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Immediate changes with PATHS

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  • Immediate changes with PATHS

    are you able to get instant results using PATHS? like beliefs, changes in body, health, psycho- & behavioral issues, etc?

    or, is PATHS 'slower' of a process?

    i want to use subsconscious programming to alter beliefs about myself & alter things about me, including DNA reprogramming
    would using binaural beats work for this (a simple way of getting into a lower brain frequency & then make my intentions from there), or would PATHS be the only method for this?

    im looking for instant changes b/c im kind of on a time limit of about 3 weeks, & ive got many changes to make


  • #2
    PATHS working fast

    Hi bmlyeryk,

    PATHS is one of the fastest processes for certain things.

    Many of the biological energy modules have very fast results. The mood elevator module for example is very, very fast for just about anyone using it. The sleep module that comes free with any module package gives results the exact same night for most people.

    With habits or thought patterns such as the Confidence Boosting module, or eat right habits module, etc... those depend on the person. For some people, they experience real change in days but depending on how deeply rooted the negative patterns are, it could take longer such as a few weeks or months.

    I would use the binaural beat soundtracks no matter what because it does help to integrate more "whole brain thinking" by balancing the left/right and audio/visual. The binaural brainwave soundtracks will NOT give any kind of instantaneous results other than instant relaxation or stimulation depending on the frequencies.

    With anything, it is important to have realistic expectations but PATHS is very powerful, fast and effective for most people most of the time.

    If you have a three week deadline to change things, I would strongly caution you against having unrealistic expectations that may not happen in that time frame. This doesn't mean it is not possible. It means that sometimes when people feel rushed and take different things on, they are disappointed because of not meeting expectations of certain things within unrealistic time frames. The modules from PATHS for example, I have no doubt they will make a difference but will the difference be what you really want by three weeks, I don't know.

    Without knowing what you personally want to accomplish, I can't give you a better answer. If it is something you want to keep private or discuss in private, feel free to private message me.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #3
      Hi Aaron,

      About binurual beats...should I use them in addition to the paths theatre? Will it make Paths more effective? Is there anything I can use while sleeping that will enhance Paths?

      Thanks, Amy


      • #4
        Increase benefits of PATHS while sleeping

        Hi Amy,

        I believe anyone can benefit from the binaural beat soundtracks. I also believe by creating a more effective cross brain communication network that the instructions may be processed more effectively by the brain.

        Anyone using binaurals can also benefit from a very bioavailable amino source like: E3Live
        because although the processing doesn't come close to what PATHS does, there are still new connections stimulated by the binaurals.

        Besides the sleep module itself, I believe this is already when much of the PATHS module's benefits are processed by the brain much like when we dream a lot is sorted out that was soaked up over the day.

        I don't think there is anything necessary to do to increase the effectiveness of PATHS while we are sleeping.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #5
          Hi Bmlyeryk

          You've had a great answer from Aaron already, and I'd just like to add to it...

          As Aaron said, it depends completely on the the individual, the module, and what is already there...

          It depends on what programming is already in place, and how much needs to be changed before results can be noticed.

          For example, a person may want to have more organisational skills, and perhaps the reason they don't have those skills now, is that they were never taught how... in which case, they'll probably see results quite quickly from that module.

          However, another person may have programming in them that is related to organizational skills, that resists organisation. (and they may even be completely unaware of this!) For example, childhood trauma involving a compulsively neat adult (just one possible example - there are many many possibilities), in this case, it will take much much longer for this person to see any results from the organisational module, because so much has to be undone first.

          And each of those people may have a completely different result time-frame with different modules.

          Like if you want to paint a picture, if you have a blank canvass, you can just paint the picture. But if there is already something on there, you'll need to clean it first, or create a new canvass and that can take time... and only then can you start painting the picture. So it really depends on the person and the module.

          There are some things you can do, which will help the work Paths does, to progress more quickly (taking away resistance), and here are some of them:

          * Sleep as much as you can. As Aaron mentioned in his answer to Amy, most of the work is done during sleep.

          * Make sure you take enough Spirulina and drink enough water. Your brain will obviously be able to process the changes more efficiently and faster if it has enough fuel.

          * Start becoming aware of how you treat yourself, how you feel about yourself and how you speak to yourself. These will be the result of subconscious programming and patterns that you're wanting to change, and Paths will be doing the work to change those automatically, but you can help to speed up the process by becoming aware of the Conscious choices you're making, and, where possible, being more compassionate with yourself. Treat yourself as you would a loved one who is going through a difficult time.

          * Take it easy as much as you can. Prioritize doing what feels good in the moment. When we are healing physically - for example from surgery, we are expected to stay in bed, take it easy, watch T.V., read, play board games or computer games, pamper ourselves... whatever will help us to feel better. However, when we are going through emotional and/or mental healing, none of this is really acknowledged. We generally force ourselves to soldier on. Now, I know you can't report in to work sick and tell them it's because you're rewiring your brain but you can take pressure off yourself in other ways, and you can take it easy and put things on hold that you don't HAVE to do right now; and you can be kind to yourself and treat yourself as you would a loved one who is healing from surgery.

          * Keep a journal of little changes you notice day to day (if you feel like it of course, it musn't be a chore - I don't like to keep journals, so I don't do this - it's all about doing what feeeeels good) If you do this, and read it back every now and then, you'll notice progress you wouldn't have been aware of otherwise - and that will encourage you and give you a more receptive mindset for further progress.

          * We have a built-in unconscious resistance to change - this is stronger in some people than it is in others, and it's stronger for some issues than it is for others. It's a survival tool. The more you can allow yourself to relax Generally, the less resistance, and therefore, the faster the progress of course.

          All of this is in addition to what Aaron has said above. No-one can know how long the changes will take, and three weeks is probably unrealistic to have completed all the changes you want. You may well experience SOME changes during those weeks however, and what I've suggested above, may well help those to be more effective than they would otherwise. But naturally there's no guarantee of that in that time-scale.

          Hope this helps.
          Love and Light and Magic xxx
          Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
          Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
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          • #6
            does this mean using binaural beats won't work to change something about me subconsciously (and quickly)?

            the [numerous] problems that i have, how do i explain this, really bother me, and i am indeed in stress to fix them

            some of them are: bad eyesight, skin problems (eczema, rosacea, KP etc), shyness (its disabling b/c i cant have any social relationships with anyone), some "autistic" habits, and many things about my body (i can not accept). theres a whole bunch, it's like a curse

            i'd hate it if it would take 2 years to fix all of this. im 16, & i definetely want all of these things solves by the time im near 18

            they say something called "Theta Healing" can produce instant results, but why not other methods? (im not into the "God" aspect).

            are there other equally effective methods that can reprogram DNA & thought patterns, & anything, "instantly"?

            if PATHS is the only effective method, is it possible to get it for free? i can't shop online & i dont have a lot of money


            PS forgot to mention, does setting a belief about yourself that something is different "right now" (not later) affect the speed of results as well?
            Last edited by bmlyeryk; 12-02-2008, 12:47 PM.


            • #7
              Binaural beats will change something in you immediately, however as far as physical effects like you listed I would not say they would change them immediately.

              PATHS contains binaural beats but other technology as well and it is effective on making fast physical and emotional changes.

              However that "fast" is often 2 weeks, not in an instant.

              The only free PATHS module is the project1world collective peace project. That one is great but for things like clearing up your skin, improving your mood, etc. there is a fee.

              I would suggest (if financially possible) choosing one module and trying it out. There is a $ back guarantee that you can have for any reason. It's up to you which one to start with. . .

              Keep your mind on the aether


              • #8
                Originally posted by future pather View Post
                Binaural beats will change something in you immediately, however as far as physical effects like you listed I would not say they would change them immediately.
                To elaborate a little, the binaural beats alone can change the state your mind is in (like there are different states of sleep). They could make you feel more relaxed and over time that may cause other changes. They may help you mind be more in touch with your subconscious, help you sleep, help you focus, etc. depending on how they are composed.

                Even just watching a comedy on tv can change your biochemistry and mood for a short time. In my experience binaural beats have a longer lasting effect than that, and PATHS is so effective you only need spend 3 minutes per topic you are addressing per week to experience very noticeable changes for as long as you use it or in some cases even after you stop using it. That's awesome

                Keep your mind on the aether


                • #9
                  so binaural beats can actually change a part of you too (like behavioral)/ why wont physical effects be immediate?

                  is 2 weeks a minimum speed, or do some take a few days? does your expectancy on how fast it is make a difference (like believing something about you is different right now, presently)

                  what exactly are the resons why results are not immediate? if its directly entering your subconscious, why is the process still slower, even if it changing a subconscious belief?

                  and, if using PATHS or any ther reltaed method, would it work if you adress multiple suggestions/changes in one session, or does it only work one at a time?
                  Last edited by bmlyeryk; 12-02-2008, 10:26 PM.


                  • #10
                    I think you are asking about the PATHS program.

                    I would have to figure that your subconscious will determine the best rate for you to have and notice changes and perhaps that is why they aren't always immediate.

                    A ways back I read in an NLP book that you can't make the subconscious accept instructions that are bad for you. So the sc is probably overall in charge and maybe taking time to sort it's way into accepting the new information you are presenting to it.

                    I have heard cases where people noticed a vibrational shift right while watching their PATHS theater for the first time with a particular module. However I believe that is less common than it happening over a bit of time.

                    As far as physical changes, even prescription a prescription drug, say for acne, wouldn't show an effect on your face the second you popped the pill. So there are issues such as your body needing to process new chemistry or however that all works, lol.

                    Two weeks is a common experience for people to notice significant changes in ways that seems clearly related to the PATHS program.

                    However you are correct in that it does depend on the individual, where they are with the issue(s) addressed, etc.

                    Keep your mind on the aether


                    • #11
                      even if im on a limit of 3 weeks for myself, would it be undoable for me to squeeze a few things into one "module" such as fixing eyesight, skin, & shyness altogether hoping they may all chnage in 2 weeks, b/c of feeling 'rushed'?


                      • #12
                        instant results

                        Hi, I mentioned the "rushed" part as being of concern because feeling rushed can give a feeling of unrealistic expectations. That doesn't mean there can't be results but expectations have to be kept in check.

                        I saw your post about other methods that are supposed to be instantaneous. I understand the underlying principles in this type of transformation and have witnessed it and have been the initiator myself, but only a few times have there been instant visible physical changes. If you can find a practitioner to make acne disappear instantly from one session, please post before and after pictures and other evidence of that because that would be very incredible to see.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #13
                          Bumping this up!
                          Happiness & Health,

                          PATHS, S.A. Staff


