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Mystery Module Reporting ~ Unveiled

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  • #31
    Hi My Lovies...

    I just read this post from PATHS and for the moment, I only have this response:

    Oh...Hee Hee...I guess Dr. Pearl is gonna have to start settling for a short weekend away with just his wife rather than a long, expensive European vacation with his entire family!!!

    Thank You, PATHS!!!!

    With MUCH Love and Gratitude,

    My PATHS Website
    My Art Website
    My Paintings As Prints
    My Facebook


    • #32
      dental results

      Greetings Everyone,

      Tonight I'll scan something in and post my results.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #33
        Teeth and Gum Health!

        Ha Ha Ha, Not only do you gain healthier teeth and gums, but a wonderful side affect is Your Hairstyle gets better too!!


        • #34
          Mary was one of the participants in this test, as was I.

          I knew what it was, she did not.

          I asked her this afternoon if she noticed anything about her gums or teeth....she said she has not, but that she has really healthy gums and teeth already.

          Since I knew about it, it is hard to say my results. I have not noticed any difference in my teeth or gums.

          I have been brushing my teeth more....4-6 times a day...but that is probably because I knew what this was about.

          I did NOT know that there was anything about smiling in the module...this is really interesting...because the last few weeks several people have commented that I was smiling more than normal, in fact a couple people were teasing me about it, and Mary even got a picture this weekend of me smiling, which is really unusual.

          Hopefully there are benefits going on "below the surface" for my gums and teeth! I do NOT like visits to the dentist.


          PATHS For Healing
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          • #35
            Two weeks ago I lost my drivers license and had to replace it. They had to retake my picture for it. When they handed it to me I saw that I was smileing in the picture. Usualy my license picture is an unhappy face. I thought it was odd but neat at the time. Now we know why I was smileing.


            • #36
              Admin. How long do we get to keep this mod? Thanks. Mark.


              • #37

                lol, too funny
                i was thinking something mystical
                not teeth
                well befor i knew what modual it was.. i did check my gums (since someone had mentioned healthy gums)
                and my gums are amazing
                ui have really strong teeth in my family anyhow... yet my gums weren't the greatest... cuz i hate to floss
                ya i know.. but we all can't fit oral hygiene perefction
                i do enough, lol my mouth is clean
                i also had this urge to brush my teeth more often
                i though that had to do with being more attentive to myself...
                and about smilling
                well i smile alot anyhow
                but i guess i can say it may have affected things for me, cuz my boss noticed me smiling more.. and hense how i am beeming with lgiht when smiling
                and the room lights up
                althogh i did think i smiled alot anyways
                hense more hours at work
                (customer service... smiling is important)
                who knew oral hygiene could be so benificial..
                peace out
                Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                • #38
                  hello again

                  i wanted to mention too, that it seems odd too that i would quit smoking while on this module...
                  is there something in it that directs one to avoid things that would be unhealthy for the mouth.
                  like cigarettes
                  healthy mouth and smoking don't seem like they would go together.
                  Is a quit smoking module in the works???
                  just wondering??
                  this might be something that may help thanks
                  Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                  • #39
                    my dental results

                    Hi everyone,

                    I'm EXCITED to report the following:

                    The bigger the number, the bigger the pocket
                    showing where bone had degenerated allowing
                    the gum to not necessarily recede but sink in.

                    June 6, 2008 is my last visit when I had mercury
                    fillings removed in addition to having a basic cleaning
                    and reading.

                    My most recent visit was October 9, 2008.

                    I have only used the dental module for about the
                    last 8 weeks. Also, during this time, I specifically
                    did NOT floss and I dropped tooth brushing down
                    from 3 times a day to twice a day only when I woke
                    up and before going to sleep. This was to give the
                    module more of a challenge to work against simply
                    to prove the sheer power and effectiveness of
                    what the PATHS technology is capable of doing.

                    In the following chart, it shows the results in June
                    and then again in October. The ones circled in
                    GREEN are IMPROVEMENTS and the RED are ones
                    that got WORSE

                    8 pockets got bigger during this time.


                    19 - COUNT THEM....NINETEEN IMPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    There are only two things I did, brush and floss less and use the
                    PATHS dental module!

                    As the assistant was recording the numbers on the computer,
                    each improvement she kept giving a BIG "HMMMMM" with the
                    intonation getting higher and higher pitched at as she said
                    HMMMMM. She was pretty shocked!

                    Anyway, this and Pamela's report...the only one on the mystery module that went to the dentist it seems had the dentist comment to her how her teeth were whitening. The same is happening to mine too...a little whitening. I have a false tooth top and center because it got knocked out years ago. I had a removable pallet (flipper) for a long time and now I have had the Marilyn Bridge there since about 1991 or 1992, which is very unusual to have one last this long. Anyway, I have that tooth to gauge my tooth color
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #40
                      Hmmmm... This is hard to say!

                      This is really hard to say...

                      Like I mentioned before, I am probably not a good subject for this because I do not get plaque on my teeth in the first place. My idea of yellow teeth is what most people would call really white!

                      As far as oral hygiene... Ever since I was a kid I was obsessive compulsive about brushing my teeth and washing my hands all the time. If I eat something I brush my teeth... I drink something besides water I brush my teeth. I touch anything especially an animal I wash my hands! If anything I have been more relaxed about my oral hygiene. As a matter of fact today, I only brushed my teeth twice before leaving for work today! Go Figure!

                      I have no idea about the whole smiling thing... Nobody has mentioned it to me... But I am at a new job, and I am working in retail, so a smile is required there! Although I work in the Cash office as a bean counter, so we don't see a lot of customers. I only deal with customers when they want something gift wrapped.

                      Although it does seem like a great module and I would love to have my kids on this module, and probably would be good for long term use for me too, as I am not big on flossing... my teeth are so close together that floss gets stuck!

                      Sorry, I could not be of more help on this one... Hey if you come up with a module that will get rid of my orthodontist I would love that one... Yea and if it could put my jaw back to new condition and the jaw doesn't run on the tendon...

                      Blessings and Love Sallyjane
                      Last edited by zartgirl; 10-28-2008, 03:50 AM.


                      • #41

                        Oh, Aaron!

                        This documentation from your dentist is FABULOUS!

                        I am remembering that when I had my crowns installed a number of pics were taken... When I visit again in a few months, I will be sure to request that they snap another and if Dr. Pearl will be kind enough to lend them to me for scanning! It would be so fun to do a comparison and contrast of my upper and lower pearly whites! AND...I can actually say that I am looking forward to my next exam-visit to see if THAT also makes Dr. Pearl's eyes go wide with incredulous wonder!!!

                        Thanks Again, My PATHS Lovies!!!

                        With Much Love and Gratitude,

                        My PATHS Website
                        My Art Website
                        My Paintings As Prints
                        My Facebook


                        • #42
                          This module sounds awesome!!!
                          When will it become available for the rest of us not-quite-as-white smile-ers??

                          Last edited by Ayurved; 10-30-2008, 03:19 PM.
                          Life in Balance Ayurveda



                          • #43
                            We are discussing how we want to move forward with this module.

                            We are still waiting to hear from the following people that have been using this module:


                            Happiness & Health,

                            PATHS, S.A. Staff



                            • #44
                              It appears those 4 are not going to comment on their experience.

                              Our plan for this Module is to leave it in everyone's Theater as a piggybacked Module until it is released publicly.

                              We expect it will be released publicly sometime before the first of the year.

                              If you have any further comments regarding any experience with your teeth, gums, smiling, dental hygiene, please share it in this thread.

                              Happiness & Health,

                              PATHS, S.A. Staff


