Recently I had someone PM me the following question:
[I have a friend who] is a devout Christian, and I am not sure how to suggest the Paths to her??? Very dualistic beliefs...
Here are my initial thoughts on the subject...I would welcome any other thoughts.
I have never seen anything in any (or at least most) of the PATHS descriptions that is contrary to a dualistic belief system. I know that MANY PEOPLE INTERPRET what is in the PATHS Descriptions as contrary to Dualistic beliefs.
If you present the PATHS Modules per the written description, with no coloring of a non-dualistic belief system, I do not believe that a Bible believing Christian will any issues.
They (Christians) believe in the are a few...
"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he". That is what PATHS is all about, putting constructive thoughts in ones inner core/subconscious/heart.
"In everything give thanks..."
"Always have Hope and Love..."
"Seek wisdom with all your heart..."
You can see how these are relevant to PATHS.
All PATHS Modules do is give instructions to the subconscious. There may be a few Modules that have instructions that a Christian maybe uncomfortable with...Ho’oponopono Healing (since it is rooted in a non-christian religion), there may be a few others. Just do not recommend those to her.
I, myself, am a believer of the Bible and do not see any conflicts.
I have MANY PATHS Customers that are Christians, some even Missionaries. No problems.
[I have a friend who] is a devout Christian, and I am not sure how to suggest the Paths to her??? Very dualistic beliefs...
Here are my initial thoughts on the subject...I would welcome any other thoughts.

I have never seen anything in any (or at least most) of the PATHS descriptions that is contrary to a dualistic belief system. I know that MANY PEOPLE INTERPRET what is in the PATHS Descriptions as contrary to Dualistic beliefs.
If you present the PATHS Modules per the written description, with no coloring of a non-dualistic belief system, I do not believe that a Bible believing Christian will any issues.
They (Christians) believe in the are a few...
"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he". That is what PATHS is all about, putting constructive thoughts in ones inner core/subconscious/heart.
"In everything give thanks..."
"Always have Hope and Love..."
"Seek wisdom with all your heart..."
You can see how these are relevant to PATHS.
All PATHS Modules do is give instructions to the subconscious. There may be a few Modules that have instructions that a Christian maybe uncomfortable with...Ho’oponopono Healing (since it is rooted in a non-christian religion), there may be a few others. Just do not recommend those to her.
I, myself, am a believer of the Bible and do not see any conflicts.
I have MANY PATHS Customers that are Christians, some even Missionaries. No problems.