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Mystery Module Reporting ~ Unveiled

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  • Mystery Module Reporting ~ Unveiled

    If you are one of the 21 people that have been using this Module ( )

    Please list in this thread any changes you have noticed over the last month.

    Don't be shy, list everything. If there is a pattern related to the Module, it will emerge from everyone's posts.

    Happiness & Health,

    PATHS, S.A. Staff


  • #2
    Okay...I'll go first...

    Hi My Lovies!

    Okay... It looks like no one else wants to go first, so I will take the plunge ...

    I want to preface all of this by saying that I am CONSTANTLY consciously working on myself in a gazillion ways, so I cannot be sure if these experiences are the results from this mysterious module, or a combo-plate of that and everything else that I do. Needless to say, I am very anxious to find out exactly what this mod is, so the sooner the rest of you Beauties do some posting the sooner we all will know!

    My feelings of acceptance for "what is" is on the increase and I have to say that I seem to be detaching greatly from outcomes. There's this sense of "Okay...whatever..." to situations that might not be my "preference", and any "normal" emotional responses that I was used to experiencing, are VERY short-lived, if at all. I am feeling VERY peaceful...

    It seems that my ability to communicate my feelings and thoughts with a heightened and immediate wisdom is increasing. It is as if the appropriate "answers" pop out of nowhere and do so with greater clarity than ever before. Also...I have been working on increasing my perception and intuition for the past few weeks and my ability to perceive the thoughts and feelings of others has been very noticable. I did not expect that my own conscious work in doing this would provide such dramatic results so rapidly, so that is kind of astonishing to me.

    My feelings of love and compassion for others is greater and if I begin to think judgemental thoughts about someone, I seem to be catching myself and shifting those thoughts in a much more immediate fashion. Another thing that really seems to be enhanced is my concept of myself as a divine and powerful Being and this is something that I am "remembering" more often than ever. I believe that all of these feelings of love, compassion and divine power are effecting my morphogenic field, because people and animals are responding to me in the same way! BIG TIME!!! This is happening even with strangers, so I am assuming that they must be picking up on my increased vibrations! I REALLY like experiencing this new sense of KNOWING my divinity and I have found that I can use it to my advantage in situations that may not be to my liking and very easily "turn things around"!

    There is more that I could elaborate on, but the illusion of time is getting in my way, so I'll submit this now and use my new-found divine power to intend that the rest of you Lovies hurry up and jump in here and do some reporting! Come on, my Sweeties...I dont want to be hanging around here all alone talking to myself!!! Geesh... last thing...the "crows-feet" around my eyes has disappeared! kidding...GONE!!!

    With Much Love and Gratitude,

    Last edited by Pamela; 10-21-2008, 08:34 PM.
    My PATHS Website
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    • #3
      Hi Pamela!

      I would join you but I do not get to yet....will do so soon!


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      • #4
        Hi Kevin!

        Hi Kevin!

        That's okay... But thanks for stopping by for a few moments to keep me company!

        Okay... Aside from feeling exquisitely present and enjoying immensely that beautiful sense of "being in the moment", not long after I started with this mystery mod, I had an appointment to have my teeth cleaned... While there, my hygienist remarked on how white my teeth are. Keep in mind that this is easy to notice because my upper front teeth are porcelain crowns and whiter than my real ones on the bottom, so when I took a closer look, I saw that she was RIGHT!!! Just look at my beautiful pearly whites and you can see for yourselves!!! What? You want a REAL pic? Okay... I'll do that if you want!!!

        With Much Love and Gratitude,

        Last edited by Pamela; 10-21-2008, 07:27 PM. Reason: spelling mistake (blush)
        My PATHS Website
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        My Paintings As Prints
        My Facebook


        • #5
          Last week I went to San Fransico with friends. We got there late but I went for a walk by myself on pier 39. While I was walking I was totaly blissed out about life. I started to list things and people that I appreciate. I have never had this experience before. Could this be the mystery mod at work? PATHS ~ Mind Energetics


          • #6
            I have noticed that everything is going my way almost all the time. Lately, it seems that all I have to do is think about something and it happens - all good of course

            My sales at work have been consistant and strong, even in this "down" economy. In fact, for the month of September, I ended up doing about 3 times what my bosses were expecting from me.
            Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


            • #7
              Originally posted by Pamela View Post
              There's this sense of "Okay...whatever..." to situations that might not be my "preference", and any "normal" emotional responses that I was used to experiencing, are VERY short-lived, if at all.
              I'm afraid I'm one of those people who doesn't notice very well 'in the moment' that something different is going on with me, but when I hear someone else mention something that sounds familiar, I suddenly realize that I've had a similar experience but didn't realize it till someone else described it.

              That's how I feel about what Pamela said above. I wouldn't/couldn't have picked it out from my experience on my own, but when I read what she wrote, I remembered that I've noticed myself not getting as worried/ 'freaked out'/ upset about some things although that would have been my normal response not long ago. Sort of a sense that it would work itself out without too much intervention on my part. However, I guess that could be from the Increased Synchronicity Module.

              Anyway, that's all that I've noticed.

              Paths To Your Success


              • #8
                I agree with Pamela and Ann. Life has seemed to just roll along and despite a frustrating project at work, I've been very unconcerned, detached & calm about everything. The economy hasn't worried me one iota. I've watched all the election shenanigans with detachment. Last weekend, I was out with friends and one of them got upset over where we had decided to go and I just laughed and told her to chill out. Nothing's upsetting me at all.

                It sort of reminds me of how the anti-depressants made me feel - but in a good way. I am still experiencing the good emotions with full power but it's almost as though I have a shield deflecting anything negative.


                • #9
                  I've been real busy last couple days with my brother in town. Jamie I must wish you a belated


                  Ok back to business, lol.

                  What Pamela posted about her teeth made me remember my teeth are whiter with less effort but I thought that was bc I cut back on the coffee(?)

                  Before I saw that post I was thinking the mod either had to do with prosperity, or with finding one's place in life.

                  Just after going on it I picked up some work (I can work part time and still collect unemployment, getting the difference in what I earn and what unemployment determines my full time pay benefits to be. The amount I am allowed to make goes up by $160 per week when I work part time) helping a woman at her cooking school. I was turning down AccounTemps' calls, but this seemed appealing to me, lol. I did used to work in restaurants in college a bit. I also am a cancer and do identify with liking homey things. I've had a ball at the cooking classes and I get to eat there too.

                  My unemployment did just get extended due to the economy and a federal bill that passed. However I have been feeling a little lean bc it's less than I used to make even when I worked the cooking classes. I had been getting by but then there were some things I wanted to be able to cover and not worry about if I would be able to or not. The cooking classes are not a regular thing. I only did it twice this month.

                  So I just started looking for a little more work. In a very short time I landed a pt accounting job (I start tomorrow) that is very close by. I didn't even have to go through the staffing agency. Hopefully I will like the job.

                  Another unexpected thing was my brother visited out of the blue. He's always on the go and called recently to tell me he had found a very cheap flight out here. He just left today and we had so much fun while he visited

                  I also have an aunt and uncle coming through town tomorrow but that one's been planned for a while.

                  Even so I do feel more prosperity or abundance (not just in $) going on right now.

                  Keep your mind on the aether


                  • #10
                    Hey Jess! Thanks for the bday wish!


                    • #11
                      To the cutest people in the world ...

                      I can't wait to know what this is all about



                      • #12
                        Hi Everyone


                        The things that I've noticed could be attributed to the Trauma Free module as well, but I'll mention everything new anyway.

                        * I've been more aware of changes I need to make in my own attitude, outlook and perspective, particularly regarding relationships.

                        * I've been aware of quite a few references to the past - a sudden rash of people from my past making contact, and I've been realising links between certain things now, and things in the past and past relationships.

                        * Pieces have come together on a couple of projects, that seemed to be stuck before, recently things seem to be coming together perfectly.

                        * I seem to have been more aware of my inner guidance. a) remembering to check in with it (something I usually don't think of doing) and b) being aware of what it is (when I do think of checking in with it, I usually can't seem to "hear" the answer.

                        * Last night I had the most AMAZING Lucid Flying Dream!! Now, I was on the trial for the Lucid Dreaming module, and weirdly enough, I didn't have a Lucid Dream - until last night. I'm assuming that the Lucid Dreaming module has already been removed from my theatre, so I don't know if this dream is a result of processing from the mystery module, or other stuff, ... or if I'm just a bit of a late bloomer where these modules are concerned and am only catching up with the Lucid Dreaming module now lol My dreams over the last few weeks have been very VERY busy - a lOt of "working out" dreams, figuring things out etc. And last night's Lucid Flying Dream was, apart from GREAT fun - I LOVE flying, also about developing control. Practicing the skill of controling my flying and controling my dream. I changed an object from one thing to another (felt like Harry Potter! hee heee ) As with the other things, the dreams could well be related to the Trauma module.

                        I thiiiiink that's all. Can't think of anything else at the moment.

                        Love and Light and Mystery xxx
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                        • #13
                          In the mystery and loving it!

                          I have been loving this module:
                          When I started it I was on my way to NY. I had the most awesome trip! Everything went so well! My class was magical, every word that came out of my mouth was clear and creative. Speaking in the group was easy and effortless. People have been really generous to me, not only giving me big tips when I gave sessions and the pool owners waived the pool fee but generous in sharing feelings and connection. I feel taken care of by the universe and feel tremendous gratitude.

                          Another thing I have noticed is there is a resolution about what I like and don't like. Discernment. I like this and not that and following through with it. I'm not a door mat anymore!

                          There is another area I have noticed a change is working on new projects and feeling very creative and following through. I have developed a new body work modality and am creating a poster and will be working with my community to test it. I have a plan to enlarge my Bemer business and Aaron is sending me all kinds of good stuff for Paths business. (Thanks!)

                          What fun!
                          for gratitude, Inika



                          • #14
                            forgot some:

                            It was my birthday as well (Happy birthday all you Libras) and I was flying home from NY. I decided to take stock of many areas in my life and create plans and goals to move forward.

                            I am also not at all upset by the financial crisis that is happening. It just seems to flow over me and I have a very positive attitude even though I might have lost a good bit of money. I keep thinking about how fun it will be living under the freeway with all my friends!
                            for gratitude, Inika



                            • #15

                              Originally posted by Inika View Post

                              I'm not a door mat anymore!

                              I loved that expression


