. And the best thing we can do is find our own Right Way To Do Things....the one that acccommodates and works in tandem with our own innate patterns.

            I've found, to my delight, that the Effective Goals module fits right in with my RightBrainArtistWay of going about life...which may look disorganized to others but when it's beautifully for me....

            big love


            • #7
              Too good to be true????

              Ok Chans,
              You've convinced me to get this module asap!!! A mod that makes me want to unpack my suitcase and do laundry? It is a miracle. Hmmmm... and if I get to where I want to file paperwork, I will think that Jesus has returned and created heaven here on earth. Well, actually heaven on earth would be a place where I can just chuck paperwork in the trash and not have to file. lol. But seriously, OMG!!!! I HAVE to have this module!!!!!!



              • #8
                jamie-girl I'm lauging so hard

                yes! yes it's true! and maybe jesus has come back

                loveyalots, gf, keep us posted on the twisted new organized habits that crop up!!!!!



                • #9
                  Goal setting, and SLP-1 are dynamite together.

                  I noticed something odd right away after starting this module...I was motivated to organize and clean everything in my office, in my house.....this is historically so not me. I am so glad that I am on it.

                  And, I am having some interesting insight into the whole concept of "goals" and "success" in a more broad way. I have been praised all my life for being "so accomplished," but in reality I have picked a lot of goals to achieve merely because I can and it impresses other people, not necessarily because I really want to be stuck with whatever it is once it is achieved.

                  My mind started on one of its favorite topics, "Let's Beat Ourselves Up for Being Stuck in an Unfulfilling Career that Impresses Others." And amazingly, my thoughts and feelings went in a slightly different direction. Rather than feeling defiant followed by feeling hopeless (regardless of full intellectual acceptance of LOA, blah blah), I started to think, "well, I will find something I like better. There's a lot out there that I am just now becoming aware of. It will be okay." And then I forgot to think about the unpleasantness.

                  And then a while later my mind wandered onto the topic again. I was thinking that with my current work it is logical to either fully commit to this field or get into a different area of it altogether, or get out completely. (1) I do not want to do because of certain things that are like pulling teeth for me to do, but for months I haven't done (2) or (3) because of some sort of weird shame about not liking those things that are like pulling teeth to do...."because what else is there? this is all I know," etc. I was reluctant to leave something I hated, because I was ashamed of hating it, and unable to articulate just how my skills would translate into something else.

                  The negative feelings about goals/career/whatever feel much less "charged" over the past day or two. Now I am hoping that something really synchronistic and magical happens to swiftly bring me a new opportunity and deliver me from the bleak drudgery that I am so grateful has taught me so much.....A goal, that until now, I was not effective at achieving....


                  • #10

                    What an inspiring post!

                    Thank you!


                    PATHS For Healing
                    Energetic Science Ministries
                    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                    ESM Forum Support Link


                    • #11
                      You're welcome!

                      This one seems to be the first one I am seeing take action in my new lineup. Today I was on fire--I contacted 10 different people to network for a new job. Tomorrow I will contact 10 more. I know some of the people I contacted today, well nothing came of it in the past, but things may be different now.


                      • #12
                        This Module was recently updated!

                        Here is the new full description:

                        Effective Goal Setting & Achievement
                        Set, Plan & Reach Your Goals

                        This Module has been radically upgraded!

                        This Module is designed to assist you in increasing your ability to set and reach your goals while enhancing your insight and motivation.

                        When you acquire these traits, you will be more able to take advantage of opportunities presented to you, by finding creative and efficient ways to maximize your productivity.

                        This Module is especially effective when used in conjunction with the Increased Synchronicity and Faith Modules.

                        In addition, this Module helps you increase your willingness to get things done, in both business, and personal affairs.

                        This Module can support your mind’s ability to:
                        • Increase chi
                        • Expand overall perception
                        • Increase efficient organizational skills
                        • Increase motivation to finish tasks
                        • Increase creative problem solving
                        • Have greater wisdom
                        • Increase productive creativity

                        Happiness & Health,

                        PATHS, S.A. Staff


