Mood Elevation ~ Peace & Happiness

Mood Elevation ~ Peace & Happiness
Increased Peace & Happiness
Product Description:
This Module is designed to aid you in energetically releasing harmful energy that can affect your day-to-day mood. When you succeed in removing these energy obstacles, your mood can be noticeably elevated and feelings of joy and happiness can ensue.
This Module can support your mind’s ability to:
Increase serotonin levels
Calm and balance neurotransmitters
Balance all opioid peptides
Balance the unconscious and the conscious
Increase dopamine production
Increase self certainty
Increase sense of humor
Success Stories:
I have been doing Mood Elevation ~ Peace & Happiness and I have to tell you that THIS IS HUGE!!!!!! It has been about two weeks and things have gotten better day-by-day, but today is simply amazing!
I am vibrating on a whole new plane. Life is good; life is fabulous; life is freakin’ awesome.
I'm getting a flood of understanding, allowing, peace, happiness, enlightenment, love, gushiness (LOL), and the list goes on.
-Kim Pearson*
I have been plagued by depression for more years than I want to think about. I have suffered, those around me have suffered. Nothing ever seemed to get better.
The different prescriptions only dulled things and made me more lethargic, then I would quit taking them and feel better for awhile and then crash.
A couple of months ago my boyfriend convinced me to give the PATHS Mood Elevation a try. I did so out of desperation not to lose him.
What a difference! Within the first week I was feeling much better, during the second month I realized that I felt better than I had in years!
I do not know how you do it, sitting 6 minutes a week watching the Theater presentation has made all the difference in being able to deal with stresses that before I just ran away from.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Please do not ever stop with this.

Mood Elevation ~ Peace & Happiness
Increased Peace & Happiness
Product Description:
This Module is designed to aid you in energetically releasing harmful energy that can affect your day-to-day mood. When you succeed in removing these energy obstacles, your mood can be noticeably elevated and feelings of joy and happiness can ensue.
This Module can support your mind’s ability to:
Increase serotonin levels
Calm and balance neurotransmitters
Balance all opioid peptides
Balance the unconscious and the conscious
Increase dopamine production
Increase self certainty
Increase sense of humor
Success Stories:
I have been doing Mood Elevation ~ Peace & Happiness and I have to tell you that THIS IS HUGE!!!!!! It has been about two weeks and things have gotten better day-by-day, but today is simply amazing!
I am vibrating on a whole new plane. Life is good; life is fabulous; life is freakin’ awesome.
I'm getting a flood of understanding, allowing, peace, happiness, enlightenment, love, gushiness (LOL), and the list goes on.
-Kim Pearson*
I have been plagued by depression for more years than I want to think about. I have suffered, those around me have suffered. Nothing ever seemed to get better.
The different prescriptions only dulled things and made me more lethargic, then I would quit taking them and feel better for awhile and then crash.
A couple of months ago my boyfriend convinced me to give the PATHS Mood Elevation a try. I did so out of desperation not to lose him.
What a difference! Within the first week I was feeling much better, during the second month I realized that I felt better than I had in years!
I do not know how you do it, sitting 6 minutes a week watching the Theater presentation has made all the difference in being able to deal with stresses that before I just ran away from.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Please do not ever stop with this.