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Who are the healthiest

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  • #16
    juicy steak

    Originally posted by Doug View Post
    You're right about that Mark!
    I read the ZERO LIMITS book by Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len PhD about Ho 'oponopono. When they met and later went to lunch Mr. Len suggested they go grab a burger at this one place in HI. Joe was surprised and said something like "Don't you eat healthy food with all you know?" Mr Len responded "I just send love to my food first before eating."

    Hey Mark, I'm gonna have to say - the people of Sweden.

    Doug, that reminds me of a story I was told by a MD I worked for. He was good friends with Linus Pauling and at dinner one night, Pauling ordered a big juicy steak and other food that is 'supposed' to be bad for cholesterol, etc... He asked Pauling if he was worried about heart disease and other problems and was told that if the body gets enough of the right nutrients, the cholesterol will take care of itself.

    The doctor said he was conditioned to believe eggs were poisonous and caused cholesterol, etc... and that conversation made him think about the myths about food and health or at least there may be more than meets the eye.

    This is different than applying the mind in a way that the body deals with food different but goes to show that many paradigms or myths are usually based on incomplete information.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #17

      This is a very interesting thread, but I doubt Japanese are the healthiest, because I don't think that longevity = health. I think that one can live a long life with chronic sickness. As far as I know most of Japanese people wear glasses which is an indication of chronic strain I suppose. I think that happiness has a direct relationship to health, now we must find the happiest and peaceful country!

      Anyway, some thoughts

      Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


      • #18

        Originally posted by Kevin View Post
        Just a thought that is trying to work its' way into my consciousness...

        What group of people are the most healthy in the world?

        As a group (of course there are exceptions), but as a group-

        Who do you think is most healthy?


        I believe I know, but am interested to hear others thoughts.

        I think its the Europeans

        perhaps i am missing the point of the question, but
        i don't think you could isolate one group of anysort.
        i say this cuz in emotional
        well that is talking about a balance between them all
        and within a group i think to hold a balance (some of one and some of another) you wouldnt have mass amounts of healthy people in one place...
        but many throughout..
        but as i write this i realize i would have to think about this a bit...

        I remeber watching a show on TV once about a group of people who lived for a very long time... they7 are on an Island somewhere but i don't remember if there was a spiritual aspect to there lifestyle... but they did talk about there diet.

        ok what about the group who are spread out all over the place... lol.. and spend much time going within and connecting to there true self LOVE

        ya that would be people on paths and some who haven't found us yet...
        these are my scatered thoughts on this.
        Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me


        • #19
          longevity and health

          There have been a lot of very specific groups that supplement companies have championed as being the longest living...of course it supports their product.

          The Hunza with their glacial water with all the minerals and hydrogen content... microhydrin product

          The Okinawans - coral calcium marketing angle...claiming the longevity is from all the calcium from coral

          One village in Japan where the AVERAGE age of the people there was in the 80's and I don't recall the exact diet but the meals they ate had the volume of the fist since that is the size of the stomach...without it being all stretched out from overeating.

          It might have been in Ageless Body Timeless Mind by Deepak Chopra that showed the common denominator of centurions (living to 100) was undernourishment...not malnourished....but small portions..all the necessary nutrients but no overeating.

          I know longevity doesn't equal good health so I agree with Elias but for the most part, the people I have known that lived the longest...90's+ were all in exceptional health.

          My mom's, dad's, mom..(my great grandmother) lived to 99. She was Irish and Cherokee. When she was in her early 90's...she fell and broke her hip...and COMPLETELY healed in less than 3 months and that was a hip fracture!!! She always took her vitamins, other supplements, drank a lot of herbal teas so always had good nutrition. She took care of people all her life nursing them so was compassionate that eyeglasses. She could drive almost all the way to the end, worked in the yard and ate popular meals like roast beef, potatoes, veggies, etc... lots of Texan food...she lived most her life in Ft. Worth, TX. She died of "old age".

          My dad's mom is in her mid 90's I believe and is in Kyushu, Japan. No eyeglasses, incredible health and easy going with a good sense of humor as my great grandmother had mentioned above. Neither of them smoked. She eats a very traditional Japanese diet so gets good nutrition, plenty of fatty acids, etc...

          Longevity runs in my family on both sides and good diet and/or supplements have been passed down as well as whatever else. I know I could easily wreck my chances by living on a soda pop potato chip diet but I'm not. I see that the long livers I know personally had a LIGHT HEART about life and know how to laugh.

          The above are longevity examples, BUT they are/were some of the healthiest people I knew with NO degenerative dis-eases.

          Another was one of my best friend's Rodger's fathers (step father)...he lived to 99...Henry Clum. Rodger is a qigong master as well as a supergenius inventor so Henry was in good hands. They lived together at the end of Henry's life. Henry did have severe arthritis that crippled his hands so he couldn't open them. Over some period of time, Rodger kept at him with the nutrients, especially trace minerals and the most highly potentialized electrolytes on the planet made by our friend John Kitkoski. Eventually, Henry could open and close his hands near perfectly. Henry could finish the Spokesman Review newspaper crossword puzzle in 15 minutes flat every morning so he was sharp as a tack. He did wear glasses but was pretty good otherwise. He walked on an electric treadmill in his bedroom for almost an hour every single day and walked up and down a flight of stairs at least 10-20 times a day...a good size staircase with a landing in a magnificently HUGE Victorian style house. He ate several PIES every single lots of trans fats, processed sugars, etc... and he ate very big portions at every single meal. He was extremely disciplined in his supplement routine, etc...was an engineer with Burlington Northern around the Yakima WA area for years back in his day so he knew how to keep to a strict schedule
          Anyway, Henry was an anomaly! When he was about 95, I saw his hair gradually turn from gray to black amongst other things. Rodger was always giving him the work over with qigong plus the nutrients...and he was very healthy till the end. One time he fell and bumped his head and Rodger took him to the hospital just to check him out even though he seemed ok. They wanted to keep him over just to keep an eye on him. The intern gave him Atenolol - it dropped his blood pressure so much it killed him in a few days. The doctor on the charts admitted what happened...didn't even check his blood pressure...assumed it is a 99 year old man would have high blood pressure and prescribed that!! Normally his blood pressure is LOW...dropped it further and killed him...another example of iatrogenic "illness" from the medical industry. Sure miss Henry!

          Anyway, Henry shattered the paradigm of someone that lives long and healthy by eating all the wrong stuff, etc... but goes to show the power of qigong and biochemistry.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #20
            Wow, this is such a complex question...
            Its kind of 2 questions...what is health, and then who is healthiest. I have to agree with it being about balance.

            Today, everything is so complex.
            If being surrounded by nature, and a strong spiritual core helps you be healthy....many of the areas in which this is true, life is physically very difficult and challenging to health. I spent some time in Kyrgyzstan, where there is zero garbage, no or little pollution, its beautiful, food is picked from yards away and prepared (delicious!) and they have a strong community and spiritual core....but life is physically very harsh. In traditionally 'healthy' places like Japan, they are now working insane hours and consuming american junk food....and getting tons of modern diseases.

            People who are older, have the benefit of being born of more strength and healthier conditions. Twenty years ago a can of soup, while maybe not as good as homemade, was at least still food, canned soup today isn't. Besides being 'fake', products weren't as 'old' by the time they reached your plate (bag of flour can be a year old in store now), weren't saturated in pesticides and chemicals. Cheese puffs for instance should be called 'entertainment' not 'food'. Even if you try and eat well, food doesn't have the vitality and nutrition it used to.

            People back then kept a schedule....meals were 'early' and they had 3 squares, same time every day...which helps the body a lot, to digest well, not make toxins and avoid stress. Skipping or delaying a meal puts the body into crisis mode. Kids today...are born from less healthy, stressed out parents, and raised with bad food, too many chemicals, our crazy pollution and something like 32 vaccines before the age of 12.

            Even if you go with LOA, alot of the modern pesstulance dulls the mind and the subtle channels that would allow one to have greater control over their physiology, mind and spirit to overcome these things.

            Well, I guess we know a lot about how to NOT be healthy!!! ....I wonder how things are in Figi?

            In Peace & Gratitude,
            Last edited by Ayurved; 11-12-2008, 05:43 PM.
            Life in Balance Ayurveda



            • #21
              I would go with Illusions, Aaron and others with their comments like - children who are valued, people with a light heart, and being happy. Love being key in all respects.

              Does that equate to being Emotionally healthy?

              Personally, whenever I focus on any one area it leads to the next. If I am focused on, for example, phycial health, at some point that focus takes a leaning to Spiritual health (or Emotional, or Mental). It's a continual spiraling in no particular order but a natural progression from one to a next and unique to the individual and the occasion. This, to me, is the balance - a progressive spiraling (up) for one wiling to undertake the path.

              But key to all and when things really begin to "work" for good health relates directly to Love and Joy. I think it is this Emotional Health that particularly kicks the spiral up a notch and keeps ratchetting (sp?) things up.


              • #22
                Children are the healthiest group

                My strong belief is that children are the healthiest group of people in the world.

                There are several reasons I believe this:

                1. Up until about age 23 the physical body is growing and at its' peak operating condition. The immune system is at its' peak. Children, as a rule get more sleep than adults...this is very important to health.

                From about age 20-30 it levels off.

                After age 30 (without from PATHS) the body is genetically programmed to deteriorate (become less healthy).

                2. Most children (certainly more than most adults) receive/experience unconditional Love. The healthy results of this cannot be overemphasized.

                3. Most children are much more connected to the collective unconscious ON A LEVEL THAT AFFECTS THEIR CONSCIOUS THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS than most adults. This certainly provides for a more harmonious (healthy) self integration.

                4. Most children have not been subjected to abuse, misguided education, lost dreams, disappointments, etc. while most adults have been.

                5. Probably the most healthy traits anyone can have on an emotional and spiritual plane are-


                As a rule, most children have more of these three traits than most adults.

                Think about a child. They are innocent, full of hope, unconditional love and acceptance, faith that anything and everything is possible. They have the wisdom of simplicity.

                6. Children seem to automatically know and live by the law of attraction. While adults have made a huge industry out of "discovering" this miraculous principle, children automatically live by it everyday.

                It seems like I could write a book on each of these that point to children being the healthiest group of people in the world....and there are probably many more facets of this truth.

                BUT...most of us reading this are adults!

                Where does this leave those of us that want to be healthy and happy, like children?

                Jesus said- "I tell you the truth, unless you change, and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

                This tells me that we (adults) can, and should, become like little children.

                Happy, carefree, hopeful, excited, learning, exploring, living by the law of attraction, child-like human beings.

                This can take care of much health in the non-physical arena, and we have PATHS and an array of other tools we have discovered in our exciting journey that can ameliorate the timebomb of genetic aging.

                My next post will be a copy of something I posted awhile ago in the PATHS Affiliate MBP forum that talks even more about the joy of child-like life!


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                • #23
                  A child's happiness and innocence

                  A child's happiness and innocence

                  Worry...what is up with that?

                  Who are the happiest human beings you have ever met?


                  They do not worry.

                  They play.

                  They are excited about life.

                  They are constantly learning.

                  They do not worry.

                  They explore.

                  They have adventures.

                  All life is an exciting adventure.

                  They dream exciting dreams.

                  They dream of what they can do.

                  They dream of what they will do.

                  They are carefree.

                  They do not worry.

                  They know that when they encounter an obstacle it is just another opportunity to explore different ways to get around or over it.

                  They dream fantastic dreams.

                  They do NOT believe it when weary, dream-dead, somber, unhappy adults tell them they cannot live their dreams.

                  They just dream more about how they can do what they want to do.

                  They are enthusiastic, happy, positive, human beings.

                  Being an "adult" is WAY overrated!

                  Children have the key to life.

                  Jesus said- "I tell you the truth, unless you change, and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

                  How did all these dead, boring, stick in the mud, fretful, fearful, negative, adults ever become this way? At one time they were happy, carefree, excited, adventure loving children! Now they are the walking dead, a traveling toxic waste dump, spreaders of negativity, infecting those around them with the disease of hopelessness.

                  They have lost the secret of dreaming fantastic dreams. They have believed a lie. Somewhere along the road of life they have lost their childlike innocence of a wonderful world full of adventure.

                  The wonderful thing is that everyone can unlearn being an "adult" and regain their child-like enthusiasm for life!

                  20 year olds, 30 year olds, 40 year olds, 50 year olds, 60 year olds, 70 year olds, 80 year olds, 90 year olds, 100+ year olds, anyone can start dreaming again!

                  They can lay down their burden of concerns and become child-like in their innocence and excitement for life, for learning, for opening that new door, for adventure, for knowing that life is made of dreams.

                  G.K Chesterton said- "Fairy Tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."

                  Wise, experienced, adults spew the negativity that comes from "experience" stating that dragons can't be slayed, or that they don't even exist, or that maybe you can beat them with years of agonizing therapy.

                  Children just dream up a hundred different ways to go about getting it done! And it is an adventure and fun to do it!!!

                  There is nothing quite as invigorating as dreaming a fantastic dream, as becoming like a child and seeing life for the exciting wonderful opportunity to endlessly explore and grow and learn and have fun and invent things, and ignore proper grammar, and know that nothing is impossible.

                  Life is going to happen, why not make it an adventure, return to a child-like innocence and enthusiasm about how fun and exciting it can be to travel such a opportunity laden path.

                  Learn to dream again! Dream BIG dreams! Dream Fun Dreams. Refuse the toxic waste dumps of "adult" thinking.

                  Enjoy the beauty of innocence and carefree living in a world that is only better from Dreaming Big Dreams!


                  PATHS For Healing
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                  • #24
                    After reading the above post, which I wrote back on 10-28-08, I realized that there was one thing I would change in it.

                    Dreams, whether "large" or "small" are equally powerful. It is NOT the "size" of a dream that matters...what matters is that we dream!


                    PATHS For Healing
                    Energetic Science Ministries
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                    ESM Forum Support Link


                    • #25
                      Brilliant, brilliant brilliant!

                      This reminds me so much of an incident the other night. I walked in and my wife was watching one of these reality shows. A daughter of one of the women was extremely excited about starting a new business. She had secured funding and was ready to go and her Mother sits her down and tells her how she took business in college and knew all about business. "Do you have a business plan?, without a business plan you will fail", "starting a business is hard", "Do you know what you are getting into". She went on and on filling this child's head with her crippling "Toxic" statements.

                      I wondered out loud why people do this type of thing to others, especially their own children!

                      There is absolutely no substitute for passion. Sure good planning and solid execution are important, but you can succeed without a business plan, you can succeed without perfect execution, but you cannot succeed without passion.

                      I was recently blessed with another son and you are right Kevin, right from birth he seemed to have an abundance of hope, and abundance of faith and an abundance of love.

                      He also takes on every endeavor, no matter how small it may seem, with a great deal of passion.

                      It is now my job to make sure he knows not to let anyone take those qualities away from him, because they are the only ones that are important.


                      • #26
                        Awesome posts, Kevin!

                        This is why I so loved going to the Matrix Energetics seminar with Richard. It was the wildest experience I've ever had at a seminar and was like taking a workshop with Mary Poppins and Dick Van Dyck...totally way out there in play and fun and healing and joy in every way and no other way to explain it; totally child's play...(not to do a plug but doing a plug anyway). I highly, highly recommend it!!!

                        Love and Light,


                        • #27
                          Raindancer -

                          Gary - that is what I was trying to say. Passion, excitement for life and opportunities, so much of it has been "educated" right out of people. Then these wonderfully excited, PASSIONATE children turn into boring, glass half empty adults!

                          Have fun with your son. I know I had a blast with my daughter (and still do), she is 26 and still passionate about life!


                          PATHS For Healing
                          Energetic Science Ministries
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                          ESM Forum Support Link


                          • #28
                            Check out this quote that Grace put in the general discussions subforum!

                            Worrying is like paying on a debt that may never come due.
                            Will Rogers

                            I it!!!


                            PATHS For Healing
                            Energetic Science Ministries
                            Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                            ESM Forum Support Link


                            • #29
                              WE generation

                              I think this is the best place to post this video.
                              I see it here:

                              This is exciting!!!
                              for gratitude, Inika



                              • #30

                                I like that video...thanks for posting it!


                                PATHS For Healing
                                Energetic Science Ministries
                                Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                                ESM Forum Support Link

