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I was bitten by a Brown Recluse Spider

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  • I was bitten by a Brown Recluse Spider

    11 days ago I was bitten by a brown recluse spider. It is on the middle toe, closest to my big toe.

    This can be very serious.

    If you are unfamiliar with what kind of damage these bites can do, you can do a google search, or visit this link- (before clicking, be warned, it is graphic)

    Brown Recluse Spider Bites

    It is almost completely healed up. No one I have talked to has ever seen such a quick recovery, and so little damage from a brown recluse bite. Some people lose their toe if bitten by a brown recluse.

    There are a few reasons I believe I have been so fortunate.

    1. I am using the following PATHS Modules that have a direct positive affect on this type of thing-

    Immune Boost
    Stem Cell Health
    Cellular Health
    Inspired Luck and Good Fortune
    Skin Repair (started this one a couple days after bite)

    2. Use of "Natures Own Antibiotic" You can read more about this product here-

    Within 24 hours the center of the bite was 3/8 " deep and somewhat painful, AND a half inch circle around the center was already "dead tissue"...there was no feeling at all.

    I dug out all the dead tissue (this did not hurt) and then the center (this really hurt!). I then put the "Natures Own Antibiotic" in the hole, and continued doing that for several days.

    I also got the PATHS Skin Repair Module added to one of my Theaters.

    11 days after the bite I cannot identify any dead tissue, and the center is still sore, and not completely healed up, but it is only 1/8 " in diameter. There is still some redness around, but it is Definitely on the mend!

    We truly are a fortunate group of people to have access to such powerful technology and tools!


    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

    ESM Forum Support Link

  • #2
    WOW!!!! Kevin, that's Absolutely Amazing!! (and Scary! I didn't know about those spiders - I trust we don't have them in England Nah, we only have cuddly critters in England )

    And I'm SO glad you're okay and healing well!

    Thanks v much for sharing this!

    Love and Light and Magic xxx
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    • #3
      Brown Recluse and Hobo Spiders

      I've heard horror stories about Brown Recluse bites and am glad you didn't lose a toe!

      Supposedly, they aren't around here but I see references to people being bitten by them here. In this part of the country, Hobo spiders definitely can be problematic and they are sometimes wrongly identified as Brown Recluse.

      I believe your extremely fast recover is from PATHS too. I usually heal very quick but with PATHS, I've experienced even more rapid recovery from injuries, cuts and in the last week a burn on my arm. It was about an inch long about 5-6 days ago. Today it is about 1/4 inch and the rest is regular skin now but just a little pink. There isn't even any scab on the rest of it.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #4

        Wow Kevin that is amazing!!

        I have also read a lot about the brown recluse. There have been a few identified her in CA. Seems a few have made the trip when people moved here. Typically the ones in Ca you have to watch out for is the Black Widow, but I hear their bite is not as bad as the brown recluse, unless you happen to be allergic like my hubby.

        When I was a teenager and on vacation with my parents to the south of the country. I spent some time at a friends house in Tulsa OK. I was in their kitchen playing with a spider that I thought was a common brown house spider. I would chase it with my bare toe and it would run, then it would get aggressive and chase me back. My friend walked in the room, scream and killed it. She then told me about the brown recluse, much to my surprise Didn't have Paths back then!! Now, I am even a bit jumpy about regular brown house spiders. LOL
        Blessings with Aloha Keoi
        <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
        Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


        • #5
          Originally posted by Keoi View Post
          Wow Kevin that is amazing!!

          I have also read a lot about the brown recluse. There have been a few identified her in CA. Seems a few have made the trip when people moved here. Typically the ones in Ca you have to watch out for is the Black Widow, but I hear their bite is not as bad as the brown recluse, unless you happen to be allergic like my hubby.

          When I was a teenager and on vacation with my parents to the south of the country. I spent some time at a friends house in Tulsa OK. I was in their kitchen playing with a spider that I thought was a common brown house spider. I would chase it with my bare toe and it would run, then it would get aggressive and chase me back. My friend walked in the room, scream and killed it. She then told me about the brown recluse, much to my surprise Didn't have Paths back then!! Now, I am even a bit jumpy about regular brown house spiders. LOL

          Keoi! That is funny....glad it all turned out good.

          I don't really care for spiders that much...any kind.

          We were camping and this one had got in our tent.

          We are just so fortunate to have so many tools to help us out these days. clap:

          btw, someone asked if I had used the I did not, I was camping and did not have access to it. By the time I got home the healing from the PATHS Modules and the Nature antibiotic were so effective, I did not bother.


          PATHS For Healing
          Energetic Science Ministries
          Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

          ESM Forum Support Link


          • #6
            Wow, so glad that healed up for you Kevin! It is usually much worse when you get bit by one of those.

            I know a guy that got bit by one and almost lost his leg and couldn't work for 6 months so you certainly healed amazingly fast.

            I stay on the lookout for Recluse spiders and still haven't come across one thankfully. We have tons of black widows though and they usually have a team of babies with them, which are supposedly even more lethal than the adults so we still have to be careful.


            • #7
              Holy cow Kevin! I am so glad that you have healed from that! I saw pictures of this years ago that completely freaked me out. You are very fortunate!


              • #8

                Wow! Paths is amazing!!!! How powerful! I have heard of it, but supposedly in the north west we do not have them.

                I did encounter a black widow in the bathroom of walmart a couple of weeks ago they and told one of the workers that he might want to check it out and get rid of it before a kid finds it. Black widows have a much worse reputation than anything... Like Keoi stated unless you are allergic or a small child, but if you are allergic to a honey bee it can kill you!

                My Dad has been bitten by Black widows three times... Okay he said it hurt like hell, but that was about it! One time was on his big toe... left his work boots that were muddy outside and one crawed into it! I am never sure if I should put my foot into my boots to find out if there is anything in there or my hand??? LOL Actually I have gotten past that whole fear of spiders in my boots now.

                I am wondering something though... I am totally not allergic to poison oak and have been known to stand it and not get it... bad part is I generally bring it back home to family when I do that! The reason I am not allergic to it is because I fell into it as a child and my Dad told me most people are allergic to that, but because I was his child I should not be! So I believed that I would not get it! I actaully rolled in the stuff pretty good too. I have been in it so much and never gotten a reaction from it! So since we create our own reality, and I am not sure how you would test this module if you could make a paths module that would address poisonous spider bites, poison oak and ivy, even poisonous snake bites? I would think they are only bad because we believe they are. My Dad does not believe that a black widow is deadly therefore it is not!

                Blessings Sallyjane


                • #9
                  You are very fortunate.

                  A distant relative of mine actually died from an infection due to a brown recluse spider bite. He was very religious and refused to take any antibiotics, which would have cured the infection, but after several months he passed away.
                  Last edited by Gre; 11-03-2008, 05:28 PM.


                  • #10
                    I am most fortunate!

                    It is completely healed up and only a tiny scar.


                    PATHS For Healing
                    Energetic Science Ministries
                    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                    ESM Forum Support Link


                    • #11
                      Wow, PATHs just rocks!!!! That is terrific, Kevin!!!

                      Love and Light,


                      • #12
                        While researching Bob Beck I learned about this.

                        A woman was bit by some poisinous snake in a remote area far from doctors or anti-venoms. And she was in lots of pain. She comes upon this person and explains what happened, and so they take their lawnmower spark plug cap and hook it up to the ladys leg so that the cap is touching around the bite area or right on the bite? And then they take a second wire and ground her through her foot or the opposite side of the bite. Then they pulled the mower over so that it would zap her bite site. They said after a few zaps she popped right up and continued on her way.

                        I found this story on Alternative Medicine Forums, Blogs & FAQs on somewhere.

                        There's another story similar but a guy was bitten by a hobo and he read the same story so decided to give it a try. It worked, of course.

                        I guess in third world countries they use cattle prods for such an instance. Just put it on the bit and ZAP.

                        Basically if I recall correctly, the electricity causes the venoms/toxins to neutralize/die so they quit hurting your body.

                        If I come across the stories I'll post em for all.
                        If you've made it this far then I've finally quit rambling.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by wantfreeenergy View Post
                          While researching Bob Beck I learned about this.

                          A woman was bit by some poisinous snake in a remote area far from doctors or anti-venoms. And she was in lots of pain. She comes upon this person and explains what happened, and so they take their lawnmower spark plug cap and hook it up to the ladys leg so that the cap is touching around the bite area or right on the bite? And then they take a second wire and ground her through her foot or the opposite side of the bite. Then they pulled the mower over so that it would zap her bite site. They said after a few zaps she popped right up and continued on her way.

                          I found this story on Alternative Medicine Forums, Blogs & FAQs on somewhere.

                          There's another story similar but a guy was bitten by a hobo and he read the same story so decided to give it a try. It worked, of course.

                          I guess in third world countries they use cattle prods for such an instance. Just put it on the bit and ZAP.

                          Basically if I recall correctly, the electricity causes the venoms/toxins to neutralize/die so they quit hurting your body.

                          If I come across the stories I'll post em for all.
                          I have heard of this before.

                          Lived in South America for 3 years, though I never witnessed it, I did hear stories of it.


                          PATHS For Healing
                          Energetic Science Ministries
                          Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                          ESM Forum Support Link


                          • #14
                            Hobo Spider Bite

                            A close family member of mine was bitten by a hobo spider. It was extremely difficult for her to get the wound to heal. Nothing seemed to work. She finally resorted to consulting a recommended Oriental herbalist who offered her some special kind of purified salt powder, but it was expensive. Anyways, that seemed to work, and the wound healed soon after. Apparently, table salt has other things in it besides pure sodium chloride, and the crystals are too large.


                            • #15
                              Sodium bicarbonate / baking soda works wonders.

