I am already having positive results from adding the mini-module for social anxiety. I watched my theater once yesterday, and for the rest of the day, strangers were much more aware of me. I was not doing anything different, but I'm sure my vibe was much more approachable. It must be doing something to my non-verbal behavior that is outside my conscious awareness.
Anyway, I'm also doing it with the Faith, Trauma-free, and Self-Esteem modules, so it is hard to say what exactly is doing the heavy lifting here.
The faith module is giving me feelings that I had hoped for in the Successful Living series but never quite got. I now think of them as the yin and yang of manifestation: Successful living is like the yang, or cognitive piece, and faith is like the yin, or emotional piece.
At least that is the way it seems to me.
Thanks Paths! I'm eagerly anticipating further improvements!
I am already having positive results from adding the mini-module for social anxiety. I watched my theater once yesterday, and for the rest of the day, strangers were much more aware of me. I was not doing anything different, but I'm sure my vibe was much more approachable. It must be doing something to my non-verbal behavior that is outside my conscious awareness.
Anyway, I'm also doing it with the Faith, Trauma-free, and Self-Esteem modules, so it is hard to say what exactly is doing the heavy lifting here.
The faith module is giving me feelings that I had hoped for in the Successful Living series but never quite got. I now think of them as the yin and yang of manifestation: Successful living is like the yang, or cognitive piece, and faith is like the yin, or emotional piece.
At least that is the way it seems to me.
Thanks Paths! I'm eagerly anticipating further improvements!
